Can you renew an education visa (ED visa) while in Thailand, and is the amnesty available for all visa types?

June 25, 2020
4 years ago
Li ****
Hi anyone on ed visa here leaving Thailand anytime soon because they're not allowing renewal inside of the country? (only for those on tourist visas on first ed visa can renew inside the country sniff) Or know any schools who can? Also, is the amnesty only for tourists? Seem to hear different answers. Some say it's for every kind of visa.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion focuses on the challenges of renewing an education visa (ED visa) in Thailand, with a specific concern about the inability to renew from within the country. It mentions that currently, only tourists can renew their first ED visa inside Thailand. Additionally, there is clarification that the amnesty applies to all visa types that have expired or have not been renewed, contrary to some beliefs that it is only for tourists.
Tod *********
If your last extension expires on the 16th of sept Li PL you're almost 12 WEEKS from needing to do anything about it.

I'd say sit back, stop panicking and wait to see if they get the country opened back up.
Li ****
@Tod ********
thanks Tod, sorry I'm a worrier. Ok.
Tod *********
@Li ***
how about stating what type of visa or extension you're on right now AND when you enrolled at the language school?
Li ****
@Tod ********
my last extension will expire on Sept 16 I'm on ed visa for thai Language first year.
Darren *******
Amnesty is for all visa types which have expired and/or not been renewed.
Mike *******
We are hardcore 🤣🤣🤣 it's a Facebook group offering Visa advice ffs your just grumpy old gits with a keyboard hardcore 🤣🤣
Kev **********
I bet when the amnesty was granted they where having fits and sleepless nights about it 🤣🤣 putting a petition together to have it overturned incase someone stayed an extra day in ther precious county 🤣🤣🤣
Mike *******
This what happens when you get on facebook after sang som 🤣🤣 anyway my comment stand for Thai visa advice on Facebook not the link above who I am sure are nice people 🤣🤣
Mike *******
Ah shit 🤣🤣🤣
Mike *******
What's worse is the fact you know there hoping and praying this amnesty ends bad so they can be all.smug and say we told you so 🤣
Alan *******
@Mike ******
haha, you know you can just correct the original post without posting a correction :) just click on the 3 dots on the right f the post and click "edit" - cheers
Mike *******
@Alan ******
thank you no dots on my phone have to hold down
Kev **********
@Mike ******
it's not the same group the one your thinking is s Facebook group called thai visa advice they are a pack of arseholes
Tod *********
, I'm an admin on that "other visa advice group" and while we are hard core and don't suffer fools lightly, we do provide accurate information. You just need thicker skin is all. :P
Kev **********
@Tod ********
it's the way they order people out of Thailand as if they themselves are immigration (I'm not saying you do) but others on ther 🤷‍♂️ . One of them just types the same reply to everyone 1🤣
Li ****
@Kev *****************
maybe we need to create a nonasshole thai visa advice group.
Kev **********
@Li ***
this group is really good in my opinion
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