Can You Change a Tourist Amnesty Visa to an Education Visa in Thailand?

July 14, 2020
4 years ago
Enoch ********
Anyone know if you can change a tourist amnesty visa to a education visa during this theme. I am asking for a friend. What are the options if you are on a tourist visa during this theme and want to stay longer in Thailand because it’s difficult to go back to the home country? Thanks in advance
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The current situation does not allow for a change from a tourist amnesty visa to any Non-Immigrant Type visa within Thailand. There is uncertainty about future announcements regarding extensions and new visas.
Robert *******
Yes, No, Maybe, we all are waiting for the announcement how this period will ends. a Time frame and instructions on how to get a new visa or new Extension of Stay or new valid period of stay will be explained in that announcement.
Tod *********
You cannot go from amnesty (which is no stamp) to any in country Non-Immigrant Type visa :(
Jens **********
@Tod ********
and when he/she get a 30 day extention (1900THB) and can this be changed to ED?
Tod *********
@Jens *********

that would be between him, his school and his immigration office. Most offices will not do in country conversions to ED visas for being enrolled in a private school, only for a degree program with a university
Jens **********
@Tod ********
ok thanks, talking about Thai Language on at University. We will ask the Immigration first.
Benjamin ******
@Jens *********
Universities offer degree programs (i.e. Bachelors, Masters) in Thai Language?
Jens **********
@Benjamin *****
I mean this program:
Benjamin ******
@Jens *********
That's not a university degree program :( That's a certificiate program..
Jens **********
@Benjamin *****
ok thank u for clarification.
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