Question about the new DTV visa. Can I apply for this new visa if I book and have confirmation of a thai cooking course? Typically the course class only lasts for a day? Is this valid?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the eligibility to apply for the new DTV visa with only a one-day cooking course booked. Responses indicate uncertainty, suggesting that this visa's criteria are not well-established yet. It's recommended to seek clarification from the embassy or relevant authorities, as the visa's requirements are still ambiguous.
I would like to know about the Soft Power to as i would like to train MuayThai, but not at the same place for 6 months, & i wouldn’t like to prebook a gym as i want to try a few out
Donna *******
This was response from Canberra someone asked on FB page
the keyword is “frequent.” Please consult the cooking academy/ institution if they can come up with any letter/ evident to prove that there are frequent activities you will be participating.
Doubt it. From what I remember, some consulates said 6 months + activities count. Then again, the government announcements and example before explicitly mentioned cooking classes. While the workcation / remote working side of things is pretty clear, the "Thai Soft Power" category remains a mystery. Time will tell.
Graeme ******
Hi all just got off the phone with the thai embassy in London. Had a great conversation about a DTV for the softer reasons like cooking, boxing etc. You need to have confirmation of being on a course or courses totalling 3 months inside Thailand. This can be made up of a 3 month course learning thai cooking or could be made up of 3 x 1 month courses which could include cooking for 1 month, learning a musical instrument I.e. the guitar for 1 month and another month of boxing. Each course would need your name on it and what the course covers I.e. an itinerary and a date of when the course is to take place. I.e. one after the other so giving a total.of 3 months within a 180 day period. They only ask for this for the first year only so after your 3 months of training you have a 5 year visa!! I hope this helps
, this sounds interesting. Does the 500k funds need to stay in the bank, similar to the retirement visa or only need to show proof of funds on application?
Thank you for sharing. Very helpful as an assessment of how London handles it. I suspect different consulates will have different requirements. But maybe what you mentioned will be a good base line indicator.
No idea what the thinking behind opening the DTV for attending classes was - the ED visa were already in place for that (albeit bureaucratic). But, if it works, be happy, free, and enjoy.
absolutely Bob I have just sent an email and will follow up with them in the morning
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Graeme ******
Brandon ************
That's going to be a decision made by your local embassy that you apply through. You need to contact them and ask as this visa is only 3 days old. You're not going to get any answers here.