Can I get a 60-day COVID extension on my tourist visa in Thailand after arriving on a 60-day visa?

March 19, 2022
3 years ago
Cloudy *****

Maybe someone can help me?!

I arrived in Thailand on february 10th with a 60 day tourist visa. Is there a chance for me, to get the 60 day covid extension? Or will I only get the 30 day extension? I'm on phayam now. Would you recommend the Immigration office in ranong?

Thank you🙃
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice about their eligibility for a 60-day COVID extension after arriving in Thailand on a 60-day tourist visa. While it seems others have had different experiences, there's a consensus that typically, a 30-day extension is required before applying for the COVID extension. However, some users suggest there's no harm in trying for the 60-day extension directly.
Jared **********
I didn’t have to take the 30 day extension last year in Surat Thani, went from TR60 to Covid extension
Bobby ********
Jared Jernegan. Changed in January. Now the 30-day has to be taken first before covid extension is considered
Jared **********
@Bobby *******
i don’t think it changed, and was on paper the whole time as “supposed to”. It’s just the IOs and offices do them differently
Bobby ********
Jared Jernegan. January is when it was included in the order. Prior to that it was a discretionary matter for the IO.
Bobby ********
The last orders in January stated people with Tourist Visas or visa-exempt must first take the standard 30-day extension. However, there's nothing stopping you from trying!
Sophie *********
In Chiang Mai I had to get the 30 day extension prior to applying for the Covid extension.
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