germany to thailand

Showing 4 questions

This page displays all the results for the Germany to Thailand tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 4 questions that have been tagged with Germany to Thailand. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Dec 27, 2024
25 days ago
Annie ************
DTV approved at Berlin Embassy in Freelancer category 🥳

Thanks to everyone who post here and reply to posts. Your information has helped me greatly, so I hope this infopost helps you, too!I tried to include everything that I researched here.

Spoiler: I was going for "give them all they could possibly want" and still got asked for additional documents...

Embassy: Berlin, e-visa

* Application Date: 4.12.

* Holidays: 5.12. and 10.12.

* Request for Further Documents: 19.12.

* Approved: 22.12.

* Total Time: 10 working days / 18 days

* Category: Freelancer

* Nationality: German

I provided:

* Cover Letter

* Table of Contents

* Statement from my tax advisor confirming my self-employment

* Assignment of a tax number for self-employment from the tax office

* Certificate for remote work, signed and stamped by me as the manager

* Explanation of online work and income generation (with 2 invoices and payments)

* Portfolio (with screenshots of the website and LinkedIn)

* Photo of passport

* Photo of ID to confirm residency in Germany

* PDF bank statement showing more than 500,000 Baht (Berlin does not require 3 or 6 months of statements, just the balance)

## Request for Further Documents (19.12.):

* Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document: Color scan of the full page with personal data (edges must be visible / no photo)

* Document indicating current location: Front and back of German ID card or proof of residency in Germany

* Current tax assessment

* explanation of how you work remotely in Thailand (in English)

## Submitted Further DOCUMENTS:

* Scans of passport and ID

* Tax assessment

* Additional letter in English explaining how I work online

After submitting the additional documents, my application was approved three days later, on a Sunday 🥳. Now I'm waiting for my dependent's DTV to go through!

To be honest, I don't think this was easy. It took a lot of research and getting the documents together. Without this group, it would have been quite overwhelming, so thank you thank you thank you everyone!
Dec 1, 2024
2 months ago
Erik ******
DTV approved in Berlin Embassy in Workcation category 🥳

Hello lovely people! I promised to give a big update when my application is approved. I got a lot of info and help from this group and lovely group members. So I hope my post can help others too.

I applied on 11.10. at Berlin Embassy. I am a German citizen with a private Limited Company registered in UK and I am the Company Director of it.

I provided:

- Business registration (PDF Download from companies House)

- Self written Statement letter giving all Information about the Business activities of my Company, that I have no Business in Thailand and dont intend to Build any, that my stay in Thailand will be only for Personal reasons and that I will work Remote during my stay in Thailand (signed and wet Company stamp)

- business contract between my Company and a customer, including which Services my Company provides for that customer (b2b)

- 3 invoices from my Company showing that my Company Generates income

- flight ticket

- booking confirmation for a rented condo for 6 months

To proof 500.000 Baht I downloaded a PDF Bank Statement of my WISE Account, showing around 15.000€.

On 21.10. I received a request for further documents, explaining that my Business registration can Not be accepted, because it is Not a German document. International documents had to get legalised by an official of the State Where the Company is registered plus by the Thai Embassy in that state.

Besides that they didn‘t accept my passport photo, because I scanned one and uploaded it. So you really need to go to a Professional Studio and get a digital foto.

Because I stay in Germany at the moment I had to Order the documents from companies House, send them back to UK to get them legalised and again send them to UK Thai Embassy in London to get them legalised by them. That took me more than 4 weeks despite express shipping.

After I had all documents legalised I uploaded them and got approved on the next day 🥳

I am very happy and hope that my application story can help you. If you have any questions, just ask in the comments 😊

See you in Thailand 🙏🏻

Annie Reischmann 😊
Oct 10, 2024
3 months ago
My application got approved after three weeks of applying, I applied in Munich Germany , as self employed portfolio manager and Author, submitted documents: professional portfolio, approve of address ( they requested National ID for that as in German ID your home address is written in back of the ID card) ,

Official portfolio PDF document from my Broker showing my holdings (worth around 7 million Thai B ), a photo and a copy of my passport. After submitting in two weeks they requested Business registration (Gewerbeanmeldung) I replied with an official letter that I don’t have a business registration in Germany and explained my work nature that doesn’t require a formal business registration and as how flexible it is that perfectly fit for a digital nomad , as alternatives for the business registration I submitted my income reports since I started managing my portfolio and my tax return reports showing that im paying taxes and I am legit regarding my income and my Tax record.

After my application experience I believe that it really depends on the consulate where you are applying and their flexibility. Not all are for 100% the same.
Jun 1, 2021
4 years ago
Lara ***********

I'd like to ask for advice, especially from fellow Germans in this group :)

I'm currently in Germany getting ready to go back to Thailand. Since my work permit and non b have expired, I need to get new ones. The Thai Embassy in Berlin gave me a list of documents I need to submit in order to get a non b visa here. One of the required documents is the WP3/Work Permit or a document which states that I'm approved to get one when I'm in Thailand and it has to be issued by the Thai Labour Department. My school spoke to the Labour Department and they said I need to submit the medical check and the police background check (along with other documents of course) and I'm really confused since I also have to submit a police background check at the Thai Embassy in Berlin and I'm not sure if it's enough to get one only in English, same with the medical certificate.

However, long story short question: Are there people here in this group - especially Germans - who got a non b and needed to submit a work permit in order to get it as well? I'd like to know how you got the WP3 when you weren't in Thailand and what documents you needed to submit - especially as a teacher. Thank you in advance / Vielen Dank im Voraus! :)
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