What is the application process like for a Thai visa as a self-employed portfolio manager from Germany?

Oct 10, 2024
15 days ago
My application got approved after three weeks of applying, I applied in Munich Germany , as self employed portfolio manager and Author, submitted documents: professional portfolio, approve of address ( they requested National ID for that as in German ID your home address is written in back of the ID card) ,

Official portfolio PDF document from my Broker showing my holdings (worth around 7 million Thai B ), a photo and a copy of my passport. After submitting in two weeks they requested Business registration (Gewerbeanmeldung) I replied with an official letter that I don’t have a business registration in Germany and explained my work nature that doesn’t require a formal business registration and as how flexible it is that perfectly fit for a digital nomad , as alternatives for the business registration I submitted my income reports since I started managing my portfolio and my tax return reports showing that im paying taxes and I am legit regarding my income and my Tax record.

After my application experience I believe that it really depends on the consulate where you are applying and their flexibility. Not all are for 100% the same.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A successful application for a Thai visa as a self-employed portfolio manager was completed at the Thai consulate in Munich, Germany, which included submitting various documents such as a professional portfolio, proof of address, a portfolio document from a broker, identification, and an official letter explaining why a business registration was not provided. The applicant emphasizes that the flexibility of the consulate plays a significant role in the approval process, and addresses concerns regarding substantial investment requirements.
Ali ************
Did you have the 7million Baht invested and still get approved? From what I've heard that is uncommon
Anonymous *************
@Ali ***********
After my application experience I believe that it really depends on the consulate where you are applying and their flexibility. Not all are for 100% the same.
Ali ************
ok good to know. I applied in Frankfurt. Let's see if they accept my portfolio. It's not quite 7 million Bath but quite a bit more than the required 500k...
Annie ************
I would love to learn more about your official letter, for I am worried about the exact same thing and applying in Berlin. Would you kindly send me a message, please?
Anonymous *************