fingerprint requirements

Showing 4 questions

This page displays all the results for the fingerprint requirements tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 4 questions that have been tagged with fingerprint requirements. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Nov 30, 2024
21 days ago
Jeffrey *******
Hello all , when I had a months holiday in Thailand ( 2018 ) on board the flight you had to fill in a form for your name , destination etc , is this still the case when holidaying in Thailand for 2 months ? Thank you for your time .
Oct 16, 2023
a year ago
Damon **********
Has anyone recently visited the Thai Consulate in Penang to fetch their ED Visa?

I would like to know if they have changed the required criminal record check document in any way?

There is a school suggesting to me that they might have updated their requirements for this doc that may now need fingerprints etc? And this type of doc must be done at the police station.

Will they accept the same type of check they always have, or is there some new rule now?
Apr 22, 2021
4 years ago
Jess ********
Getting all my documents together for a retirement visa from home country of USA.

Right now trying to get my criminal background check done. Called my local law enforcement agency about getting this done. They seem to be clueless, they mentioned about finger print card that does that meet the requirement for Visa? Second of all does have be an official hard copy letter from an official office stating that im cleared or can they email the background check and then i print the the results off and use that as my background check document?

Thank you in advance for any help, I live in the state of Ohio
Oct 7, 2019
5 years ago
John *******
I was just told by my school that I had about a week to go down to Parhumthani immigration and get my fingerprints taken. If not, they will not allow a new extension next March. New one on me.
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