spousal visas

Showing 4 questions

This page displays all the results for the spousal visas tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 4 questions that have been tagged with spousal visas. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Nov 19, 2024
2 months ago
Dave ********
My Thai wife of 2 1/2 years has been working on trying to finalize her Green Card/I-130 Visa. USCIS received her application in January of ‘24. Does anyone have any idea how much longer this legal approach will take? Any insight will be welcomed. Thanks
Jul 17, 2023
2 years ago
Brian *******
Edit: Forgot to mention, this is for extensions of a visa in country. The visa that is followed is that of a foreign volunteer with a Non-immigrant O visa.


With the US consulate and embassy in Thailand no longer allowing service to notorize affidavits stating relationships regarding marriage and children, what are Americans planning on doing for Non-O follower visas for their American spouses and children to satisfy immigration? Has anyone received any direction from immigration? I personally have the affidavit that I can use for the next few years (assuming Thai immigration doesn't change their requirements), but I want to know what I should prepare for in the future. Thanks
Dec 3, 2022
2 years ago
Dave ************
I've been given so much invaluable info here, thought I'd ask for some more: I recently returned from overseas and got my Non O retirement and extension once again. My wife, who is a Philippine national, piggybacks off of my visa, but needed to get her Non O from out of country (we both originally came in on 30 day entries). So she went back to the Philippines, I got my visa, and we've now got all the docs necessary for her to get her initial Non 0 for 90 days. My question is this, once she is given a Non O, will the end date of that 90 day visa be 90 days from when we arrive in Thailand and she gets stamped, or will it be 90 days from when she is given the visa? I then also presume that she won't be able to go into CW immigration and get a year extension until within 45 days of whatever date they've stamped on her Non O (for my extension I was told I could do it within 45 days, not 30 of the end of the visa stamp date)....thanks again for everyone's advice.
Apr 5, 2018
7 years ago
Shawna ********
I am on an extension of stay through my employer. My spouse will be changing his visa so he is a dependent on mine. My employer put together a letter and other paperwork on his behalf as we go to file at a Thai embassy next week. I've also got my marriage certificate, an affidavit, my original work permit that are coming with, too. My husband has his passport and photos.

In looking at the visa form, it asks about "local guarantor." Is this my employer or me because he's a trailing spouse?
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