Hi all,
bit of a specific question; I'm flying back into Bangkok from the US mid February. Although on a tourist visa I do have a registered address in Bangkok and my visa is valid until the fall of 2022.
I have health insurance from A+/AXA with covid coverage that far exceeds what is required by Thailand at the moment, and I renew it every year, but currently it's set to expire this July.
Will I be pressed for an exit ticket upon checking into my flight, or some sort of bank stub? If so does anyone know of a solution? I'd like to think it's kind of ridiculous to ask for an exit ticket so far out as I have a clean record with immigration and I'm re-entering after several years of residence, but..........it is Thailand, so.......
Thanks for all the help. I already have a couple Test-And-Go hotels scoped out, but if anyone has recommendations for those as well I'm all ears.