What is the best way to apply for the Thai DTV visa from Taipei, and what documentation is needed?

September 24, 2024
a day ago
Piergianni ******
Hi everyone, I’m a business owner in the UK and live in Thailand. I need to apply for the DTV from outside Thailand. I recently moved over 500k from my business account to my personal one, and I’m wondering where the best place to apply is. From what I’ve read, Taipei seems like the best option—can anyone confirm this?

My ED visa expires on October 13th, so I’m short on time. Will a one-month bank statement showing today’s transfer be enough, or should I show a business bank statement with my name and the company details?

If anyone has been in a similar situation, your advice would be appreciated. Do I need to fly there and apply in person, or book an appointment online first? Should I wait to book my return flight to Thailand?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A UK business owner is seeking advice on applying for a Thai DTV visa from Taipei after transferring funds from their business to a personal account. They inquire if a one-month bank statement shows enough funds for the application and whether it is necessary to apply in person or book an appointment online. Various responses from the community confirm that applicants typically need to provide three months of bank statements, demonstrating that they have at least 500,000 baht available at the time of application. The discussion highlights the importance of being prepared with printed documents and understanding the local application process.
Anara **************
Do you have to cancel your ED visa first?
Piergianni ******
@Anara *************
I am not sure about this to be fair
Alex *******
I just received my visa in Taipei.

The only thing they were really checking was bank statements.

I provided statements for three months, and the officer was confused and asked me why it was only for two months. When I showed her that it was for three months, she said it was fine.

Also, make sure that you have more than 500k baht. I had $16k USD, and since the baht has depreciated from 35 to 32.5 per USD, the officer was checking if that was enough and was not happy that it was a close number.

Other than that, the process took two days. I arrived at 9 a.m. to submit the documents, they need to be reviewed by supervisor, returned the same day at 4 p.m. to pay 11k.

I came back the next day at 4 p.m. and picked up my passport with the visa.
Daniel *****
@Alex ******
Over 500k the entire 3 months or just as of your date of application?
Alex *******
Daniel Col my account was over 500k Baht the entire 3 months. There are reports from the members of the group that it should only be over 500k on the day of application. You can email the embassy with this question.
Piergianni ******
@Daniel ****
for what I have read on this group it seems like that taipei asks for 3 months of bank statement but they only care about the final amount. Is that correct?
Alex *******
All the documents must be printed.

I think this office only charges you if they approve the visa.

That's why they take the documents for review in the morning, and you need to pay in the afternoon after the supervisor reviews your documents.
Andi ***********
@Alex ******
Many applicants are approved same day. If your docs are all in order you can get it same day. They also sent me an email confirming this. Maybe your bank statements needed to be reviewed ?
Alex *******
Andi Traveller maybe it was because the additional review was needed, but two people before me in line had gone through the exact same process.
Paul *******
@Alex ******
Strange that you needed to come back to make payment in the afternoon and were only able to collect the visa the next day, rather than the same day.

With the funds, the issue you describe is based upon exchange rate fluctuations if you present a foreign bank account.

If you present a THB account, then this doesn't apply, though it's always good to have a little more than 500,000 in there.
Piergianni ******
@Alex ******
Oh wow that's even better so I won't waste my money in case it get rejected. Thanks
Andi ***********
@Alex ******
You applied for the freelancer/employee option ?
Alex *******
@Andi **********
yes I applied as a freelancer, provided self employment declaration letter, printed profiles screenshots from the freelance platforms, invoices and contracts from clients. But mostly embassy worker was focused on finances.
Andi ***********
@Alex ******
ok, I'm also freelancing and planning to apply there too. Your post is useful. They never asked anything about your work-related docs?
Alex *******
@Andi **********
I described my work in detail in the self-employment declaration letter (you can use ChatGPT to help you create one). The embassy worker read it and did not ask me any questions about my work.
Andi ***********
@Alex ******
ok thanks!
Piergianni ******
@Alex ******
Thank you! So basically you first bring all the docs and then you go back in the afternoon to pay the 11k? I guess everything must be printed right?
Tod *********
@Piergianni *****
I found this on another taipei DTV thread in the group

It would seem from this comment you have to show 6 months of bank statement but the 500K only has to be in recently not the whole time

use the search tool for the group and put Taipei in it then read the threads
Piergianni ******
@Tod ********
thank you so much
Dennis ************
Im flying tonight to Taipei for the same reason.... ask me again in 3 days
Daniel *****
@Dennis ***********
Please update is here.
Karl *********
@Dennis ***********
I’d love to hear an update also… I’m stuck on showing the 3 or 6 months most required.
Piergianni ******
@Dennis ***********
cool, can I add you on facebook so you can give me an update when you know something?
Dennis ************
Piergianni ******
@Dennis ***********
I sent you a friend request