Why is it difficult to open a bank account in Thailand with a 90-day Non-O visa?

August 15, 2024
a month ago
Debbie ***********
Went to SCB today to open a bank account. We have a lease agreement and a 90 day non O Visa. They said their policy changed and no longer open accounts unless you have a visa for longer than 6 months. She said after we get our 1 year extension (retirement) we can open an account there...hmmm
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user expressed frustration after being unable to open a bank account at SCB with a 90-day Non-O visa, as the branch claimed a new policy requires a visa valid for over 6 months. Comments suggest varying experiences, with some users able to open accounts at different banks with the same visa, highlighting inconsistencies in bank policies. There is also discussion about the need for an insurance policy and the potential use of agents to navigate these requirements, prompting concerns about the illogical nature of the banking process for expats.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Darrel *********
SCB doesn't know what they want. Was able to open an account last months on non o. All it takes is going to each branch and trying. I tried one in Nonthaburi and got it. Trying one near central world in BKK if youre near.
Philip ********
Go to an agent they will do all the paper work for you while you have a massage.
Pieter **************
I see nobody's naming Krungthai Bank, also the BAAC is a good Bank, went there last week , had my passport, pink-ID en yellow homebook, non-O-visa 90 days and in 30 minutes I got my bankaccount, without any insurance.
Robert **********
Bangkok Bank. Go to MOTS, they will sort it for you.
Jules ********
Which is the best bank in pattaya to try and how do I find an agent?
Keith *********
Should have got the leasing agent to help you, I did as they did not want risk losing their commission.
Iain *********
One Phuket branch of Bangkok Bank told me to.check the rules for foreigners opening an account with head office.and gave me a number.

Both the head office number and Bangkok Bank's website tell foreigners "For more information, contact any Bangkok Bank branch"

Nongnuch ********
@Iain ********
the typical Thai "Catch 22" situation they are so famous for 😂😂
Chris ******
Use Bangkok Bank,if one branch says no, another branch will open the account.
Sid *******
If you have a Resident Certificate from Immigration it helps. People say you can open an account with out one which is true. But if you have one it does make it easier especially if you are still on a short term Visa.
Stephen ***********
Had my visa approved. Applied for 90 days and it's says - valid for three months from today . As I am going to Thailand next month , will the three months apply from when I land ?
Bob **********
Buy accident insurance it will definitely come in handy especially if you ride a scooter
Miroslav *******
Kasikornbank 90 day non - o and certifificate of residence, opened account, no problem, just 300 bat for debit card
Rc *******
Lots of comments here recommending the use of an agent. It looks like the use of an agent will guarantee approval of a secured bank account but I believe the process that the agent use will still be the same as the person who intends to open a bank account would do.

So that seems to imply the agent may have some 'pre-agreements' with the bank officers and the branch Manager.. 😎
Peter **********
I’ve been told the same thing at one SCB branch. Went to another office and opened an account. (Some?) SCB branches require approval from HQ in Bangkok. That took three weeks in our case because they kept asking for documents.

At the first day I also walked in to Kasikorn and the supervisor instantly opened an account for me. Done in 60 minutes.


Ed ********
use an agent
Tim *********
I've opened accounts at Bangkok Bank (Aug 2024) on 90 day visa, and Kasikorn Bank just a couple of weeks ago. Go to Immigration Office with the docs you have, plus photocopies for them to keep. Ask for Residency Letter for opening Bank account. I paid 300 baht for this before taking in to Kasikorn. Or use an agency
Jeffrey *******
Got Mine Bangkok Bank at Market Village HuaHin,just had to take out a 7,000 baht accident insurance policy. I had tryed many banks in Bangkok with no success
Bradley *********
@Jeffrey ******
sorry that happened. I got mine and didn’t have to get insurance. It was done in less than a half hour and out the door.
Peter **********
@Jeffrey ******
I tried getting a PA insurance policy at SCB after I got the account and they failed to do so.

They didn’t know which document to ask and in the end the insurance company refused the policy and returned my payment. I opened PA insurance with AXA through their website and had it done 10 minutes later
Greg *********
Try Bangkok Bank.
Nongnuch ********
I always wonder why so many people do the run-around visitng different banks, only to be told that they need to buy a 5000.- THB insurance in order to be allowed to open a bank account, when paying the same 5000.- THB to an agent for opening a bank account in no time, on ANY visa!
Connor *******
@Nongnuch *******
I never paid for any insurance
Grant *******
@Connor ******
neither did I. And I opened 2 accounts. one for everyday use and one for visa extension at Bangkok bank Bluport
Nongnuch ********
@Connor ******
thousands of applicants did
Peter **********
@Nongnuch *******
Thousands of applicants did not.
Nongnuch ********
@Peter *********
It is a well know fact among expats, that many many applicants to a Thai bank account, have been asked for the compulsory accident- or life-insurance. Without it, the bank would not allow them to open a bank account. Thousands of expats will agree with me 😉😎
Peter **********
@Nongnuch *******
“Thousands of expats”? Speak for yourself!

Thousands of expats have died in Thailand.

Thousands of expats will confirm neither agencies or insurance is required.

Thousands of expats have suffered from alcohol abuse.

Thousands of expats are happily married to a Thai.

Please send names and addresses of your thousands.
Nongnuch ********
@Peter *********
"Thousands of expats will confirm neither agencies or insurance is required." . . . . . .please send me names and adresses of these thousands 😂😂😂😂😂
Peter **********
@Nongnuch *******
Yeah. You understood my demonstration of your ridicule. You live 30 years in Thailand, but forgot to keep up with the calendar. Living 30 years under a stone didn’t teach you much.

I opened two bank accounts in the last four weeks. Things have changed since 30 years ago.

But don’t worry. If I need to find a museum I will know who to ask. đŸ€Ł
Nongnuch ********
@Peter *********
and just in case you missed this comment, HERE for you. Just take the tomatoes off your eyes . . .
Peter **********
By the way, 20 years ago Facebook was limited to Harvard students. As you were already in Thailand back then, I guess you weren’t a Harvard student back then, joining a non-existent Thai expat group. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

Or maybe you were referring to an expert group of bargirls and made a little typo? 😉
Peter **********
Good to see you found *one*.

Probably you can find a few more.

If you were worth it I would take the trouble of producing dozens of posts stating the contrary. But since you were able to use Facebook during your Harvard time in Thailand I am sure you can do it all by yourself. Good luck hunting “thousands”. Bye!
Nongnuch ********
@Peter *********
are you able to read, is English your mother tongue? The topic is "opening a bank account on a 90-days Non-O visa" and the bank's refusal. Which is weird, because the policies have changed theresomuch that you need a Non-Imm-O VISA (not an EXTENSION out of a Non-Imm-O visa!) to be able to open a bank account. The bank's clerk is in the wrong! So that leaves two options: try more banks, and MAYBE need to buy their insurance, or use an agent and don't have to buy any insurance
Nongnuch ********
@Peter *********
You are COMPLETELY off-topic! It is no secret that opening a bank account on a longstay or retirement visa is possible without the help of an agent or the need of a comulsory insurance. But people who try to open a bank account on a tourist visa or visa-exempt entry, are facing refusals
Nongnuch ********
@Peter *********
you know nothin, you have no idea. Are you new to Thailand? I am living here for 30 years, I am reading Thai Visa Advice groups since 20 years. The "compulsory insurance" many banks are enforcing applicants to, gets mentioned EVERY other day. That's nothing new. This is standard practise in Thai banks
Carey *********
Alex *********
I used an agent to open an account while on a 60-day tourist visa.
Eric ******
@Alex ********
how long ago, what city and do you remember the cost? Thanks.
Alex *********
@Eric *****
2 weeks ago. The cost was 5,000 baht in Pattaya.
Eric ******
@Alex ********
that’s not bad. I’ll be in Pattaya soon, do you remember the agents name or location?
Nongnuch ********
@Alex ********
easy peasy. . .. I always wonder why so many people do the run-around visitng different banks, only to be told that they need to buy a 5000.- THB insurance in order to be allowed to open a bank account, when paying the same 5000.- THB to an agent for opening a bank account in no time, on ANY visa!
Tim **********
@Alex ********
that’s what I’m doing
Neil ********
That’s becoming the norm
Jo **********
get a “wad” of cash đŸ’” and plop it down
Steve *******
It’s Thursday. Must be time to change the rules
Manas ***********
It becomes more and more illogical because the Non O 90 days should allow you to open a bank account in order to put the money 2 months straight before applying for the 1 year extension
Peter **********
@Manas **********
It does, provided you also show a residence certificate from immigration.
Eric ******
@Peter *********
Ok. Thanks.
Eric ******
@Peter *********
is there any way to retire in Thailand without signing a long term lease? I like traveling from city to city and don’t really want to be in one place.
Peter **********
@Eric *****
Sure. Book a hotel for at least 15 days and immigration will happily give you a residence certificate (not a permit!) based on the tm30 from the hotel. The tm30 must show that you will stay there 15 days or more.

Take your money (a few 1000 baht), your original non-o visa, the residence certificate and your passport to the bank and open an account. Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn are your best bet. Worst case you’ll have to visit three banks before you find the one willing to open the account.

These are the requirements but many will imagine additional requirements. Listen to what they want, thank them friendly, and go to the next bank.
Robert *****
Maybe it’s worth paying an agent to get it done. I really don’t know.
Frank ********
Can you just add your name to spouses account, to qualify for extension requirement?
Bob *********
@Frank *******
no, joint account not allowed for visa purposes. Must be in foreignera name only
Chris *******
@Bob ********
this not true.

You can use a joint account but must have double the required amounts.

Some offices will discourage this.

You can also use a term deposit account.
Pascal ********
@Frank *******
yes, some immigration offices will accept but you need the amount you need times 2.
Frank ********
Andy **********
Save yourself a headache and get the assistance of an agent.
Steve *******
The Thai banking system has uses gatekeeping than the Illuminati. I don't get why they make up all these illogical rules to stop you from getting an account 😑
Tobben ********
Try Bangkok Bank !
Darren **********
Banks used to be flexible in the past. New tax laws have changed how banks operate. Many banks are being much more restrictive.
Iain *********
@Darren *********
didn't the banks become stricter because of a revision to Anti Money Laundering laws in December 2022.

Darren **********
@Iain ********
I was told the tax laws by bank officials
Iain *********
@Darren *********
not sure what tax law change there has been. The rumoured future change for stays of 180 days plus is drafted as a tax reporting change and not a change to any taxes due.

Apart from making a tax report mandatory there will be no other change for people who are currently paying taxes due in their home country or Thailand.
Darren **********
@Iain ********
going to argue with the fucking bank. That’s what they told me. If you don’t like my answer I don’t really give a fuck. ïżŒ
Peter *********
@Darren *********
hiw have tax laws changed this ?
Darren **********
@Peter ********
seriously?? How about the NEW law regarding foreigners paying taxes if the stay in the country more that 180 days? Kind of a big law.
Bob **********
@Darren *********
it’s all talk at this time now we just changed PM after not even a year Taksins daughter is the new Pm so everything will change again
Pete *******
@Darren *********
That’s not new, it has always been the case that you become Thai tax resident after 180 days.
Peter *********
@Darren *********
nothing confirmed yet stop scaremongerin
Mark ******
@Peter ********
Any income received by foreigners outside of Thailand is exempt and not subject to Thai tax, unless it is remitted to Thailand. Any income remitted to a Thai bank by a foreigner is now subject to tax.
Darren **********
@Peter ********
it’s already done dummy
Tommi *******
Dennis *********
DTV is a 5 yr not 6 months, you just get 6 at a time.
Brandon ************
@Tommi ******
the post very clearly says non-O
Radek *******
@Tommi ******
DTV is 6 months
Todd *********
@Radek ******
DTV is 5 years old
Paul ***************
Go to an agency
Hartmut ********
Das habe ich schon öfters gelesen bzw. gehört
Jim ********
Bangkok bank will open you one but if not then use an agent
Stephan ***********
Oh my... Catch 22... 😒
Phil ********
Ive often wondered if someone showed up at a bank with a big wad of cash and asked can i have an account to put this in?

Would they open an account for you then?
Paul ********
@Phil *******
Of course. This problem isn't because of law - it's because bank doesn't want to go through the expense of opening accounts for people who will put 2000baht/month through their account.

Bank policy, not law. And banks are free to change policy as they wish.
Andy ************
@Phil *******
Internet myth. You turn up to deposit a large amount of cash, the bank then has to report this to the regulator creating extra paperwork
Jo **********
Henrik *****
When you want to open an account for visa purposes, there need to be put 400.000 - 800.000 baht into the account, that is what I will call “a big wad of cash”, but there are numerous examples, that the banks still send people away without an account.
Robert ***********
@Phil *******
No they won't. I flashed 150k baht at 9 branches and my METV was a show stopper.
Connor *******
@Robert **********
Lmao wow 150k baht and they didn't bow down to you?
Robert ***********
@Connor ******
I am sure you walk around all day with that plus in your pocket. Typical AH comment.
Connor *******
@Robert **********
why would I walk around with cash all day, and how is that relevant to pening a bank account?
Chris ************
@Robert **********
that isn't a big amount.
Robert ***********
@Chris ***********
That is alot more than most opening deposits.
Chris ************
@Robert **********
it is still not a big amount. you don't get it?

If they usually do not give you an account so easy.

One would need more, that the bank starts to be interested.

Its Thailand and not same you are used to at somewhere else.
Robert ***********
@Chris ***********
No. You dont get it. It is based around the visa not how much money you have. I could prove on-site that I have access to high 6 digit cash assets but banking laws prevent accounts under the new regulations
Chris ************
@Robert **********
you seem to know nothing.

There is no law forbidding banks to open an account for you!

There is also no requirement by law!

You can understand that, because so many tourists which even come without any visa (visa exempted) GET a bank account.

The question is the branch attitude.

Some branches are more easy, but most of them not.

-》It depends where you go, who you meet, and who you are and how you behave.

Says someone who is in Thailand 19 years.

If you come with a higher amount of your pretended 6 digits, it would be more easy.

But I doubt your show off. That's why you think,
0 is a lot...

I expect your stubborness now.
Robert ***********
@Chris ***********
This is a typically AH response as you obviously walk on water and know everything. Sure, if I go to Pattaya I know of 2 branches I can go into and get a bank account on a tourist visa. I also know someone who did that last year and suddenly received a notification that his account was closed and that he needed to show up at the bank to claim his money. The reason given was he did not meet the requirements for opening an account. I am not going to Pattaya to get a bank account.

And I have been to more than 25 branches in Phuket and Bangkok and refused at all without a long term visa.

"Says someone who is in Thailand 19 years".

I know that makes you an expert. I never should have questioned your amazing ability to know all about banking in all areas of Thailand.

And BTW...Yes regulations have changed to reduce money laundering. I wish I took a picture of the memo at Bangkok Bank that quoted the sections. I could have taught you something today.

Chris ************
@Robert **********
funny, how you contradict yourself.

And also you admit.

So tourists can open bank accounts.

Now you admit that and same time you claim, that it is not possible because laws changed recently. Omg.

We all can see, what a f○○l you are.

It still doesn't change the facts, that you ignore to learn:

1. no law forbids tourists to get a bank account.

2. a visa is not a requirement, but of course the bank branches can make it a requirement in their house philosophy

3. of course the right amount can have influence

the facts are, you claim wrong.

We in fact also see that you try to

show off (even lie?)

try to argue arrogant,

try to get personal,

try to quarrel same a child.

Your intentions are so obvious.

Your ch@r@cter is shining. What a a grown man.

Though of course, your next answer is again expected to stay same stubborn and infantil, spiced with poor tries to get more personal - far away from the actual topic..
Robert ***********
@Chris ***********
Oooh. 117 branches of banks in Thailand and there are 2 in Pattaya that will open an account on a tourist visa. Ooooooo. I was wrong in my statement.

This is Thailand. Nothing occurs that is not legal right? No one bends the law? Funny how I thought you said you were here for 18 years (really only visiting right).

The facts are there are banking regulations against opening accounts with tourist visas. The fact that branches may not enforce that is another fact. Kind of like how you are suppose to have a motorbike license and helmet to drive in Thailand but yet hundreds of thousands do every day and they don't get pulled over.

And I don't need to show off. I know where I stand financially. I won't be starting a Go Fund Me page when I am done drinking and screwing my life away. Because that never was and never will be my lifestyle.
Chris ************
@Robert **********
get matured. you ridiculously quarrel on an infantile level - yawn.

You create facts which are not existing.

Some people may call that lies.

Still you need to show off and explain your personal maybe situation, which nobody is interested in.

You seem to be very lonely.
Phil ********
@Robert **********
Try àžż1MIL 😁
John *********
Kanthira *************
My husband open Bangkok bank last week. He has 90 days non-o visa. They require USA ID, passport and visa stamp on the passport.
Jim ********
@Kanthira ************
which BKK Bank?
Kanthira *************
@Jim *******
Bangkok Bank
Donna *****
@Kanthira ************
they require US driver license and passport or either or?
Mark ********
@Donna ****
Darrel thanks for responding. Unfortunately i’m single.
Darrel *********
@Donna ****
just a passport
Kanthira *************
@Donna ****
yes my husband is American. I don’t know if different country different rule or not. They require both US driver license , passport and fill out W9 form.
Mark ********
@Kanthira ************
- at which Bangkok Bank LOCATION did u find success?
Darrel *********
@Mark *******
the bangkok bank right outside the Phloen Chit stop should give no issues also kasikorn in the building next to will both give non o marriage visa holders bank accounts. Bring your spouse.
Mark ********
@Darrel ********
-hope BKK BANK Phloen Chit won’t stall me out just for not having a spouse.
Darrel *********
@Mark *******
its nearly impossible to open an account now unless you are on non o. They will not give accounts to tourist visa
Kanthira *************
@Mark *******
Central Rama 9
Donna *****
@Kanthira ************
Jan ******************
Seems strict, feedbacks proves it’s still possible to open on a regular Non O visa.
Brandon ************
So go to another branch. Then another branch. Each branch manager makes their own policies. It's obvious their new policy makes no sense because you cannot get the extension without the bank account.
David ****
@Brandon ***********
Hi Brandon. Just to clearly, we’re assuming they received their 90 day non-O visa from their home country embassy, correct? Applying for it once already in Thailand requires an established bank account with the required funds. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.
Brandon ************
@David ***
Yes that's my assumption. They would not have been able to get the non-O visa in Thailand without a bank account.
David ****
@Brandon ***********
Ok great. Thank you for the reply.
Debbie ***********
@Brandon ***********
she said to try Bangkok bank!
Darren **********
@Debbie **********
don’t believe this BS. Zero banks will open accounts without the proper paperwork. In the past yes you could find a bank to help you. With the new tax law you WILL NOT find any bank to help you like in the past. Again I repeat it won’t happen. Not anymore.
Chotika *****
Jo **********
@Debbie **********
a friend of mine opened an account at SCB with only being visa exempt.
Colin *********
@Jo *********
how long ago?
Darren **********
@Jo *********
not true
Jo **********
@Darren *********
it’s true I was with him. We live in the far North maybe easier there. If you have a lot of money they will do it.
Stephan ***********
@Debbie **********
Yes, Bangkok Bank seems to be the "easiest" these days. But also with them it's different from branch to branch.
Darren **********
@Stephan **********
not happening
Brandon ************
@Debbie **********
I'd try Bangkok bank or Kasikorn Bank in a large mall. I like Kbank but you'll want to stick to Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn or SCB as those are the only 3 that can receive transfers over 50,000 baht from Wise.
Joseph ****
@Brandon ***********
Good to know this. Thank you.
Joseph *******
@Brandon ***********
People have seen their money disappear from Kasikorn Bank a few times over the years. In nearly every case, the account holders never saw their money again. I remember one case in which a staff member took the money & disappeared; the bank, supported by the police, said they were not to blame.

Personally, I would steer clear of Kasikorn Bank.
Incognia **********
@Joseph ******
this is very serious ?Do you have any proof for saying this?Also this is crime if you dont have proof.
Joseph *******
@Incognia *********
That’s ridiculous, Incognia. No one stores proof of news they read in the papers. Besides, even if your very immature remarks were true, KB would never file charges, because it is a matter of public record how they’ve let down customers in this situation in the past.

So, do us all right & keep your BS to yourself!
Eric ******
@Joseph ******
the money isn’t insured like banks in the US are? People are just out $20k with no recourse at all?
Stephan ***********
@Eric *****
Every account is covered up to 1 million Baht, not more.
Joseph *******
@Eric *****
Yes but it’s a very minor amount, something like 1 million Thai Baht.
Joseph *******
Also, the government-insured amount is based on the bank being financially unable to keep up its obligations. Has nothing to do with theft.
Sue **********
@Joseph ******
Is there any reliable source of these cases? Never read or heard about such thing, and I live here for many years.
Joseph *******
@Sue *********
Probably not. I lived in Udon Thani from 2004-2011, though I’ve been a frequent visitor to Thailand since 1978. While living there, I occasionally came across such a story in the Bangkok Post.

If you need to confirm Kasikorn’s reputation, I suggest asking local Thai who are financially self sufficient; korn Jon, or poor folks, would not be targets of inside theft or professional hackers. Though I suppose everyone reads the BP.
Darren **********
Joseph *******
@Darren *********
Up to you, Darren, what you want to believe. I have no reason to make this up, nor to be bothered by someone calling me a liar.
Darren **********
@Joseph ******
sorry if I don’t believe it
Joseph *******
@Darren *********
No worries.
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