Why are Wise money transfers from the UK to Thailand currently experiencing delays?

April 25, 2021
3 years ago
Alan ***********
Anyone else experiencing delays with Wise money transfers? I’ve used them more than a year and always received my money in seconds. The last 5 or 6 transfers they promised the money in seconds when I set up the payment but has taken at least 7 hours and sometimes even to the next working day. I asked them about it and they replied that on “rare” occasions it can take longer, but it’s every time at the moment.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Many users are reporting delays with Wise money transfers to Thailand, which previously occurred almost instantly but have recently taken anywhere from 7 hours to 2 days. While some transfers still arrive quickly, experiences vary widely depending on the sender's location, time of transfer, and potentially holiday schedules. Users express their concern over unexpected delays, especially after paying a premium for faster service, while also noting that factors such as bank business hours and recent Wise rebranding could contribute to the issues.
Ronald *********
My tracker for wise, showed same day in my Thai bank from UK.

But it also stated that,the recieving bank may take up to 2 days to credit my account.
Bizkit ******
Yeah the best is do it before the noom time of the day. Grant you in the noon with credit !
James ************
wish I had this problem.
Michael *******
If its taking longer than usual. Just go into the tracking field and it seems to 'kickstart' your transfer 👍
Robert *******
Use Azimo, instantaneous transfer, highly recommended
Alan ***********
Thanks! Will check it out!
Thomas *********
I did had an issue but rung the help desk very helpful they wanted a ID update. Sent them photo of driving licence and passport.

Since then no issues at all. Everything done in minutes. Good luck
Coilean *********
I did two 5k transfers and both took nearly 2 days.
Ronald *********
Hello heard of Songkran and Easter or trolls employed to complain but thanks anyway I will check but other than Songkran delays nothing to see here
Alan ***********
Yes, of course I understand that during holiday periods and weekends transfers take longer - which is why I always avoid those. That was not the point of my post. My point is that for over a year up until a month ago every transfer I made was completed in seconds. Then suddenly a month ago it changed and was taking anything from 7 hours to 1 working day. I was curious as to why this suddenly changed and if anyone else had a similar experience. Also, if I pay a premium for a faster service and it doesn't happen you think I shouldn't complain?
Ronald *********
@Alan **********
complain away
Ronald *********
Stan *******
TransferWise is best exchange rate, fastest possible delivery, and lowest fee. Never heard anyone complain before.
Alan ***********
I think you misunderstood my post. My point is that for over a year up until a month ago every transfer I made was completed in seconds. Then suddenly a month ago it changed and was taking anything from 7 hours to 1 working day. Yes, reasonable exchange rates and still relatively fast of course, but I was curious as to why this suddenly changed and if anyone else had a similar experience. Also, if I pay a premium for a faster service and it doesn't happen you think I shouldn't complain?
Andy ********
Its always been at least 24 hours using Transferwise/Wise from UK to Thailand and certainly not seconds
Alan ***********
From the comments here it seems the UK transfers take longer - don 't know why? I'm transferring from Sweden/Finland and up until a month ago had taken seconds only.
Paul *******
Yes over last 2 months service has got slower and slower. Used to be from 3 seconds to 1 hour during business hours.

Transferring from both UK to SCB and from Austria in Euros.

Both now taking at least 1 working day, even if using the fast transfer option.

This is not the right direction for customer service even if it doesn’t affect me. The CRM management at Wise is not working, heads will have to roll soon!
แมทธิว **************
They don’t give a good rate in my experience they are a poor rate compared to a broker it worth waiting and using a broker for me
Alan ***********
Actually, I don't have any problem with the rates. I think they are reasonable and when the amount is not so large the difference of what you receive is negligible.
Graeme **********
I use Transfer every two weeks. I think it depends on what arrangement you have with your sending and receiving bank. I think the most I’ve ever waited is about five hours. But that’s the exception. Most transaction I make are completed in seconds or at most, a few minutes or an hour or two.
Frank ********
The best time for money transfer is the morning - and not at the weekend. And use a WISE-account for the money-transfer.
Robert ******
There doesn't seem to be any consistency to it and it's been happening for quite a while. My last couple have been instant. But have also had a 24hr wait recently. The amount doesn't seem to cause a problem but weekends seem to cause problems.
Alan ***********
Yes does seem very inconsistent amongst all the experiences shared here. I understand if the transfer is arranged on either a Saturday or Sunday that it would be received on the next working day which is why I always avoid weekends.
Giorgio ******
@Alan **********
Next time avoid Songkran season 🤣🤣. When everything is paralysed .

No big deal !!!
Peter ***********
Mine was instant 2 days ago & you have the tracking facility.
Kuan ******

I transfer from Singapore and it takes 24 hours
John *******
Hi there, all my transfers from the UK have always been next day before 3pm have never had same day transfers !! Thought that was normal 😳🤔
Alan ***********
Seems everyone has had different experiences. Could depend on the country being transferred from, the amount and, of course, at what time of day the transfer is made.....
John *******
@Alan **********
they move 2 billion a month so my small amount they are in no hurry ha ha 😳🤣
Rick *****************
None of my transfers from the US have ever taken less than 10 hours or more.
Ray *****
Used it last week from UK and both transfers were in seconds
John *******
@Ray ****
what bank do you use in the UK?
Ray *****
@John ******
transferwise was used to make the transfer, the funds were in my transferwise account
Ross ************
Yep. Same here past transfers in as small a time as 5 seconds. From Australia, during a conversation with my wife in Thailand, as long as in joint bank hours, I could say check your account and she would have the money. Now the app just keeps cyling in the "do not refresh or leave this page or transfer may fail". After a few minutes I go back and check status of transfer. Sometimes complete, sometimes waiting for hours. Understand re Buddha holidays.
Keith *******
in the past almost Instant...gotta allow for

holidays at both ends of the transfer...

hoping to get swift transfers again Transferwise please
Allan *********
Yes. Ever since they restructured / rebranded. Transfers from UK for same amounts that used to reach the Thai recipient account in minutes or, at most, hours has seen delays of 3 to 5 days!!! Not acceptable to me so I will certainly be looking at other providers.
Ronald *********
It usually takes a day on average for my transfer from UK, that is fine for me.

I transfer a few days on advance, for when the money is required for the reason.
John *******
@Ronald ********
have you ever had same day transfer, mine is always next day before 3pm to thai bank
Alan ***********
@John ******
For over a year my transfers had been made in seconds. Then one month ago it suddenly changed. I wondered why the sudden change and what other people's experiences had been.
John *******
@Alan **********
do you mind if I enquire what bank in the uk and Thailand you use please
Alan ***********
@John ******
I transfer from Finland and Sweden. I don't bank in the UK. (I'm actually Swedish.) In Thailand it's Krungsri.
John *******
@Alan **********
I use krungsri as well, I dont mind waiting till next day 🤓
Alan ***********
@John ******
I wouldn't mind if I hadn't paid a premium for a transfer in seconds that didn't happen.
Ronald *********
@John ******
No, at least a day sometimes two.
Alan ***********
Yes, I appreciate that it's still fast and normally it's ok for me too - but my point is that it has always been much quicker earlier and I wondered why it suddenly became much slower - and also, when I've paid a premium for a quicker transfer then, of course, I expect it to happen.
Niclas ***********
Could you share from where you send and amounts ballpark figure? I have sent THB 20K and couple of 100K with no delays last few months from SG. Last was immediately on 23rd
Alan ***********
Amounts varied from 20.000,- to 200.000,- and always early morning on a weekday. Always within seconds until during the last month.
Karim ***************
Can be different depending on the time of day you send and what day of the week. Consider your bank at home and their business hours and then consider Thailand’s.
Alan ***********
Yes, I understand. Transfers were always made the same time (early morning on a weekday). It's only in the last month that it's been taking longer and not as promised whilst setting up the payment.
Christina *********
Yes since they changed to wise. So for the last month, many not instant, around 10 minutes- an hour. The countdown would get almost to zero and reset.
Alan ***********
Yes, I noticed also it was since they changed to Wise ....
Andy *******
I’ve had no problems fast for me
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