What travel insurance coverage is available for non-British immigrants traveling during COVID-19 restrictions?

January 8, 2021
4 years ago
Istvan *********
I have a really interesting question.. most of the insurance company says will not cover if you are traveling abroad against the restrictions... But I checked all the government sites and everything and everywhere says: "Guidance for British people travelling overseas during the pandemic....". The FCDO currently advises British nationals against all but essential travel"...

The question is everywhere says British nationals, British people... So what about the immigrants who is not British citizen?? And I'm not talking about the lockdown and the restrictions... Just about the travel...
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the challenges non-British immigrants face when seeking travel insurance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The general guidance from the UK government primarily addresses British nationals, leading to confusion regarding the implications for immigrants. Participants emphasize the importance of checking individual insurance policies, as insurers may deny claims based on government travel advisories. There's also a reference to potential legal ramifications should one ignore travel advisories and the associated risks with insurance invalidation.
Kool *******
Most everything concerning travel, and any restrictions, is based off your passport, not where you are at.
Istvan *********
@Kool ******
that's my question about....
Andrew *********
@Kool ******
If you ignore your governments advice to NOT travel they are within their rights to refuse to help you , if for example the security situation in South Thailand with Muslim extremists deteriorated and you still choose to travel you are putting yourself in jeopardy against their advice and help might be not forthcoming.
Istvan *********
@Andrew ********
the question about the wording and not about against.. I'm traveling with legal reason. It was a question it's come up in to my mind.
Andrew *********
@Istvan ********
Covid travel restrictions and emergency decree measures are not necessary the same thing, the emergency powers were invoked to deal with Covid and the democracy protesters if you choose to travel just be aware your normal travel insurance is invalid. My friend was in Montserrat and they invoked emergency powers because of the volcanic eruption it invalidated his insurance claim as all flights were cancelled and he could not get out and lost a lot of business.
Andrew *********
Google it it has been extended till 15th Jan, they have been extending it on a monthly basis partly because of Covid and people suspect themselves was a cover to deal with the democracy protesters using these powers.
Jane ***********
@Stuart ********
said. TBH many insurance companies usually/often try to find ways to ‘not pay’ (it’s just the way they work) so best to seek clarification from whichever one you choose.
Andrew *********
@Jane **********
That is a standard understandable response of any insurance company, states of emergency are invoked for many reasons, usually natural disasters, severe security situations and in all these cases the FCO in UK will advise against travelling to these places.If you ignore their advice the embassy can be reluctant or refuse to help as you have ignored their advice.
Jane ***********
@Andrew ********
Not really. The Embassy has a duty of care for its foreign nationals irrespective of why they are in a country. You won't be treated differently from anyone else (and this is not to say they will give you a huge amount of support, just the same as to anyone else).
Andrew *********
@Jane **********
That may be but

whether they carry out that duty if care is another matter and there has been a lot of criticism of the embassy here. If there is a situation where there is a lot of demand for the embassy's assistance and they have to prioritise am sure they will go to the bottom of the list if they had ignored government advice in the first place.
Jane ***********
@Andrew ********
I know about the criticism of the Embassy (as always). When you say 'here' .. I live in Thailand too. TBH You don't know the way they prioritize their work. 'I am sure' really counts for FA.
Stuart *********
I guess that would be your own government’s guidelines. Perhaps you’d need to talk directly to some of the insurance companies to see if you’d be covered.
Andrew *********
To add to the confusion Thailand is under a state of emergency and this invalidates most normal insurance policies as it implies conditions are not normal for whatever reason for the government to invoke this power
Andy ********
@Andrew ********
I don't believe that Thailand is under a State of Emergency. What makes you think it is?
Andrew *********
@Andy *******
Thai PBS , Bangkok Post, English radio stations all carry it .
Andrew *********
@Andy *******
Google it
Istvan *********
@Stuart ********
that's what I'm doing at the moment. Just I'm curious about the people's opinions. Because this is an interesting question in this situation.
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