This discussion covers recommendations for travel insurance suitable for expats needing coverage in Thailand, particularly after the pandemic. Several users suggest different providers like Cigna Global, World Nomads, Seven Corners, and Safety Wing, while also sharing experiences regarding pandemic-related illnesses and pre-existing conditions. The conversation points out the importance of understanding policy details, especially regarding coverage limits for COVID-19 and travel-related incidents.
Try Safety Wing. They cover everything from travel, medical #insurance till pandemic. Check the #Coronavirus section to get all the details required. Here is the link Stay safe!
I got a quote from Pacific cross. It claimed to cover everything including corona up to a limit of three or ฿400,000. I am already in Thailand, it was not for a visa. But when I looked at coverage for a hospitalization for corona say three weeks in the hospital, with one week ICU, the total it would pay was US$1400. Far less than such a case would cost even in a government hospital. The cost per year was $1300. Total joke!
Seven corners was the best company I found and chose
Dianne *****
World Nomads will allow you to take insurance out as you travel as will One Cover, but I doubt either will allow coverage for pandemic related illness-check the fine print if that is what you are looking for. I saw today that some/possibly all British travel insurance companies are allowing one month extensions on travel insurance policies for Brits stranded due to Covid-19
I guess it depends what you are wanting it for ie if you are wanting it to cover covid-19 related illness or just regular insurance to cover hospital visits after a motorbike accident, gastro or other medical incident
Dianne *****
And are you wanting a policy that covers you in Thailand? Or one that will cover you to cone in to Thailand?
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Dianne *****
Didier ********
So what insurance to take? I'm in same situation , for me it's just to get to return to my family in Thailand
One lady who broke her neck was rejected because reckless behavior wasn't covered. So if you're considering CV virus insurance and someone is willing to insure you for it, that can mean only 1 of 2 things. They'll get you some clause, like its not the correct strain, or no one gets hospitalized for CV.
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Billy *******
Billy *******
Yea the scum bags never pay claims. So don't waste your money unless you think your one of those that think everything is legit.