What should I do if I want to switch jobs in Thailand and my old school won't cooperate with my visa transfer?

August 10, 2022
2 years ago
Louis *******
Hello everyone just needed some quick general advice about switching jobs and my visa. So long story short I work for a school and it’s not working out. I found a new school and they want to attempt to transfer my non b visa over to their school so I can start work. But my old school may not cooperate. (I’m thinking high chance they don’t) Under these circumstances what is the the correct route to take. When I quit my job do I then have 7 days left to stay in Thailand and figure it out? Should I then grab a COVID extension for extra processing time for the new non b? Or should I go to Laos for a fresh visa entirely? Is Laos even open to border runs by air or ground right now? How does all this work? Any general advice appreciated as this is my first job in Thailand and idk what to do.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on what to do about their non-B visa while transitioning from one school to another in Thailand. They are concerned about their old school not cooperating with the visa transfer process. The community discussion highlights the necessity to understand which type of visa the user holds, either an initial 90-day Non-B visa or a one-year extension. Options discussed include the potential need to leave the country and the implications of not canceling the previous work permit and visa. Additionally, there is mention of exploring a COVID extension or going to Laos for a new visa.
Brandon ************
Are you still on the initial 90 day Non-B visa, or are you on a 1 year extension?

If you're on the initial visa, you cannot change anything. You can't cancel a visa, and you can't change the reason for it. The only way to "reset" the visa is to leave the country and not get a re-entry permit, then the visa will become invalid and you can start over.

If you're on the one year extension of the Non-B, your ONLY OPTION is to cancel your work permit and then cancel this visa at immigration. If you do not cancel the extension, you can't do anything. You can't get a new visa, you can't get a new extension, and you'll be on overstay if you leave the country and just let it expire, because you didn't cancel it.

If your company won't provide you paperwork to say that you left your job, you might not have any options, but you can go to immigration to ask.
Louis *******
@Brandon ***********
yeah to clarify I’m on the extension. My new school wants to do a transfer but from what I understand it requires both schools to cooperate which I don’t think will happen. So I can go alone without assistance from my current school to cancel work permit and extension at immigration? Are these done at the same time or separately?
Brandon ************
@Louis ******
you'll have to check with the relevant agencies if they will let you cancel without paperwork from your job.

Normally you cancel your work permit first with the letter from your employer, then bring the work permit cancelation receipt to your local immigration office to cancel your extension.

This would need to be done on the same day usually. But you'd also need everything in place already to apply for a new work permit and extension the same day.

It's usually impossible without cooperation between both jobs and immigration.

You'll likely need to cancel everything and leave Thailand to apply for a new non-B in a neighboring country, assuming you're able to cancel everything.
Louis *******
@Brandon ***********
Right ok this is super helpful. Thank you. And I assume Laos is open to visa runs now right? Is that usually the best location to do it?
Brandon ************
@Louis ******
every neighboring country except Myanmar is open. But I don't know the best option.
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