What is the process for bringing pets to Thailand from the USA, and how strict are the import regulations?

Oct 7, 2024
9 days ago
Max ********
Question for people who have brought pets to Thailand from USA. I was wondering what the process was like with airlines + Bangkok airport regarding pet docs. We’ve been planning to bring our two cats (indoor, never go outside) and had read through all the requirements (shots, import permit, health certificate, etc.) but just recently had our process brought to a halt by the vet that we had gone to originally.

We leave in less than two weeks but now the vet is saying they won’t do the health certificate unless we go get another round of shots and then wait 21 days, which is past our departure date and all of our flights + accomodations are non-refundable and already booked.

We have certificates and receipts of their vaccinations for rabies + feline panleukemia from last month but it seems like there’s a chance that even with a new vet we might not be able to get the health certificate in time.

From what I read about most things in thailand, it sounds like certain laws are followed very strictly while others are more loosely followed / can be solved with paying a fee and talking and I was curious what it’s like for pet import. Thanks in advance.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The process of bringing pets to Thailand from the USA involves several critical steps, including obtaining a health certificate, vaccination records, and an import permit. Pet owners must ensure their pets are up to date on vaccinations, particularly rabies and feline panleukopenia for cats, and have these documented by a vet who understands the process. Delays can arise if the vet requires additional shots or if the import permit application isn't submitted in time; it's important to plan ahead as some documents need to be completed at least 7 business days before travel. Experiences shared by other expats suggest that while the Thai authorities are generally accommodating, airline regulations may be stricter. It's advisable to communicate directly with both the vet and the airline, and to join local pet owner groups for additional insights and support. Visitors can also contact Thai authorities directly for confirmation of requirements.
Nicholas *********
Buy one here
Peter ********
I did not use my regular vet in Austin because they were not familiar with the process. You need a vet who understands this. Of course now you are working against the clock. I know this doesn’t help you at this point. All I can say is that I was totally paranoid about getting this all right months in advance. And you must ensure that there is enough dog space on the plane. Delta / KE only allowed 4 some years ago. In your shoes I’d be talking to agents immediately. The danger is the airline says no. I wouldn’t talk about irregular processing. It’s a bad idea all round. Obviously.
Deborah *******
Please feel free to inbox if you need to
Deborah *******
This is the email i got:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for contacting us to inquire about bringing your pets into Thailand.

An applicant who wishes to travel with pets or import pets by air cargo to Thailand through Suvarnabhumi Airport needs to obtain an import permit before their departure by submitting the relevant documents below;

1. An application R
form (see attached), please fill information in the form including of

a. Name of a traveler/importer

b. Address in Thailand and your origin country

c. Pet’s details (breed, sex, DOB, color, and microchip no.)

d. Flight itinerary

2. Copy of traveler/importer’s passport

3. Pet’s photo with its face clearly shown

4. Vaccination record* (must be in English) which includes

a. Pet’s details (breed, sex, DOB, color, and microchip no.)

b. Veterinarian’s details who administrates vaccines (full name, license number, and signature)

c. Dog: Rabies**, Canine Distemper, Canine Hepatitis, Canine Parvovirus, and Leptospirosis*** vaccines

d. Cat: Rabies** and Feline Panleukopenia vaccines


* In case of primary or discontinuity vaccination, animal must wait for 21 days since vaccination before departure. However animal has valid booster vaccination, a waiting period is not required and the previous vaccination records should be attached.

** In case of primary Rabies vaccine: animal was at least 12 weeks old at the time of administration.

***In case of dogs that did not have a valid Leptospirosis vaccine: dogs must have a negative result for the Leptospirosis test within 30 days prior to departure.

- An import permit is valid for 60 days

- Please submit all of this at least 7 business days before departure and the permit issuance process will take about 5 business days after we receive complete documents. If more information is required, the officer will contact you by email.

Kind regards
Deborah *******
Its easy peasy
Cherrie ******
Relo4paws, we've used their service 2x already.
Zoe ******
What’s the reason your vet wants another round of shots? We moved here with our dog last year, it was easy, we just followed the instructions on Thailand embassy website.
Henrik *****
Luckyli for the cats you are to late with the preparations.
Praewpan ***********
Hi, please write to the Thai pet import unit directly to get confirmation. I know they have allowed some exceptions through direct experience. Share with them the vaccine certificates that your pets currently have. They will be able to tell you if it's possible or not.

Kimberly ********
We just moved here from the US with two dogs and I can tell you that Thailand is easy. It’s the airline that will give you trouble. Our dogs are still in the US (being shipped over to us in a couple weeks) and we had a massive debacle with Qatar that eventually denied our dogs boarding.

Outside of other things they were misinformed about, the import permit is a very grey area. I applied for mine a little late (I think 5 days before we flew) but I looked at Thailand’s customs webpage AND Bangkok’s Animal Quarantine page and they both say you can do the import permit application process in person at BKK. This was confirmed by the authority in person when I landed in BKK. He said, “yes of course let’s do the application now” but I didn’t have my dogs lol

Officials here definitely want all of the paperwork and vaccinations but they are very easy to work. Definitely heavy emphasis on coming over with the vaccines up to date (especially rabies) and they were really emphasizing the USDA health certificate with the embossed stamp.

I can almost guarantee you it’s going to be the airline that will not let you board without everything even if Thailand is laid back about it.

Idk why the vet would say they need more shots? As long as all the shots have been done within the past 12 months, that’s what Thailand wants.

I would call around to some vets until you find a helpful one. We were based out of Austin, Texas and our vet isn’t available to do the health certificates again and we found another clinic that was more than willing to get our dogs in for the appointment in one week.

As far as BKK taking forever, call them. Or if you can, hop on a Thailand pets page or something and ask someone in Thailand to make the call for you. I never heard back from my first round of application and when we got here and I called them, he said he’s gonna get my import permit to me within 4 or 5 days and they’re already processing it.
Kimberly ********
Here is the BKK AQS number


They’re open 8:30-4:30 M-F (we are 12 hours ahead of Central time)
Pui *****
If you cats have their vaccines up to date, it is very simple and just requires the vet certification sent to get your export permit 10 days before travel. I've traveled with my cat to Thailand many times. Post in Bangkok Pet Lovers or Dogs and Cats on Koh Samui where many people can give first hand knowledgeable advice about this.
Jacqui *****************
Join Bangkok Pet Lovers group for pet related questions.
Dana *******
Angelo ***********
All (well there are very very few exceptions) vaccines are two shots in roughly 14 days distance.

So shortly after COVID everyone should know that. Or should remember his childhood vaccinations.

"From what I read about most things in thailand, it sounds like certain laws are followed very strictly while others are more loosely followed / can be solved with paying a fee and talking and I was curious what it’s like for pet import."

Yes, you can put your pets 4 weeks into quarantine. For a fee.
Ning ******
I think they are referring to titer test. They need to do the titer test before they are allowed to fly 🙁
Zoe ******
@Ning *****
there’s no titer test requirement for entering Thailand with a pet. I did it last year.
Andy **********
@Ning *****
The vet is probably also thinking about the health of the animals. The vaccinations are not done for kicks.
Michael ********
Check with relo4paws
Peter ***********
@Michael *******
i 2nd relo4paws we are bringing 5 dogs in 2 weeks time they have done all our import paperwork very reasonable.
John *******
You need an import permit from the Thai Government. Pretty sure the airport will be strict with that. Land borders are much easier (you are not bribing anyone at the airport). Other major issue is the airline. Will they even let you onto the plane without the import permit? Also, do you understand why the vet won’t do the health certificate? Are they correct in not doing it? If not, can you go to another vet? I also strongly suggest that if you plan to bring the pets back to the US at some point, that you look at those requirements now, as some need to be thought through in advance. Having certain paperwork before exiting the US makes it easier to return. Seen a few cases where families have had to abandon their pets because they didn’t think about the process of being the pet back into the country.
Max ********
@John ******
We applied for the import permit ~3 weeks ago but haven’t heard anything back even with a couple follow up emails (originally received a notice that they changed their emails and resubmitted to the proper email).

The first vet said they would fill out the health certificate if we show them the import permit but we’ve not heard back about it yet and now it seems like they took it personally that we went to a different vet + cancelled the appointment we had with them.

Thank you for mentioning checking the US requirements! I’ll make sure to take a look at that, I appreciate that.

Regarding the airline, we’ve been looking into that yesterday + today as we had originally expected to have all necessary paperwork and weren’t concerned until last friday unfortunately. Whatever the solution ends up being, we’ll end up going with what’s best and safest for our cats. Thank you for the thorough response!
John *******
@Max *******
it is strange that it is taking them that long to supply an import permit. How long since resubmitting? Which airport are you applying through? I know the paperwork is site specific. I am American but been living in Cambodia, and have brought my two French bulldogs back and forth into Thailand multiple times - sometimes things have gone super smoothly and other times it feels like no one is on the other end of emails
Max ********
@Michael *******
I’ll take a look, thanks!
Lynnette *******
@Max *******
yes, try them. They can do the import for you from USA.
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