Recommendations for pet travel from USA to Bangkok
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Several members recommend using specialized pet shipping services such as Relo4Paws or Animal Travelers for a smoother experience when bringing pets from the USA to Bangkok. Others mention airlines like Qatar Airways and EVA Air as good options for traveling with pets. It’s essential to do thorough research on import requirements and confirm services directly with airlines, especially for larger pets that may need to travel as cargo. While some suggest a DIY approach, many emphasize the convenience of utilizing pet shipping services due to the complexities involved.
If you’re flying on the same flight as the pet (so either in cabin or in hold as opposed to cargo where the pet is on a separate flight), then it’s a matter of choosing the airline with the best connection/price that offers this service. Qatar and KLM have been mentioned (Qatar being a much cheaper option). Once you arrive in Thailand you collect the crate with the pet at odd-size luggage and proceed to the veterinary authority to process all papers. It’s a lot of paperwork, especially beforehand, which you could outsource to pet travel company such as Relo4Paws. Tbh I find services like that grossly overpriced as it’s easy to find info on what is needed and if you love your pet so much you’re willing to carry it halfway the planet, you are probably also willing to accompany it to the veterinary authority and do some research/paperwork 😉
Did you fly from the US with your cat? We have dogs, how are you able to find the USDA Veterinarian? We ask our vet, but was referred to relocation services. We want to avoid using relocation service and do it ourselves.
I flew from the Netherlands (EU), I could go to my own vet as he is registered with the relevant authority issuing the health certificate
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Sascha **********
Alistair **********
From Australia I used Dynamic Air Cargo on the Thai side. They have a pet department, handled the local paper work and delivery.
Pam ****************
I asked Soi Dog Foundation in Phuket a few years ago about the best airlines for moving dogs to the US. They said Qatar and EVA air. We used EVA going to the states and Qatar returning. Both excellent!
Definitely do you research because both countries have required paperwork to be filled out.
In the process of bringing mine from Canada. It's hit or miss in my experience if you don't use a pet shipping service.
My Daughter is coming for a visit so I offered to pay her ticket if she could bring my dog with her (too big for cabin so has to go cargo.) I checked with Air Canada on a flight and told them I wanted to bring the dog. The ticker person was helpful and walked through all the airline requirements (which I already knew) but then I asked about the connecting flight (South Korea) and if they could make sure that this flight accept pets moving on to Thailand ... they went away for about 20 minutes and came back and told me they do, so great ... I called by Daughter gave her the flight details and to tell them she was bringing a pet ... they told her that she needs to book the ticker first, then they could look at the pet issue (??? ... oh, well, I already checked and it was okay) So she booked the flight (no cancellations of ticket allowed) and told them she wanted to bring a dog ... they told her to check with the connecting airlines herself as they didn't do that kind of thing (???)
Okay, so being cautions I decided to call the connecting airlines, and shock!!! They don't do pet services for international flights, only domestic!!!
So, I ended up booking with a pet service out of Toronto ... probably not of any use to you in the USA ... so just a recommendation that you are probably better off getting an IATA registered pet shipping service for the sake of convenience .. but if you do go with the 'do it yourself' method, and your pet is too big for Cabin travel (and even if it is they might just refuse you if someone on the flight has a severe allergy) then check carefully with all airlines involved and the specific flights and dates to make sure they can accommodate your pet!
Len *****
It is easy to do it yourself. Check for both Thai import and US export requirements. Book a flight with airlines that allow travelling with a pet and let them know in advance.
S *******
There is one group called Animal Travelers join there you will surely get help there
Michelle ******
Qatar airways. Stopover in Doha but they have an amazing animal facility and will walk, feed, clean the pets for a 2+ hour layover