What are some affordable COVID-19 insurance options in Thailand for foreign skilled workers?

June 26, 2020
4 years ago
Steve *********
As per the announcement of foreign skilled workers being able to enter Thailand soon, I would need Covid-19 insurance in Thailand for 100,000 USD.

Does anyone know of any good insurance companies in Thailand for such insurance please. I got a quote from AXA in UK at a cost of £1852, which I cannot afford
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the need for COVID-19 insurance for foreign skilled workers entering Thailand, particularly a policy covering at least $100,000. The original poster mentioned receiving an expensive quote from AXA in the UK and sought recommendations for affordable alternatives. Several commenters shared their experiences and suggested various insurance providers, such as Aplusii, Mr. Prakan, Pacific Cross, and Cigna International, highlighting the need for approved insurance companies that meet Thai government requirements. There was also caution about selecting the right policy that balances affordability with adequate coverage.
Francis *******
Sylvain ******
Guys we all need to understand you need to get a good health insurances that covers everything from A to Z and inside that insurance includes covid for about 3 millions baths
Alan *******
What do you expect? You're being asked to pay under £2k to be covered for $100k. You can't expect to pay less and be covered for $100k Covid protection. Think about it!
Steve *********
@Alan ******
I expect to pay around £300 like the policies helpful people who have commented here have pointed me too. Why the attitude?
Jane ***********
I went with Cigna International, that was the cheapest for my needs (I wanted worldwide cover rather than just in Thailand).
Steve *********
@Jane **********
thank you
Rob ******
Its the plan till christmas , after that , not so sure .
Tod *********
This person has the lowest premiums on covid-19 insurance I've seen and I've looked all over
Steve *********
@Tod ********
thank you
Tod *********
Rob Tuck you'll have to contact her. She's speaks english french and thai, :)
Tod *********
Rob Tuck it is what it is, she's the cheapest price I've found and she's never contacted me ONCE other than to answer my questions.

How about you dial the paranoia back a notch or three and find your OWN quote ;) Google is your friend, I am not..
Durrant ********
Thailand only want wealthy foreigners now. Its the new norm.
Paul ***********
@Durrant *******
thailand want super rich they got most people won't pay over 4000 pound before they buy a chang thailand not worth that kind of money any more if things don't change l will use plane l have then its good bye Thailand
Steve *********
@Durrant *******
they’ll be a lot poorer by the time they get insurance and pay for quarantine!
Durrant ********
@Steve ********
it wont worry the rich ones. But its a big worry for the pensioners
Steve *********
@Durrant *******
I can assure you it’s a worry for me too. No entry = no job
Tony *******
@Steve ********
hey mate can I ask what ur job is in Thailand been looking at working there myself miss my misses and kid so much
Steve *********
@Tony ******
don’t blame me I don’t make the rules. Sorry for your situation. As I understand it people with Thai families are being allowed entry too with the same restrictions. Job wise I am a software developer. I taught myself and have been doing it for 17 years. There’s plenty of information on the internet if you want to learn. Go for it. Once you have 5 years experience Thailand will consider giving you a work permit once you’ve convinced a Thai company of your skills and found a job. That process took me about 6 months. Good luck
Chris *********
I use Mr Prakan broker. The woman broker is very helpful, they have many insurers and you can choose various deductibles and coverage packages. I'm with Pacific Cross, haven't had to use it but a friend who did said they were good no hassles.
Steve *********
@Chris ********
thank you
Bangsat **********
Flu insurance???
Mark *********
Not being funny but if you have to pay that much for insurance to work in Thailand how much is it going to cost us for insurance to come stay with our loved ones
Michael ********
@Mark ********
doesnt cost
0 just covers
Mark *********
@Michael *******
still going to hurt us and there economy apart from Chinese walking round with there flag on a pole not really spending money in bars ect
Adam *********
Steve *********
@Mark ********
non of this is funny - I think we’re all screwed
Steven ****************
Pacific and a fella called Jamie is very helpful. All depends on your age. You could choose to pay first xxx amount of treatment a year. So if you had 50k bht of treatment for example you have to pay the first 40k. If you had 4 mil bht in treatment you still just pay 40k and it reduces yearly cost a lot and also don't have outpatient treatment which again reduces the premium you pay.
Steve *********
Jatinder **************
@Sudarshan ***********************
should be able to help you...
Steve *********
Bob **********
If you just want it to get into Thailand there are many but there not going to do you much good if you get sick
Steve *********
@Bob *********
if you can recommend any cheap ones which cover USD
0 I’d be grateful for advice please
Steve *********
@Bob *********
if I can get a cheap one to get in I’d be happy to get a better one once I’m there. You need the policy in place before you can apply for the entry certificate and there’s a chance they could still deny entry in which case it’s wasted money
Bogdan ******
Graham ********
Be careful who you go with - I am planning to re-locate from Australia next year, and there only a select few (about 10 I think) that are approved Thailand health insurance providers that the Thai government will accept insurance with.
Steve *********
@Graham *******
oh god! Ok thanks
Bobby ********
@Steve ********
. The Thai approved insurers are for the mandatory OA visa insurance, not for Covid 19. You can take out Covid insurance with any company provided they give you a certificate which confirms you have US$100,000 cover

Steve *********
@Bobby *******
good to know. Thank you
Chris *****

Look at the easycare packages. They’ll also provide a letter stating Covid coverage, just ask.
ᘻᗅᖶᖶᗁᕦᙛ *******
Which is the best plan on a retirement Visa ssrv
ᘻᗅᖶᖶᗁᕦᙛ *******
Are all the plans 100 000 coverage
Steve *********
@Chris ****
thank you
Chris *****
@Steve ********
you’re welcome. I was a former broker and they were always the cheapest and best to deal with.
Steve *********
@Chris ****
£341 - a lot better 😬
Bim *******
This Covid insurance is such a scam
Steve *********
@Bim ******
if they need skilled workers this a not a good way of getting them
Roy ***********
@Steve ********
They do it with all requirements, make it very difficult for people to come. When you see requirements mentioned for restart of tourism, tourists will not come to Thailand.
Bim *******
@Steve ********
of they want an economy then stop this nonsense
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