Is the 15-day consideration period for visa extensions a common practice in Thailand or specific to Pai?

January 18, 2022
3 years ago
Fanny ******
Hello ! We are now in Pai, northen Thailand. We went to immigration yesterday for covid extension. Our visa ends on the 4th of february. We have been told that we can do it now but we will lose the days left as the visa extension will start from the day we will applied. Fine. But they also told us that once we apply, it will be under consideration and we will have to come back 15 days later to have it approved.

Is it the same everywhere or a Pai special rule ๐Ÿ˜…

Thanks !
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A person in Pai, Thailand, is seeking clarification on whether the 15-day waiting period for approval after applying for a COVID-19 visa extension is a standard practice across Thailand or specific to Pai. Comments indicate that while this practice is common in many immigration offices, it may vary based on the office's workload, and some locations might not impose such a waiting period. Additionally, the initial COVID extension begins from the application date, which affects travel flexibility.
Charlie ************
Does anyone have any news of whether covid pass is going to be extended again?
Benjamin ******
@Charlie ***********
There has been no announcement yet
Astrid **********
Since you come of a tourist extension you will be stamped from day of application. That is same everywhere.

Not all IO give 15 days under consideration. But many do ATM. Koh Phangan/Samui does not
Mark ********
It's amazing how if you pay 3000 baht instead of 1900 they "expedite" those 15 days lol....
Mark ********
@George *******
read the myriad of posts before you attack people... krabi, phuket, pai.... NOT in MTT... obviously it's not relevant when they don't start with the 15 days bs. Hence your experience is NOT what we are discussing .
Vinegar *****
Will they hold your passport for those 15 days?
Fanny ******
yes they did in Koh Phangan during few hours
Kool *******
@Vinegar ****
no, immigration never holds your passport.
Frank-Steven ***********
Highly annoying, yes I know. But applied like this in many Immigration Offices, unfortunately. The FIRST covid extension starts the day you apply for it. Subsequent ones would then however be accumulated / added to the end date of the former one. That "under consideration" practice is the worst, as it makes one so inflexible to travel on. Nothing you can do about it. But you do have plenty time left, so you could shop around for more favorable Immigration Offices that at least not do that "under consideration" crap. One question: You did say your "visa ends". As in you are on your original entry stamp and did not have one regular extension, yet? Most Immigration Offices will then first force you to get a 30 day regular extension (at the same price of 1,900 baht), before taking you application for a COVID extension. That is the 3rd annoying thing.
Xjwhudkwhry ********
@Frank-Steven **********
'as it makes one so inflexible to travel on' you're applying for extension of stay not because you want to travel around, but because you can't go back to your country yet, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Shouldn't be a big deal then...
Benjamin ******
>Is it the same everywhere

It's same at most immigration office. It depends on the immigration office's workload
Mark ********
@Benjamin *****
how does this help workload ? It creates more work not less... additional stamps and paperwork and manual entering of all info twice for each extension
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