Can I extend my Covid visa earlier at Phuket immigration compared to Phang Nga?

January 28, 2022
3 years ago
Sascha **********
Just went to get my covid extension (which runs until 28 feb) extended at Phang Nga immigration and they wouldn’t do it, told me to come back ‘2-3 days before’. Which is a bit of a risk obviously 🙄 Does Phuket immigration extend earlier? I don’t mind going there to get it over with.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user sought to extend their Covid visa at Phang Nga immigration, which runs until February 28, but was advised to return 2-3 days before the expiration. The user is considering going to Phuket instead for an earlier extension. Comments reveal variability in processing times and rules at different immigration offices across Thailand, indicating that the response may depend on local practices or staff discretion.
Zap **********
I think technically you can't until 30 or maybe it is less than 30 days remaining on current stamp
Astrid **********
If it's your 1st C-extension it's very good they turned you away since you be stamped from day of application. You would have lost 30 of the 60 days!
Astrid **********
Well, why want to extend so far in advance, you have till your stamp expires and/or Match 25 in case you always been a tourist
Sascha **********
@Astrid *********
it’s my 2nd 😉
Benjamin *******
While I was extending my visa at the Bangkok office I overhead the officer shouting at some poor lady why she applied for the extension with only 2 days left. I guess it’s different place, different rules 🤷🏻‍♂️
Garrett ***********
Not sure why they wouldn't do it, maybe they where just helping you out. Your first covid extension starts from the day you apply, it's not added to the end of your current stay like other extension. It wouldn't make sense to apply for it early.

Subsequent covid extensions are added to your current stay, so you can apply for those 30-45 days before your stamp expires depending on the office.
Sascha **********
@Garrett **********
thanks, this would be my 2nd covid extension and it’s 30 days before the first one expires. I think they were just being difficult? I’ll try again 7-10 days before expiration, leaving enough time to go elsewhere (Phuket or Krabi) if rejected
Per-e ***************
It's funny how if you don't like the covid extension law in one city, you can go by a different law in a different city. I did this yesterday. Luckily we have this option.
Shaun *********
Don’t worry I’ve been told that at Jomtien before, they don’t like doing too soon and it also depends what staff are at reception.
Stuart *********
You use the office where your TM30 is filed. Not sure any office will do the extension that early.
Astrid **********
They dont ness ask though they check it in the system. If not landlord faces a big fine since its their responsibility, not yours
Sascha **********
@Stuart ********
btw, Phang Nga doesn’t ask for the TM30. I wasn’t asked last month and today my friend extended there and they didn’t ask for it either 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sascha **********
@Stuart ********
yes I would book a hotel for a night for the TM30
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