Is a medical certificate required to obtain a motorcycle license in Thailand, and can I apply for a Thai motorcycle license online?

Oct 11, 2024
6 days ago
Richard *******
Can anyone offer advice.

I’ve applied for a motorcycle license online from my country in Australia.

I already paid 2000 BAHT, and now they are asking for medical certificate and additional 1000 Baht.

Is a medical certificate required for obtain a motorcycle license?

I’m worried this could be a scam to get more money?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The poster is concerned about the legitimacy of an online application for a motorcycle license in Thailand after being asked for additional payments and a medical certificate. Commenters unanimously warn that the online application is likely a scam, emphasizing that obtaining a Thai motorcycle license requires an in-person application at the Department of Land Transport (DLT) along with a medical certificate, which typically costs between 100 and 500 Baht. Many warn against continuing to send money as this could lead to further scams.
Tj ********
Just go to an RAA outlet and get an International Driver's permit.. its what I did and it's valid for 12 months. You can drive in Thailand and Vietnam. It helps if you have an aussie motorcycle licence, but it's not essential 🙏🏻
Darin ********
I’m Australian living in Thailand, get a international license before you come and once living in Thailand get your licence
Mark ***********
Certificate of residence from Immigration 500baht .Medical certificate 50 baht from most doctors clinics then 300baht for car and motorbike licence. 15 minutes in office.

Total cost 850baht 🙏
Pranom **********
Yes, a medical certificate is generally required when applying for a motorcycle license in Thailand. This is part of the standard application process, and it helps ensure that drivers are medically fit to operate vehicles.

However, the additional 1000 Baht request seems unusual, as the official fee for a motorcycle license application, including the test, is typically less than that. You may want to verify the legitimacy of the website or office you’re dealing with to ensure you’re not being scammed. It’s a good idea to check with the local Department of Land Transport office or their official website for the correct procedures and fees.

If you’re applying through a third party, double-check their credibility.
Joel *********
Medical certificate is 100 baht
Wayne *******
Your grumbling over £23ffs
Rick ********
100% scam mate 👍🏻

If you already have a motorcycle licence in Aus you can apply online for an international drivers permit.

Otherwise if you are getting a Thai license you do it in person there
James *********
I paid 50 baht for my medical clearance from a clinic in Thailand. If you ever have doubts or questions, simply ask about it here, or similar expat forums 🙏
Michael ********
Don't pay anymore money, it's a scam !
Srini ******
A lot of Western's think that Thailand is so corrupt they can get a driver's license without actually being present. They certainly don't think it's possible in their country so why are they so willing to think it's ok to skirt the law by paying someone to get the licence for them in Thailand.
Andy **********
I think the poor guy knows by now. Admin to lock?
Brandon ************
@Andy *********
people can lock their own posts
Andy **********
Srini ******
@Andy *********
Poor guy? Certainly choosing a short cut instead of doing it the right way.. they have this impression that anything is attainable if you pay money even though they would not think about doing this in their home country.
Andy **********
@Srini *****
There have been 10+ hours from various clever clogs,like you, rubbing it in for likes, saying the same old thing, like its not been said before. The point has been made. Having said that there have been eejits recommending online IDPs on this worthless thread, another scam. And actually there are countries that administratively convert driving licences, so it's plausible to believe some with an established Australian licence to believe it can be converted to Thai. The OP is likely naive, rather than as you alleged, corrupt.
Judy **********
Get it in Thailand at the local DLT. You will need a TM30 (resident certificate), a 100 baht medical certificate and photo copies of certain pages of your passport.

There are so many scams out there. Please be careful.
Jozef *********
David ********
I had to get a medical to apply and obtain my motorbike driving licence a few years ago, so I went to a doctor in Cha-am and was told by the secretary that then it would cost Bt80, Well that was OK but I never saw the doctor and the doctor's secretary took my passport and wrote a totally Ok medical certificate in one minute and gave it to me, signed on behalf of a Doctor out back busy with patients (too busy to see me). Then to get my license I had to make a donation to the tester's gratitude fund to ensure the license was forthcoming. Without the donation, nothing would have happened...This Is Thailand. TIT. If going to the motor transport place it is best to take an English-speaking Thai girlfriend with you. "Where is a will there is a way"
Phil ********
Ask them how do they insert your photo on the driving licence if you're not there?

They take your photo at the department of land transport at the end of the test.

It costs about ฿100, not thousands.
Giraffe *********
Come in spinner
Michael ********
I can confirm, all the information on the wiki page is accurate.


If you are converting your Aus licence, you don't need to do the Theory or Practical, only the physical at the DLT office.

- I converted My car licence, need to bring Aus licence + IDP

- Motorbike, I sat & completed the Thai theory test & driving practical exam.
Michael ********
*You do need a residential certificate from Thai Immigration, agents can arrange this often for a fee of 2,000 THB

The medical certificate only costs 150 baht at the most.

You can find doctors who specialise in this service or go visit any doctor.

The ones who specialise, they ask for your height,weight ect & just take your word for it.
Tez ******
Yes you need a medical cert
Carlo ********
A medical certificate cost 100 baht for caro or motorbike license
Bart **************
Yes this is a scam. The medical certificate is not, because that is indeed required, but you should know, and it is really surprising that you don't, that a vehicle license requires doing an exam. These scammers are advertising in public (I see them also in my timeline) which means the authorities will see it also and shut them down within due course. Your license, if after fixing all the "problems" by sending more money you even get one, will probably be invalidated then also. You'd be lucky if you'd get away without punishment because your ought to know that this is illegal.

The biggest concern however is not an illegal license. It's that you will hit the roads without being properly qualified. How you think that's gonna go?
David **********
The whole license is only about 700 baht if I remember correctly.
David **********
It's an agent scam. I am also an Aussie who lives in both countries. Take your Aussie bike license with you and it is very easy to use that to obtain a Thai license with just a simple colour blindness and reflex test in a couple of hours. No agent necessary and very cheap. After first license of a year you then get a 5 license which I have. Car license is separate and just as easy
Steve *********
It’s never ending they just keep asking for more money. Yoh never get the driving licence
Olaf ********
Andrew ***********
Your being scammed run while you can, before you loose anymore money. This has been in the news and on social media and it's just a big scam
Trofim ********
I’ve hired motorcycles here just a copy of my Aus license 250 baht and away you go no medical certificate
Andy **********
@Trofim *******
And no insurance
Trofim ********
Dave ********
You've been scammed !

How did you pay ?

Can you reclaim the money from your Bank or credit card company ?
Simon ********
Definitely a scam
Tony ******
Yes you need medical certificate in Thailand for a license
Zac ********
You've been scammed.

Only the extremely gullible would believe that they could obtain a legal driving licence this way.

Don't send them any more money as you will not see it or them again.

To get a legal driving licence in Thailand you have to go to your local transport office and actually do the tests yourself, you need your passport, valid visa, proof of residency/work permit may suffice if it has your address on it, medical cert (you may need 2 if you want both car and motorbike licence). If you are just convert your home country licence you will need that and an IDP.
Wayne **********
Raquel ***********
Idk that it's a scam so much as that they're charging you 5x the price for fake medical records...which seems fair for illegal documents imo 😅 Next will come the residency cert... I think the only way to tell if it's an actual scam is after you make a bunch of installments and then they ghost you lol
Zac ********
@Raquel **********
ummmm, you think the only way you can tell it's a scam is after you make a bunch of installments. I realised it was a scam when I read the bit about someone taking a driving test for you. Do you actually believe that you can get a legal driving licence when someone else takes the test for you, alarm bells should be ringing, it's the same with an educational degree you can't legally have someone else sit the exam for you, it's called fraud and it's illegal.
Raquel ***********
@Zac *******
Illegal isn't the same thing as a scam
Zac ********
@Raquel **********
so you think this scam is legal???? This is both a scam and illegal, do you really believe that it is legal for someone else to sit a driving test for you????
Raquel ***********
@Zac *******
No, I think there's not enough information. He actually doesn't even have to take the practical driving test if he has a valid Australian license. He would just need to take (or have proof of having passed) the written test, and that doesn't even have to happen at the DLT, driving schools do it all the time.
Zac ********
@Raquel **********
what you are talking about is converting a driving licence, in this case he won't have to do a written test or the practical test but he will have to do the colour blind test, depth perception test and brake test, he will also have to do these in person at the transport office. You can't have anyone else do these for you as that is be illegal, additionally you have to be there to sit in front of their machine that takes your photo and produces your licence, if someone else sits in front of the machine it would be their photo on the licence.
Brandon ************
@Raquel **********
so it's definitely a scam. One of the most popular for a long time. After he pays for the medical certificate then there will be another problem that needs 2000 baht. Then after that another problem for 1000. On and on
Pete *******
@Raquel **********
it’s a scam. DLT only issue licenses in person.
David *********
You can get a international license from RTA In Australia for $42 and can use for 3 months then apply for a Thai license when your there
Jim ************
@David ********
IDP requires you to already have a proper licence from your home state, with the required endorsements.
David *********
@Jim ***********
yes a current Australian license my international license issue with in 20minutes you need 2 passport photos and take your passport as well
Onne ***********
Duncan *******
The scam isn't just the medical certificate, it's the whole thing - to get a license, you need to attend the DLT in person to undertake testing and have your picture taken. And a medical certificate (which is required) is only legally issued when you see a doctor in person.
Ricky ********
If you dont have an Aussie motorbike licence you cant just get one online. Think they saw you comming
Peter *********
You got scammed ….
Justine *********
You can’t get a motorcycle licence online in Australia? You have to physically sit a driving test in Australia to get an Australian motorcycle licence
Justine *********
If you’re talking about and international driving permit, you can get these online from RACQ or NRMA
Baz *********
Sounds like a scam...

Online driving license?..

Get an international driving permit from Australia before you travel..(then you are legally allowed to drive)

If you going to be in Thailand long term then sort out the local driving license once you are here..
Andy ********
Yes, you have been scammed
David **********
All license renewal and new license require medical cert
Andy ************
Becky **********
Example of scam
Andy **********
@Becky *********
I think the lady in the photo, is a genuine visa agent in Pattaya, that isn't the company she works for, I can only assume the photo is stolen, and is being used on a scammers website and Facebook pages 😳
Becky **********
@Andy *********
they shouldn’t be showing drivers license. Nobody can get a drivers license for you.
Andy **********
@Becky *********
the people that claim they can get you a Thai driver's license, without you doing any test or producing your home country licenses, are scammers, but there are legitimate agents in places like Pattaya, that can assist you to convert your home country licenses, together with an IDP, into full Thai licenses at the DLT, by completing a simple colour blind and reaction test, it's fully legal.
Pam *********
Christopher ***********
@Becky *********
Photos are genuine, lifted off a legitimate driving school page/site. The scammers are based in Thailand, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Wayne *****
Why would you apply online FFS??? Why didn't you do some research.
Kool *******
Yes, a medical certificate is required to get a Thai driver's license. You are being scammed though, as you can not get a legal Thai driver's license online. With these online scams you'll never know it is a fake license until you get stopped by the police, and then you can go to jail, and be deported for using counterfeit documents. Be fully aware of this.
Pete *******
Scammed, say goodbye to your money.
Pertti *************
Bike license is 105 baht and medical check 100baht. You can buy online real license.. it's scam
Peter **********
to get a m/c licence from your home country you would have to have passed their M/c test. if you have getting a thai livence is easy. if you havrnt you have to apply for a thai licence which meand a test and paperwork. If you get an IDP and only have driven a car, the IDP wont have a M/c classification and cant be used
Carl *********
Yes you need a medical certificate, which you can get from any medical centre, thing is though your usually checked over by a Dr to get one, costs me usually about 400 baht where I go. I feel robbed now seeing people only paying 100 😂🤣😅 so your defo getting stitched up at a 1000 unless it's a backhander certificate so you don't need go in person or a scam.
Sharon *******
If this is for a Thai license you have already been scammed.

A motorbike license costs around 300bt, you will need a medical cert about 100bt, a certificate of residence from immigration, & photocopies of passport etc. You have to do 1 hour online learning which includes a simple test & pass a reaction & colorblindness test.

Its pretty simple & in total will cost you around 500bt.

Please use common sense with these things, could someone else get a license for you in your home country?
Nigel *********
Kiss your 2k good-bye. Yes you need a medical... It's between 300 to 500thb takes 5 min.

Sort it with the Land Transport Department when you get here.
Graham ******
@Nigel ********
mine was 100B in Sa Kaeo province
Steve ************
@Graham *****
Ditto in Phetchabun 100 baht and the doctor just signed it and didn’t even want to see me.
Graham ******
@Steve ***********
least she checked my blood pressure 555
Steve ************
Yasmin ***********
Frank **********
Really? A license online? People are so gullible.
Michael ********
@Frank *********
IDP is online.
Frank **********
@Michael *******
where did he say he was getting an IDP. Maybe I didn't see that..
Michael ********
Nah, he just said "I’ve applied for a motorcycle license online from my country in Australia."

To convert, Thailand prefers that we bring an IDP along with the home license. However, the original post is vague because he didn’t specify what the 2,000 THB was for. Agents typically charge this amount to arrange a residential certificate with Thai immigration, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t scammed... except for the 1,000 THB medical fee. Lol.
Andy **********
@Michael *******
Generally online IDPs are also a scam.
Michael ********
The official process for an IDP is Online..

How can the official process also be considered a scam?
Graham ******
@Michael *******
Not in the UK is it official
Michael ********
Richard is Australian.

1. Australian - IDP's are online & can be mailed out globally.

2. UK - Ooof... IDP's only at postpoint now, no longer online with RAC & AA

3. Scam - Oooff... I see now..

These websites issue realistic IDPs, but they are fraudulent. The IDP appears legit, but you could face criminal charges if caught, and insurance would be void.
Marcel *******
@Frank *********
it is a fake. They offer it everywhere . FB, Line Tik Tok. The only thing you can do online is pay an agent. But devinitively, you have to be present in person if you want to get a real driver's license. If only because of the photo that was taken on site at the DLT.
Frank **********
@Marcel ******
yes I know but this guy thinks he can get a license without being there.
Nathan *********
Yes a medical certificate is needed. It costs about 300thb (that’s what I paid) Don’t do it until you get here otherwise it’s probably a scam
Graham ******
@Nathan ********
My medical certificate was 100B, the residence certificate was free (took 25 minutes) and I was 75 minutes at the DLT to get my first 2 year licence for 205B. This was Sa Kaeo province.
Brandon ************
@Nathan ********
not probably
Alistair **********
I'm not sure what you're asking and where you're getting your licence. But there are many scams that claim to get a Thai licence for you, but just steal your money.

As for a medical certificate, yes you need one to get a Thai drivers licence. There's probably a clinic near the DLT office. I paid 140B for mine and it took under 10mins to get.
Brandon ************
Your question doesn't make any sense.

You applied for a motorcycle license online? What? A motorcycle license from Australia? From Thailand? Where are you at? You cannot get a Thai license online. You must go to the DLT office and apply there.

If someone is telling you that you can get a Thai license without going to the DLT then you've just fallen for a very common scam. And you're going to keep getting asked for money until you finally stop sending it.

How do you expect them to do a medical certificate for you when you're not even there? A medical certificate costs 100-200 baht at any clinic in Thailand.
Richard *******
@Brandon ***********
thank you, looks like I’ve fallen victim to this scam.

They wanted $1000 just for the medical certificate, in addition to the 2000 I’ve already sent
Kev *********
@Richard ******
1000Aus$ ??? NO NO NO
Rok ********
@Richard ******
2000 baht or $AUD? Both car and motorbike licence cost very little here in Thailand but must be residing in Thailand and go to the DLT office; a lot of paperwork, some tests etc (agent can facilitate for 6000 baht, same day service or can also do DIY for much less). If you paid in $AUD it is certainly a scam.
Garrett ***********
@Richard ******
Yea there's alot of those scams online right now, FB won't fix it for some reason.
Terry **********
It's a scam. Get your DL in Thailand when you get here.
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