How many times can I enter Thailand on a Tourist Exempt Visa from Australia in one year?

February 10, 2023
2 years ago
Greg *********
How Many Times in one year can enter Thailand on a Tourist Exempt Visa from Australia before Question
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TLDR : Answer Summary
There is no official limit on the number of times you can enter Thailand on a Tourist Exempt Visa from Australia if entering by air. However, frequent entries can raise suspicions with immigration officials. While personal experiences vary, instances have been reported where travelers were questioned or denied entry after frequent visits. A general guideline is to not abuse the system, typically a suggested maximum is about six months of stays within a year, depending on how one enters the country. Considerations include the purpose of entry, the duration of stays, and potential flags on repeated entries. It's advised to switch to a different visa type if frequent visits are planned.
Maddie *******
Hi there I got questioned on the third time. I’ve got my work permit now but I had a number of months whereby I was on a tourist visa. Coming back from Oz, I was stopped at suvarnabhumi. The head immigration official came and got me and we discussed my situation. If you can switch to another visa I would recommend.
Laura **************
3rd time they questioned... 4th time they nearly didn't let us enter. This is with entering by air
Rene ******
You probably get flagged if you enter the third time...
Rene ******
David ************
No limits if flyin in. Coming over a land border is different. They only give two visa exemptions per calendar year as far as I know after that you need a visa (or fly in)
John *******
I'm testing this right now. I have two passports so I alternate between them. I'm hoping they aren't connected
Rene ******
@John ******
your fingerprints and face-biomarkers are...
Sue ************
We did definitely abuse the system, before we found better ways to allow his movement in and out of Thailand. Just mentioned it as a warning.
Jo **********
lot stories without the details to understand what really went wrong. It has nothing to do how many times, but pushing the limits or abusing the system. one year I entered 15 times visa exempt never had a single question. When one stays 30 days and then gets the 30 day extension and then leaves for 1-2 days and repeats that over and over again you will have problems
Terary **********
Many, Very Many.

This is usually something that is determined by how you intend to enter. Will you be crossing a land border? or by air, or boat?
Lincoln *******
How long is a piece of string?
Sharon ********
Sometimes I go 2 or 3 times a year never had a problem
John *******
Until they tell you today is not your lucky day
Sobre ***********
I think it's more to do with the durations of each stay rather than the frequency... Used to do almost every other weekend between hk -bkk, never been questioned
David *********
No set limit for tourist visas, for visa exemption 6 months out of 12 as a guide range.
Sam *****
You shouldn’t have any problem, most travellers leave and enter many times while on a trip of the region. I don’t think Thai immigration gives a rats to be honest.
Paul ********
My friend was coming every 6 weeks and did it 8 times and then they told him no more. It depends on the immigration officer at the airport. They put a marker on his passport
Alex *******
@Paul *******
How long did he stay each time?
Paul ********
@Alex ******
he stayed for 6 weeks at a time when here as his job allowed 6 weeks on & 6 weeks here
Mitchell *******
@Paul *******
, I am wondering if he was reporting the same address. Or not reporting an address at all. I am currently travelling SE Asia using Thailand (different parts, but mostly Bangkok) as a base, therefore travelling visa exempt. I make sure to not just stay in Bangkok, but travel Thailand.
Paul ********
@Mitchell ******
he was reporting at the same address yes but airport immigration flagged it up
Mitchell *******
@Paul *******
that is probably why. He was acting like a resident, but using a non resident visa.
Sue ************
My son was refused entry from UK because of too many tourist visas so be careful. He was locked in a room overnight at the airport and had to fly back to UK next day at his own expense
James ***************
@Sue ***********
- did he have a TR60 ? or was he entering on visa exempt ?
Sue ************
James ***************
@Sue ***********
- sorry to here about his experience. Do you know if they asked how much cash he had in his possession ?
Sue ************
@James **************
yes he had adequate money and also an exit flight already booked
Ricky ******
@Sue ***********
Tourist visa, or visa exempt? If you already had a tourist visa from the UK Thai Embassy can't see why you would be refused🤔
Sue ************
@Ricky *****
no I already corrected myself, it was visa exempt. Nothing else....just too long in country
Jo **********
@Sue ***********
sorry to hear that but are you sure that they sent home because of only too many tourist visas. That sounds strange. Or was there something more too it
Sue ************
@Jo *********
no, it was my son, definitely too many entries into thailand.
Andy ***********
@Sue ***********
- i think he was on visa exemption not a tourist visa .. if he had a visa they would let him in
Jo **********
Mitchell *******
@Sue ***********
was he registered at the same address?
David *********
@Sue ***********
did he have too many “tourist visas” or visa exemption or was it because of all the covid extensions? People staying in Thailand during covid for excessive time do get refused entry
Sue ************
@David ********
no it was prior to covid and it was too many visa exempt entries, sorry not tourist visas.
Greg *********
@Sue ***********
How many did he do to get Caught
Sue ************
@Greg ********
oh I'm sure that will be fine Greg
Sue ************
@Greg ********
I can't quite remember sorry, but it was almost continual stay with just a week out now and again, so I guess he deserved it really 😅
Greg *********
@Sue ***********
O good i looking at 3 times in year
Luc ************
@Greg ********
no problem. I used to do 6 a year without a problem.
Doru ************
@Sue ***********
So how many tourist visa was too many...? Seriously. Thanks!
Bonnie *******
@Sue ***********
the airline is required to fly you back for free. That's why they are so careful about who they let on the plane.
Ադամ ********
@Bonnie ******
Read the contract of carriage carefully. You are legally responsible for all visa requirements and if refused entry pay the return airfare. . However for the moment Thai immigration said you must leave and it is the airlines reposnsibility to fly you out even if they have to bump another passenger. They can't literally twist your arm and make you pay on the spot but they can take action to recover their losses later.
Incognia **********
@Bonnie ******
u are wrong nothing free.They only pay 100usd fine to the country nothing else.You should pay everything also in that room perday 700 baht all your payments
Ադամ ********
@Stelar ******
As airline staff I always heard fines were huge but in this case how can they fine anything where there is no limit to air entries?
Incognia **********
@Ադամ *******
if customer refuse to buy ticket himself airline is guilty because they didnt ask that customer onward ticket(out from thailand)Thats why they should pay fine
Sue ************
@Bonnie ******
unfortunately not in our case
Sophie *********
@Bonnie ******
I haven't heard that. Could you post the relevant link?
Todd *********
@Sophie ********
there is no link. She just doesn’t know
Brandon ************
There's no official limit if entering by air. Just use your common sense. At what point are you not a tourist because that's what the immigration officer will be thinking too.
Wayne *********
Eureka Stockade work in the North West so I love the heat. Not a south person
Wayne *********
Eureka Stockade I live in Bangkok
Bobby ********
@Bonnie ******
You might be ok on tourist visas or on flights, but keep in mind you can only do two land border entries without visa twice in a year
Bonnie *******
@Bobby *******
I know that's why we can't come and go as often as we would like
Bobby ********
@Bonnie ******
But you can either fly or get a tourist visa. The options are there
Mitchell *******
@Bonnie ******
you have lost me. Are you trying to cross all countries by land? At some point, you will have to fly, yes? no?
Bonnie *******
@Brandon ***********
it's crazy thinking. You are a tourist if you want to come many times. They force you to stay longer. I would like to come in and out of the country but we can't because of these rules
Mike ********
@Bonnie ******
Not exactly a short hop from aus !,. Uk/Bkk is 12+ hours,. £
rtn flights direct,. I like the flights, but not every couple of weeks,. I did the 2 weeks in thailand, then the 1 month,and now on a 3 month stay , thinking of extending it by another
days to get my monies worth out of the flight costs,. Good on you for flying so often,.
Bobby ********
@Bonnie ******
How do they "force" people to stay longer?
Bonnie *******
@Bobby *******
we would be much happier if we could go back and forth between Malaysia Thailand and Cambodia. Because of the rules we can't come and go as often as we like.
Angelik *******
@Bonnie ******
since you've mentioned Cambodia. Do you know what's the best way to get to Siem Reap? I know I will have to go to Bangkok first of course.
Bonnie *******
@Angelik ******
we took a train from Bangkok then a bus from poipet.
Angelik *******
@Bonnie ******
how much was the bus? I watched a YouTube video where a guy couldn't find the bus station and had to pay 45 USD for a ride from some agency that was there.
Bonnie *******
@Angelik ******
we arranged pick up at our hotel. Most places you get tickets from do this. They send a small bus or a tuk tuk to take you to the bus station no extra charge
Bonnie *******
@Angelik ******
800 baht for the bus for both of us plus 150 for the tuk tuk from the bus drop off to our hotel
Bobby ********
@Bonnie ******
I still don't see how that forces people to stay? If you keep entering/leaving/entering Thailand eventually immigration will tell you to get a proper visa. The visa-exempt system is not designed for people trying to stay long term in Thailand. There is a multi-entry Tourist Visa which can give you up to nine months, although chances of getting them back to back are remote. For the over 50's the OA and OX visas give plenty of scope for continuous in and out.
Steve *******
@Bobby *******
what do you mean the chances of getting them back to back are remote?
Bobby ********
@Steve ******
It's unlikely a Thai Embassy would grant back to back Multi Entry Tourist Visas
Bonnie *******
@Bobby *******
we don't want to stay long term. We want to come many times. We are not trying to cheat the system to stay longer
Wayne *********
@Bonnie ******
you can but they may ask, i have been doing 2 weeks every month in Thailand for more than 6 years (except during covid) never ever got stopped and asked why i come so often, i always had a return ticket booked maybe they knew that. I have now got the OX visa which covers me to come and go as often as i like as i admit i was concerned they may ask and the visa was only $600 so worth it to avoid the questions.
Mike ********
@Wayne ********
And how much does that cost you in airfares ?..
Wayne *********
@Mike *******
depends on the season but end of the day I don't care about the costs its still cheaper than living in Australia as I don't pay any rent.

Feb Mar and April average out to $1200 each flight
Greg *********
@Wayne ********
What is a OX Visa Thanks
Wayne *********
@Greg ********
retirement 5 year plus 5 year, OA is 1 year plus 1 Year cost $300aud
Greg *********
@Wayne ********
Thanks Wayne
Wayne *********
@Greg ********
i still work in Australia 2 weeks every month but live in Bangkok hence why i travel so often, the visa was the easy way to be safe.
Greg *********
@Brandon ***********
Thanks Brandon
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