How many times can a UK passport holder extend a 30-day visa exempt entry in Thailand?

February 25, 2021
4 years ago
Dañ *****
How many times can a 30 day (now 45) visa exempt entry be extended, while in country? UK passport holder.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A UK passport holder can officially extend a 30-day visa exempt entry in Thailand for an additional 30 days, making a total of 60 days. However, there are possibilities for further extensions due to exceptional circumstances, such as COVID-19, but these are not guaranteed. The current allowance for COVID-related extensions is subject to change, with updates typically announced at the end of March or other critical dates.
Albert ********
Get a vaccine.
Dañ *****
@Albert *******
.. lol, what??
Steve *******
Just the once.
Bob **********
1 time and maybe Covid extension
Dañ *****
Has anybody here had extensions of their visa exempt entry beyond the "normal" 30 day extension in the past month or two? What immigration office?
Dañ *****
Cheers all... so it's a gamble until an announcement on the 29th of March by the sounds of it 😅
Dañ *****
Yep, Thailand being Thailand!
Thomas ********************
I wouldn't go that far. You can seek an extension in good time before your current stamp expires.

But I'm sure you're right we won't have clarity before the last second. Seems the chosen style 😅
Bobby ********
Dañ Mll. I think the March one is fairly safe to bet there being another at the end of May, which will take people through until July 30. After that it will depend on vaccination coverage and opening to other Asian tourists without quarantine, which could well be on the cards by then
Bim *******
As far as I am aware just the once for 30 days.
Brandon ************
Visa exempt is eligible for a single 30-day extension.

There MAY (likely) be the possibility of obtaining additional 60-day unable to travel due to Covid extensions, but they are not a guarantee. The current covid extension allowance expires on March 30th, and they usually don't say if they will extend it until the day before, the day of, or sometimes just after even.
Michael ********
One 30 day extension officially.

Unable to travel due to covid is something different.
Thomas ********************
Not much of a gambler :)

But if forced, I'd probably go along with that.
Thomas ********************
Which, I think, for now, is possible to do until March 30 (which will probably be extended.)
Bobby ********
Phil Jones. It'll be extended until the government allows vaccinated people from the "safe" countries to enter without quarantine which will probably be around August/September
Thomas ********************
@Bobby *******
I so hope you're right. And it seems realistic now. Just spent a week down south (a certain in-/famous spot.) And the noticeable impact was heart breaking.
Bobby ********
Thomas Lindegaard Jensen. I was in that place just north of Jontiem two weeks ago. I had a keyboard battle with some prick who was trying to tell me things were "almost normal" in Pattaya. I told him to leave the one bar he was in and take a look around. To me it looked like a movie set where the actors and crew have packed up for the weekend and the set was left deserted. What was most heartbreaking was the businesses that have closed down completely never to return. When you see every 7-11, Family Mart, McDonald's and Starbucks closed and shuttered you know things are very very wrong.
Benjamin ******
@Bobby *******
>When you see every 7-11, Family Mart, [snip] closed and shuttered

What?! I'm nowhere close to Pattaya, and everything seems normal (for the most part) here where I live.
Bobby ********
Benjamin Hays. I'll bet you're in a non- or low- tourist area. I was recently with my lady at Det Udom near Ubon Ratchathani and it seemed no different to every other time I've been there pre-covid. But trust me, Pattaya and Patong are ghost towns. As I said before, like abandoned film sets. The resident ex-pat community support a small percentage of businesses, the majority are either closed for the duration or closed forever
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