How can my girlfriend find a job in the USA while living in Thailand?

August 21, 2021
3 years ago
Michael **************
Hi guys and girls

Where can I look for a job for my girlfriend who lives in Thailand but she wants to look for work in USA
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the challenges faced by a person seeking employment in the USA from Thailand. It highlights that securing a U.S. job is quite difficult without a marriage or a work permit. Various comments suggest exploring options such as the K1 (fiance) visa, student visas for work permits, and remote job opportunities, especially in fields like software engineering. Additionally, the conversation emphasizes the importance of specific job roles that may qualify for sponsor support, and mentions alternative pathways, such as starting a business that could lead to a visa.
Darren ******
Sell products to USA clients from Thailand , u get US product prices but Thai expenditure / living costs.

I saw a product that was $90 but u can buy it in Thailand for 300b only prob is it's a script in USA.

Work out how to do it. $$$$$$$$

Open a USA pharmacy for sales and shes a Thai supplier ???.

Obv pay ur taxes.
James *********
Check here for solid information...
Ruth *******
What kind of work does she do? That would help. Also, have you looked in places like LinkedIn to see if there are any U.S. jobs looking for someone who speaks Thai and English (& might she speak any other languages?)? She might be able to get sponsorship if she finds the right job first, especially if she finds a job where they need someone who speaks languages. I know someone who came to the U.S. from Singapore, because he spoke Thai and Chinese, to work for a Free Trade organization. You never know what you might find.
Chris ****
Register a business that has the word Thai or Thailand in the name. Create a website. Then go to an immigration attorney and retain them and follow their instructions. It can be done mate. But you will have to run a real business. The sooner you start the better. I would not approach an attorney and suggest they tell you what business to open. You’ll have to do the first steps.
Joel *******
@Samurais ***********
can you explain a little bit how that works?
Chris ****
Wayne ********
job doing what would be a good place to start seems everyone is guessing or have i missed something x
Wayne ********
obviously not a doctor or pilot right xxx
Chris ****
@Wayne *******
I think the job is an open idea
Jonas *************
If she works in software engineering she can probably apply for jobs remotely...
Katt ******
Almost impossible unless she got green card or work permit on her on through marriage . Most likely employer in USA won't hire one without it because they would have to sponsored the alien person a work visa which cost great amount of money/time / to hire lawyer and still USCIS more likely will deny to grant work visa unless it's the job that lack in US workforce (ex.specific doctors/scientist,etc), If she can get K1 visa ( fiance) when in the US after register in marriage while waiting for green card she could apply for work permit
Paul *************
You can get a work permit with a student visa, check out some trade schools as an option
Paul *************
Paul *************
James ********
Bottom line is that its very difficult to get a job in the USA unless she is married to you.

Even then getting the fiance visa will take at least 9 months if all goes well.
Michael **************
@James *******
I looked into the K1 visa and you are correctc
Wylie *******
Jason Tolputt She cannot work without a green card, visa that allows it, or an employment authorization card. Being married or in the country on a tourist visa does not allow it. The fiance visa (k1) and cr1 visa (if you are already married) both take roughly the same amount of time to be approved. Pre-covid that was 6-9 months. Although my wife says the cr1 for thai nationals takes 1.5 to 2 times longer for approval.

Not sure what it is now, but I applied for the k1 for my then fiance just before covid and it took over a year just to make it to the interview stage. By then we were already married. Once the k1 is approved she will then have to wait for the green card. With the CR1 I believe she will get the green card at the same time as the visa.
Natcha *********
Jason Tolputt the visa called K1 fiancee visa have a look. after you get married with her, you will need to file her green card and work permit. it will take at least 6 months to receive. during the time she waits for her documents she won't allow to work
เจสัน ******
@Natcha *********
Was just asking for the record.🙂
Steve *********
@Natcha *********
Six month would be great…. Been waiting over a year.. My nice got one for her husband almost two and a half years…. So don’t expect it to happen fast
Natcha *********
@Steve ********
I said at least 6 months that the shortest I have seen
Steve *********
@Natcha *********
yes that would be nice…
เจสัน ******
@James *******
Can one still go to the US on a 90 day visa. Marry your partner during your stay and then have all the the rights to work etc?
Becky **********
@Ben *******
a tourist visa is almost impossible to get right now because travel is limited. Even people that have a 10 year visa has to show the necessity to enter the US right now. I heard about a whole family got sent back to Thailand last month.
Wylie *******
@Becky *********
my wife was extremely lucky. She was approved for a 10 year tourist visa just a few months ago at the US embassy in Chiang Mai. She was denied in Bangkok about 2 years ago before we were married. That was when they told her to petition for the K1.

We figured we would try again and explain that we were already married and that I had retired and moved here. That we only wanted a tourist visa so she could go back and visit family and friends 1 to 2 times a year. The CR1 visa option doesn't really work for that since I believe we would've needed to stay in the US for a longer period of time than we want. Once that was approved though there was no difficulty, although immigration did ask her a lot of questions. I've heard of them turning people back too, but it was usually because they gave some obviously stupid answers to those questions.
Terry ********
@Wylie ******
how did you even get an appointment for her interview a few months ago? I’ve been trying since last year for my gf but keep getting told there is nothing available.
Wylie *******
@Terry *******
where are you trying? Bangkok or Chiang Mai? She had her interview the middle of May in Chiang Mai. I think she got lucky because it wasn't long at all after applying online and I believe they had just started interviews again after having stopped for a while. At the time the earliest slot was June something. She booked that then checked online everyday and was able to move it up. I assume slots opened up due to others canceling or something. Not sure what the wait time is now for Chiang Mai, but she says Bangkok is over a year out.
Terry ********
@Wylie ******
Chiang Mai. Same situation. She has an appointment for next July. The agent says she’s checking every day for closer openings. I don’t know why they don’t open up the slots through the end of this year.
Becky **********
@Wylie ******
I have also heard that CM is easier than Bangkok to get a visa.
Ruth *******
@Ben *******
that is a VERY bad idea. If she works without a proper visa, SHE is the one punished, not the employer. She will be deported, never to be able to return again. This happened to my friend’s husband (he was married to an American and was transferring from a previous work visa) just by missing a deadline. While we have many undocumented workers in the U.S., when one is caught, the penalties are harsh and permanent. If one wants a life here and really has a legal path, it’s best to use it. One should not risk the penalty for a matter of months.
James ********
@Ben *******
getting a tourist visa is not easy. Unless she owns property or has strong ties to Thailand with family or connections it's unlikely that she will get the tourist visa. And if she gets married on the tourist visa....wait at least 90 days in USA then have good immigration Attorney advise on a change of status petition to US immigration to usually that is frowned upon by US Immigration.
Wylie *******
Like James said, getting married on a tourist visa is frowned upon and may effect the cr1 visa application.

It is also very hard for a Thai female to get a tourist visa, especially if they know she has a boyfriend or fiance in the US. And lying to them is not advised as they will and absolutely do check all her social media and will find out. When my wife and I were only dating they knew and told her to apply for a fiance visa instead. Having a boyfriend/fiance in the US is almost a guaranteed denial of a tourist visa.
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