How can I verify if a self-defense school in Thailand is approved for an Ed visa?

May 12, 2024
4 months ago
Tea ************

This is my first time applying for an Ed visa in Thailand. I am currently on a 30 day tourist visa. Can anyone please tell me how to find out if a self-defense school is government approved and accepted for Ed Visa? I found a school in my area that seems great but they require the full years tuition up front. I really don't want to make a mistake with the Ed Visa because I don't want to be banned for 5 years.

This is the school........

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Can anyone give me feedback on it or have had experience with them?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is seeking advice on how to confirm if a self-defense school in Thailand is government approved to issue Ed visas. They are currently on a 30-day tourist visa and are cautious about making a mistake that could lead to a ban. Community feedback suggests checking the school's legitimacy through a strict attendance policy, transparency about fees, and the proper handling of visa documentation with the Ministry of Education.
Kool *******
The school will know if they are qualified, and registered with the ministry of education, to provide ED visas. If the school doesn't know then they are not.
Brandon ************
I can't advise you on how to tell if a school is government approved, but I can advise on how to tell if a school is legit:

1) They have an attendance policy and strictly enforce it

2) There is no additional fee for "visa conversion." The cost for ANY visa in Thailand is 2000 baht paid directly to immigration, and the cost for ANY extension in Thailand is 1900 baht paid directly to immigration. If they are charging you any fees on top of this just for your visa, they are either taking advantage of you or paying a bribe to immigration to get your visa.

3) They take copies of your passport and send it to the Ministry of Education to get approval for your visa. Once they get approval they work up a LARGE packet of documents (100-200 pages) and give it to you so that you can go to immigration and apply for your extension. If they send you by yourself with this packet then they are legit. If they want to send a staff member with you they still might be legit, but if they charged you "visa conversion fee" and also want to send a staff member with you, there may be bribes involved.

Also if there is no requirement for you to go to immigration at all, run away! That is definitely NOT legit.

4) Your visa will be for 90 days and you will have to apply for an extension every 90 days. If they say they can get you a 1 year visa, then it's not legit for a language school. Only universities can do 1-year education extensions.
Tea ************
@Brandon ***********
Thank you so much. So the only way for me to know if the school is legit is to pay for the year upfront and take the risk? I am a teacher, my adult son is disabled. Is it possible to get him on my work visa as a dependent?
Brandon ************
@Tea ***********
you said ED visa, but now you say work visa. They are not even close to the same thing. An ED visa is for being a student at a school and a work visa is for working in Thailand.

A language school ED visa will not allow any dependants. A work visa can if you job supports it.
Tea ************
Thanks so much for your feedback.
Tea ************
@Brandon ***********
Yes. After you listed all the requirements of a legit school, I realized that maybe, the Ed Visa is not the best way to go. The school I previously mentioned was the only school I found in my area, however they have no English to assist me in the whole Ed Visa process. It is very risky. So, I asked about the dependent visa option. This whole process is new to me.
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