Do I need to show proof of lodging for the entire duration of my tourist visa in Thailand?

April 21, 2024
5 months ago
Joshua *********
When I arrive to Thailand, to get the tourist visa I know that I need to show proof of onward flight and lodging. For the lodging, do I need to show proof of lodging for the entire duration of the visa? Or can snag a week-long Airbnb and then find another place to stay after that?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
When traveling to Thailand, it's not necessary to show proof of accommodation for the entire duration of a tourist visa. You can provide evidence of a few days' accommodation, such as a week-long Airbnb booking, and find additional lodging once you arrive. It's important to note that while proof of onward travel is required, the final decision on entry remains with the immigration officer at the entry point.
Pascal ********
Nothing to do with the duration of te visa. With a visa you enter Thailand and you will be granted a period of stay. After the visa is worthless.
Andrew ******
It's also worth mentioning that if you turn up at the entry point in cut off shorts and flip flops (thongs for the Antipodeans) looking like you can't afford your next meal you are more likely to get questioned than if you dress a bit more formally.
John *******
Regardless of what ever documentation you have return flight onward journey or bus ticket also accommodation proof it does not mean you have automatic entry entry to Thailand is never guaranteed your entry to the kingdom is solely upto to the IO infront of you on the day of entry if he or she says you are denied entry than that's it end of story
Terary **********
It's "Onward Travel" not necessary "Onward Flight". That makes a difference if you are buy tickets for the sole purpose of show proof of "Onward Travel" and you have no intention of actually travelling (bus tickets are cheaper than plane tickets).
Giorgio ******
onward plane tickets starts at 12$ or 15$ . . Haven't seen cheaper bus ticket . but would be really interesting if you could share the link for cheaper .
Terary **********
@Giorgio *****
Last time I shopped for onward travel tickets had the best deals, Hat Yai to Penang, Malaysia, Looking now those tickets cost $13 so $12 is a good deal. $12 for international travel is a very good price.
Giorgio ******
rbnb officially forbidden in Thailand
Jon **********
You won’t be asked for proof of accommodation. Enjoy
Paul ************
@Colin ******
I try two or three month stop twice a year and spend rest of the year with my family in the UK

I visit places throughout Thailand but love Pattaya, it has everything you need
Colin *******
@Paul ***********
sounds as if it was just a random event. I'd be surprised if the one day overstay from years ago has any impact. What would be interesting is if someone said 'i don't know where I'm staying, going to get a hotel for the night and then decide'. I doubt that they would refuse entry as you could book online there and then. Same as a return flight, can book online at immigration - what could they do?
Paul ************
@Colin ******
I don’t know but I know when I overstayed and they matched me into a room to pay a fine my ass cheeks started to clench because I didn’t know what I done wrong when I find out it was only a small fine I was overjoyed little man in uniforms with gunsdon’t put me at ease
Paul ************
@Jon *********
just arrived last week

Asked about returning flight and where I was stopping

Showed flight in 60 days and first week hotel booking to little man at desk

First time ever All depends on who you see
Colin *******
Short term, not shower term 😉
Colin *******
@Paul ***********
Paul, may I ask how many times you have flown in on a shower term visa, or visa exempt, and secondly have you ever overstayed even for a day? Cheers
Paul ************
@Colin ******
don’t know what a shower term visa is

Use visa exempt every time but one

And yes visa exempt/one month extension/trip to Vietnam and made an error Overstayed by one day four years ago
Colin *******
@Paul ***********
what %of a year do you spend in Thailand over the past
Roger **********
@Jon *********
never experienced this. You may have seen lots of anecdotes.
Colin *******
@Roger *********
yes, also flown in 5 times in last 18 months. Never been asked for a return ticket, accommodation, or cash reserves. Others may have different experiences, especially if they are using visa exempt status and border runs to basically live in Thailand. IMO.
กะลาสี *****
@Jon *********
a more correct statement would be "You probably won't be asked for proof of accommodation." Just like he probably won't be asked to show 20K THB in cash & proof of onward travel. However, it's always a possibility & I've seen numerous posts over the years in this group & other groups of people reaching out for help, because they've been denied entry for one of the reasons listed above.
Joshua *********
@กะลาสี ****
- does the 20k baht have to be in cash in hand? Or would a bank statement or Wise statement be enough proof?
กะลาสี *****
@Joshua ********
exactly what Nigel said, cash only. When I land here I always arrive with extra cash (it never hurts to have extra cash.) Looks like you're in the US. That said 20K THB = nearly $550 USD right now so I'd bring maybe $750 USD to allow for any exchange fluctuations.
Nigel **************
@Joshua ********
cash in any currency
Jon **********
@กะลาสี ****
for sure pointless for people to ask then. They should look at the requirements for entry and follow them to be 100%
Ken ***********
Your profile shows you are from the U.S. If you arrive in Thailand without a prearranged visa, you will get a 30 day visa exempt, NOT a tourist visa. As long as you have a few days accomodation arranged, that is fine for arrival; you can arrange the remaining days on the go.
Joshua *********
@Ken ******
If I wanted to stay longer, like 60 days, could I (should I) apply for a tourist visa instead of entering with a 30 exempt? Or is the better thing to ask for an extended exempt visa stay?
Joshua *********
Thank you all for the info. Very helpful.
Ling *****
@Joshua ********
personally I get the tourist visa rather than extending because I don't like attending Thai Immigration offices and because then I can extend that tourist visa afterwards if I really want too.
Joshua *********
Can I ask for the exempt extension on the spot? Or am I supposed to come back before my 30 days is over?
Ken ***********
@Joshua ********
you can get the 30 day extension at Immigration office, not the airport. Some offices allow anytime, some only furing the last week of your initial entry. You get another 30 days addedt to your entry regardless when you go to immigration.
Ken ***********
@Joshua ********
either is fine for a 60 day stay, either 30 day visa exempt and 30 day extension or a 60 day tourist visa prearanged online with U.S. Thai embassy.
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