Do I Need to Cancel My Non-B Visa Extension Immediately After My Work Permit Is Canceled?

July 2, 2020
4 years ago
Philippine Passport. Non-b visa (employed by private company)

I resigned from work and my employer will cancel my work permit. Do I need to cancel my visa extension on the same day they cancel my work permit? And what documents will I need?

After I cancel my extension of stay, I will be allowed to stay until 31st July under the amnesty, right?

Thank you.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Upon resigning and having your employer cancel your work permit, you must cancel your visa extension on the same day to align with the termination of your work permit. You'll need specific documents from your employer, including the receipt confirming the cancellation of your work permit. Once you cancel your visa extension, you can remain in Thailand under the amnesty until 31st July.
Beau **********
Tod *********
There is a list of documents your employer needs to provide you AND you need the receipt that your work permit was cancelled.

Talk to your employer to get the correct documents needed.

The day your work permit is canceled your extension stops, SO go to the immigration off right after the work permit is cancelled and get your extension cancelled. You will then go on amnesty until no longer than the 31st of July
Nicko ********************
@Tod ********
hello again. If my employer won’t provide me any document, not even the permit cancellation receipt, can I still go to immigration and cancel my extension? Thanks.
Jezrel *************
@Nicko *******************
hey teacher, same situation with my friend. Her boss will not give her cancellation letter. Have you received any info what to do?
Robert *******
@Jezrel **********************
@Jezrel **********************
The Work Permit is your personal document, if you hand it out to others to do what they like, it can give problems,

If you can not sort this out with your ex employer, visit the Ministry of Labor and try if you can get copies.

Good luck
Jezrel *************
@Robert ******
the work permit was never given to me by my boss, they ask for it from me and they kept it. I resigned from work and they cancel my visa at the Labor but never give me the receipt of the cancellation letter. I will just go to the Labor to ask a copy of it. Maybe it wilk help me at the moment. Thank you so much😊
Robert *******
@Jezrel **********************
Thanks, but without you and your passport there is nobody other then a judge in a courtroom allowed to cancel your visa,

How many times people love to share their personal experience

a Boss can NOT cancel a VISA, you can NOT cancel your Single Entry Non Immigrant B visa as it became invalid on entry.
Jezrel *************
@Robert ******
yeah true. my boss would not accept my resignation. I'm working 66 hours a week and no day off. I just ask of a day off but I'm not granted. I resigned and his mad at me
Nicko ********************
Thank you for this! Have a great day!
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