Can the DTV visa lead to eligibility for Permanent Residency in Thailand after three years?

August 13, 2024
a month ago
Fasih *******
Does anyone know whether the DTV visa can lead to being eligible for Permanent Residency (After 3 yearsof course)?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The general consensus among the community is that the DTV visa does not lead to eligibility for Permanent Residency in Thailand. This is primarily because the DTV is essentially viewed as a tourist visa and prohibits work, which is a requirement for applying for PR. Participants noted that without a work permit and paying taxes, the criteria for Permanent Residency cannot be met.
Eric *******
What if you have the dtv and you marry someone?
Jeff ********
You cannot become a permanent resident.
Bart **************
The purpose and corresponding rules of the DTV don't align well with becoming a permanent resident. Use a different visa if that's your goal.
John **********
The DTV is to all intents and purposes a tourist visa. It doesn't lead to anything
Jim ********
Definitely absolutely not. The DTV is five years. It's too early to say if it may be a "one-off" and that previous holders will not be able to apply for further DTVs.
Declan **********
Nope, you have to be working in Thailand with a work permit and paying taxes. Since you are prohibited from work for a company in Thailand, you can't get a work permit thus you cannot meet the requirements for PR.
Michael ********
No no no
John *******
I doubt it. DTV is a glorified tourist visa, not a residency visa
Brandon ************
No, it cannot. The DTV is work prohibited and you cannot get a work permit on it. Therefore you cannot show that you have worked in Thailand and paid taxes, which is a requirement for residency.

One of the requirements is a non-immigrant visa and the DTV is not that.
Marco ***********
@Brandon ***********
if you stay longer than 180 days there is the option to pay income tax, but work still remains as non manageable issue.
Michael ********
@Marco **********
paying tax doesnt do it, you need work permit as well. I looked into that with citizenship and wanted register company and do that way but would have had to have 2 legal employees for a work permit for me to do overseas consultancy.
Rob **********
@Brandon ***********
you can also apply for Thai permanent residency on a marriage visa extension without the need for working at all.
Michael ********
@Rob *********
really actually interested to know how to do without working in country

Rob **********
@Michael *******
the only way is to be an investor which costs a lot or be married to a Thai National
Michael ********
@Rob *********
interested how if just through marriage if not working
Rob **********
Rob **********
Quite a easy process Michael, you will also have a small interview in the Thai language, but if you can speak and understand a decent bit of Thai, not a problem, nothing too in depth.
Michael ********
@Rob *********
interesting didnt realise that. Language not a problem as long as not written still at kindergarten stage for that 55
Rob **********
@Michael *******
no written test, but basic language you can google a list of questions they ask you, quite easy if you have a basic understanding.
Michael ********
@Rob *********
Spoken is easy been here long time can speak central and southern dialects
Fasih *******
@Rob *********
hi, will a divorce overturn the PR if it were to happen sometime after?
Rob **********
@Fasih ******
no it will not
Brandon ************
@Rob *********
Yes but that still requires a non-immigrant visa for an unbroken chain of multiple years.
Rob **********
@Brandon ***********
yes exactly which the Non O visa based on marriage to a Thai National is once you have extended it for 3 consecutive years, plus you also need to gather all the other documents plus application fee is 7,500 baht and once approved the fee is just over 95,000 baht but only if you are married to a Thai other reasons the approval fee is double.
Jo **********
@Rob *********
and you need to able to speak Thai
Rob **********
@Jo *********
not fluent Thai, but enough Thai to understand and answer basic questions
Jo **********
@Rob *********
this is good to know
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