Can I travel to Thailand on a single flight ticket with a UK passport?

Oct 7, 2024
9 days ago
Peter *****
Can I enter thailand with a single flight ticket, with a UK passport?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Entering Thailand with a single flight ticket as a UK passport holder is possible, but there are conditions. Immigration officials may not ask for an onward ticket, but airlines often require one for boarding. Experiences vary widely; some travelers report not being asked for onward tickets, while others have faced strict checks, particularly depending on the airline's policy. It's recommended to have a backup plan, such as a cheap outbound flight or a travel itinerary that shows onward travel, to avoid any complications at check-in or immigration.
Jo **********
I fly Singapore Airlines or KLM very frequently into Thailand and never been asked over many years
Richard *********
I got single with Emirates wasn't asked to prov or provide a return.and I'm at bangkok they not even ask about a return
Francis ******
Mick ********
Really does depend on airline and type of visa you hold If it's a short holiday with no visa you may have issues Best to contact your carrier

If required book online Thailand to Vietnam or somewhere You an get money back if you cancel your ticket on some airlines in Thailand
Jo **********
@Mick *******
agree depends on the airline
Bart **************
@Mick *******
no need to ask the carrier, they'll always say that it is required. They just don't always check.
Mick ********
@Bart *************
I flew KLM explained I would be extending my visa They said No problem
Bart **************
@Mick *******
check-in crew said this? Then they've been lenient. But the question has an official answer (that you can't fly then), and on the phone they can't give you any other.

Anyway, happy this worked for you.
Mick ********
@Bart *************
Then I was very lucky because it was a phone call prior to booking Dodged one there I think
Bart **************
@Mick *******
combination of wrong answer and no check. Not getting checked is fairly common. But if an operator says fine, doesn't mean check-in crew would do the same.

But happy it worked out, spending money on this pointless requirement especially if you have a return within 90 days would not be great.
Andrew *********
I got asked today for a return or onwards flight with qatar
Paul *******
You could book a bus ticket to Laos or a cheap flight in ASEAN countries.
Darren *******
I entered on a single flight into Bangkok and extended my visa for a extra month in Pattaya and did not get asked for onward/return tickets
Bobby *********
I have used this site before, just to be safe..

Steve *********
I have been 11 times I never been asked for a return ticket
Ian *************
I did
Amanda ********
Paul ****************
I've never had a problem
Baljit *******
I just came back from Thailand, they don’t even ask me for the ticket and hotel booking , of course Canadian passport
SJ *******
Barry ********
Have to have six month on passport
Kevin *********
The reason Airlines check is because Immigration do. They would be liable.

So they check.

Immigration check less often because Airlines do it for them.
Nigel *************
Not a problem
Will *********
I think they've dropped POOT with the new 60 day visa-free entry.

But it will be interesting to see what happens.

It has always been the airline that refused boarding at the point of departure.
Bart **************
@Will ********
it's not dropped. Quite the contrary: unlike before, we hear from people here who are getting asked to show it. What got dropped is the limit on two land border entries per calendar year.
Will *********
@Bart *************
Take a look at this link - go to 45.05. It is an interview with a govet official

It is a vague but doesn't clear up what the airlines might do.

Bart **************
@Will ********
you can reply 20 times to the same reply but it doesn't make you right. The rule has not been dropped. There's also no source for that; you reply from imagination. And then you put the burden of proof on others.
Will *********
@Bart *************
watch the video - you obviously don't understand what evidence is or just can't read.
Will *********
@Bart *************
so do you have any solid evidence?
Bart **************
@Will ********
you should read more replies in this group and you'll find a couple of guys having been asked for proof of onward travel. It's not a lot still, but it's more than nothing. Keep in mind that any positive number of people being asked for it is already more than in the past.

Airlines are indeed still enforcing the rule. If it got dropped, they wouldn't.
Will *********
@Bart *************
as said we need details and when asked they are not forthcoming -
Bart **************
@Will ********
you put the burden of proof on others. There is no source that the requirement of proof of onward travel has been dropped, and a gazillion sources proving it hasn't. I'm just not gonna spell them out for you.

Have a good one.
Will *********
read my post!
Will *********
@Bart *************
as yet, I have not heard of anyone being asked.

We need to be told where and by whom. Also over which period...60 or 90 days .

As the new regs have only been in force since Juky any anecdotal evidence before then is not relevant.

So we need to hear from people who have been asked since then and we need full details.

It has always been airlines that enforced this rule... are they still doing this?
Kevin ******
I don’t think so
Bent *************
Ask your airline!
Harolletta **********
In Silom Bangkok now,flew from Brisbane to Bali which required an departure ticket before I was able to check in. I booked a one way ticket while standing in line at Brisbane airport a one way from Bali to Bangkok flying air Asia.

We then booked my return back to Bali for coming 14th October Once I landed in Bangkok. And will leave in 9days for New Zealand.

Bali was the only place I needed a return ticket before I could check In.
Steve ******
Patrick *******
Sean *****
On line check in then just bag drop ( computer don’t ask when you coming back )
Bart **************
@Sean ****
well thought but unfortunately this won't work. You cannot do online check-in if you need a document check, which you need it you fly on a single ticket.
Castle *********
Yes and no it all depends on what mood immigration are in
Martyn *******
You will be red flagged on the immigration system
Vishnu ********
I've done it from India...
Colin **********
I have multiple entries into Thailand and was stop this time as I had no flight out booked.

They took me to a separate queue and told me to book a flight out. I asked if this needed to be to my home country (Scotland) and they said no just anywhere. I went on and booked a flight to Cambodia for £34 in 30 days time which I didn’t use…….
Justin ******
Qatar Airways let's you amend your return flight for no fee. There are also websites that allow you book 'apparent' flights, for a small fee.
Justin ******
@Bill *******
Sorry to hear that Bill. Sounds like it may have been better to write it off, and book with someone else.
Bill ********
@Justin *****
I changed my flight with QA and they only had Econ+ available, so I paid 1800 usd extra for the seats and then got a bill on cc for 400$ change fee......
Rick *********
I have never been asked when I had it. Probably because they saw I had it! When I returned one way on a retirement visa they questioned it until I showed the visa.
Roger ********
Is it possible to push back a return flight ticket 60days to use the 30 day extension, while you are there ?
David *********
Victor ***********
Just make sure you have a ticket out of here to show them. I came in through Phuket and did Not have a ticket out, they put a note on my file
Jan ******************
Formally only of you have a long stay visa. If you’re travelling on visa or exemption or tourist Visa you’re required to show proof of an onward ticket within the initial 60 days if your airline (or the immigration) requires it.
Nicholas ******
I do it everytime
Nicholas ******
Charlie ********
Just get a cheap outbound flight, ive never been asked to prove i have an outbound flight but knowing my luck the day i dont have one ill be asked
Nigel *********
Bart **************
No, officially you can't. You can if you don't get checked, which both immigrations and your airline are supposed to. Immigrations normally can't care less, but with your airline this may be different. They also do not have watertight checking policies, but checks are quite common. If you get checked, they can't let you board with a one-way to Thailand.
George *********
@Bart *************
normally immigration do not ask to see a return ticket. However they do record your flight number and they will write that in ink on your arrival visa stamp in your passport. If you exit within that visa stamp - or get an extension and exit within the extension, then it is normal. The point here is to ensure that you exit the kingdom before your visa expires. If you do, then there is no issue that you used single entry tickets. The problems start when you exit then renter frequently and repeatedly then the question of return tickets will definitely be raised. As for the airlines, no, I don’t think they would be interested to ensure that you have a return ticket. Because you’re responsible for your visa status and you may well convert the initial visa to a type of non immigrant visa. If the immigration asks you for return and you fail to produce a return ticket then they will allow you entry but it will be recorded in their system as such. However it doesn’t matter unless you overstay. It’s best not to risk it though. Shop around some airlines have deals and some months are better than others.
Bart **************
@George ********
you're entirely wrong. Immigrations doesn't note anything down, and can't care less about whether you have an exit ticket or not. Doesn't matter, if you think they do you are on the safer side of things.

You are right that it would make sense if airlines just take more of an advisory role and keep the decision to wing it or not with the passenger. But that is unfortunately not how it works. They don't want to claim back expenses and fines they incur later. They want to prevent them. They're also committed to check entry eligibility, it's required by the Thai authorities (as it is by any country).
Jan ******************
@Bart *************
This is correct, airlines are required to control if their passengers fulfils formal requirements for entering Thailand. That’s part of the contract they sign to get landing permission, although it’s rarely checked by the immigration unless they’ll questioning you for some other reason.
Nicholas ******
I go to my condo and when I need to go back I just book my flight
Nicholas ******
@Bart *************
your talking rubbish I go to thailand 3 times a year apart from first iv never hada return flight
Alistair **********
@Nicholas *****
it depends on your airline, from Australia I never get checked, but there's many other countries whose airlines have a policy of checking.
Bart **************
@Nicholas *****
I'm not talking rubbish, an exit ticket is required to enter Thailand.

With the odds you present, I suggest you buy lottery tickets. Your luck is surreal.
Jan ******************
@Nicholas *****
Then you were lucky. What will you do the day your airline demand to see an onward ticket before they let you check in?
Phil ******
If your airline lets you board
John *******
I’m going with a Saudi air and I asked them as I’m there for 97 days but off to Cambodia for a week halfway through so to double check I asked Saudi air if I needed a flight out before visa free entry expires and they said no…but each airline is different,Turkish did ask me last year
Bart **************
@John ******
they may have said you didn't need to buy an additional ticket and interpreted your story as that you were in possession of a bus ticket to Cambodia. Airlines are not different in onward ticket requirements - it's not their policy, it's the Thai authorities policy that they do a pre-check for. And they're required to do that.
Bob **********
If your airline lets you
Steve ******
@Bob *********
nothing to do with the airline
Bob **********
@Steve *****
everything to do with the airline if the let you fly and your denied entry it’s the airlines responsibility to fly you out
Bart **************
@Steve *****
everything to do with the airline.
Simon ********
Yes, certainly can. But some airlines may ask to see onward travel, best to have backup plan.
Stephen ********
Done exactly that last month. But that's not to say it would be the same all the time 🤷‍♂️
Shin *******
I did,from the US, but I heard it just depends on the agent! 🤷🏿‍♀️
Duncanc **********
Not really
Leo **********
Depends who you fly with I always use emirates and never been asked. If you’re paranoid just book a cheap throwaway or one you can cancel
Steve *******
@Leo *********
They wont ask if you've booked a round trip. Im always asked by Emirates with a one way ticket from LHR.
Leo **********
@Steve ******
strange. I always book one way I fly NCL-DXB-BKK

Maybe they don’t ask cos I’m flying to Dubai first, Dubai never ask. God knows.
Gary *********
Yes, just tell them you plan onward travel
Della ***********
@Gary ********
We told Lufthansa that and was denied boarding so had to quickly book an onward flight, so I would definitely check with the airline...
Gary *********
@Della **********
strange that they deny you boarding when you can book to fly one way with them! Never known that before and in honesty it’s none of their business
Della ***********
@Gary ********
They said that they cannot override their computer and if immigration was to deny us the airline has to pay to fly us back. That was 2 years ago and last year Swiss was the same...
Gary *********
@Della **********
first time I’ve heard of that as I said, never had the issue but fair enough
James *******
Yes you can no probs
Angus ****
I did!
Steve ******
Airline will want to see it.
Stuart *********
@Steve *****
This is why there there are so many contradictory answers on these forums. Some are asked others are not. Flip a coin. Heads you will be tails you won’t. Or, is it the other way around. I forget.
Marc ********
Steve ******
@Marc *******
ive been asked many many times
Leo **********
@Steve *****
I’ve never been asked once with Emirates
Steve ******
Marc ********
@Steve *****
Sometimes I have been. Sometimes not
Ralph *******
@Marc *******
And you don’t care if your travel plans are screwed?
Marc ********
@Ralph ******
I care but that wasn't the question
Alistair **********
@Ralph ******
it takes 5 minutes and a phone to book a flight and fulfil the requirements. People overthink issues that are easily solved.
Thaimer ******
Randall *********
Do yourself a favour and get an onward flight out of Thailand before your visa exempt period is over. They might just ask, they asked for mine.
Will *********
@Randall ********
"they asked for mine." - who did where and when??
Bonnie *********
@Will ********
I was asked a month ago on JAL.
Will *********
It is usually the airlines who ask.

After the change is visa free entry 15th July onwards - the situation seems to have relaxed.

Did yo have POOT?
Randall *********
30 September
Will *********
@Randall ********
so what did you do?
Randall *********
@Will ********
I just showed them my flight out of thailand before the 60 day window and they let me through.
Will *********
Very unusual for immigration task but even they should be able to see your return ticket or but maybe not with another airline.
Will *********
Did yo have POOT? - If not what did you do?
Randall *********
Thai immigration checkpoint BKK airport.
Stuart *********
That’s going to up to your airlines policy. If you don’t have a long term visa then they may deny you boarding without an onward ticket within the days allowed by your entry scheme.

Immigration in Thailand in theory could ask but almost certainly won’t unless you have an extensive history of prior entries and they are looking for a way to deny you entry. If it’s at that stage then even having an onward ticket probably won’t help.
Ricky ******
@Stuart ********
Hello Stuart,

On my last recent trip I didn't know how long I wanted to stay so bought a one way ticket and a 60 day visa even though 60 day visa exempt has just started. I wasn't asked about an onward ticket, but do you think some airline might refuse if queried?
Steve ******
@Ricky *****
emirates from manchester wanted to refuse me because I had a 60 day flight home and you only got 30 days on entry
Ricky ******
@Steve *****
Absolutely thank you, but that's doesn't relate to my query.
Steve ******
@Ricky *****
no I live here now but emirates said no at the desk may 1st
Ralph *******
@Ricky *****
Yes they will refuse. Depends on the airline.
Thomas ********
@Ricky *****
i was once asked about this at the ticket counter. She kept asking about my return and kept explaining why not for i had to deal with immigrations delays at the Bangkok Embassy. The line behind me continued to get long so she finally let me board
Ricky ******
@Thomas *******
Did you already have a visa from the Thai Embassy?
Thomas ********
@Ricky *****
had a K1 visa in process but unknown delays cause me to fly to Bangkok to find out why. Day after arriving Got a email from the embassy that they canceled visa and destroyed documents. Hired Siam legal and 30 days later we were on a flight back to America
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