I stupidly didn't read the VAT refund instructions and neglected to get the goods inspected before check-in.
I didn't have to time to go back out and line up again in the VAT queue, so left Thailand without getting the refund.
I went to Vietnam for 2 weeks and I've now come back to Thailand for 30 days.
Can I get the refund when I leave in 30 days.
Thanks 😊
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the possibility of claiming a VAT refund in Thailand after failing to get goods inspected before their initial departure. They have since re-entered Thailand and plan to leave again in 30 days. Responses indicate mixed experiences regarding whether a refund can still be claimed, particularly due to the stipulation that goods must be presented for inspection prior to initial departure.
I have never done the VAT refund. How much do you get back? Seems like a lot of work for not much money?
Richard **********
I'm sure you must have left the items in storage until your final departure from Thailand and only declare them when you leave for the last time (this trip, anyway) - no?
Brian *****
I’ve done it myself, they wouldn’t give me the refund when I tried the next time I left Thailand (and was still within the correct time window)
Shaughn ***********
I made the same mistake last year. In my case the refund would had been for my new iPhone.
Ang *****
Your reasoning is - you would bring good back to Thailand so you waited until you left to claim.
Lone **********
You might be able to. The rulers only Goods purchased within 60 days of your departure date and get a vat refund. Your problem is you have an accident entry that is after the purchase of the goods. Worth a try though, would love to hear if it works