Can I have a return ticket beyond the 60 days for a Tourist Visa and what does an invitation letter need to include?

November 14, 2021
3 years ago
Bretton **********

I'm considering to ask for a 60 days Tourist Visa with Single Entry but plan to stay ~3 months in Thailand, thanks to the 30 days extension. I have 2 questions.

a. Can I have a return ticket with a return date within the third month (within the extension period) or do I need to show a return ticket within the 60 days? What is your experience with that?

b. For a tourist visa, in the Accommodation requirement proof, does anyone know what content has to be mention in an invitation letter from a Thai friend? The letter has to be written in Thai or English is ok?

Thank you
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about obtaining a 60-day Tourist Visa while planning to stay in Thailand for approximately 3 months, using a 30-day extension. They want to know if it's necessary to show a return ticket within the initial 60 days or if a return ticket for the extended period suffices, as well as the details required in an invitation letter from a Thai friend for accommodation proof. Comments from others indicate that while a return ticket should generally align with the 60 days, having arrangements for the extended stay is helpful. Additionally, proof of accommodation can often be a reservation for a hotel during the stay, rather than a personal invitation letter.
Mma *******
Like you want to do - I prepared everything for 90 days. Insurance, reserved accom (but not paid for). And return flight ticket. No problem getting the extra 30 days, they want you here.
Sue **********
Get a flexible return ticket booked within the 60 days?
Bretton **********
Thx. of course. I rather avoid it. from where Iam it can be quite a few more $$
Wannikea *********
Hotel your staying during arrival for accommodation. It's a generic visa application with questions not applicable to everyone.

Best to book a 60 day flexible return and change it once inside Thailand. Airlines may deny you boarding if you don't have an onward flight coinciding with the time you'll be stamped in for at immigration passport control.
Bretton **********
Hi wannikea. sure good to know about the flight. I just wanted to avoid the extra cost of the flex flight but might be the way to go...

Not sure to understand what you mean by "Hotel your staying during arrival for accommodation. It's a generic visa application with questions not applicable to everyone." ?
Wannikea *********
@Bretton *********
for where you are staying, or name of person who invited you, put your arrival hotel. The form you are filling out is for all kinds of visas, so some questions are irrelevant.
Colin ********
Thailand is finished
Bretton **********
what do you mean?
Colin ********
@Bretton *********
not interested in going back
Colin ********
@Bretton *********
will never be the same
Mma *******
@Colin *******
It wont be the same for at least another year imho- but that is to my advantage.
Jamie ******
@Colin *******
We can only hope. No more bar flys. That's got to be an improvement.
Jon *****
@Colin *******
Are you back from the future ?
James ***********
u good bro
Todd *********
@Bretton *********
he means he has no clue what is happening 😂😂
Jon *****
@Todd ********
Or maybe he is talking for himself ! 😅
Jared **********
I came on tr60 and showed onward travel at 89 days

Didn’t need a letter (from USA anyway) or invitation, and for accommodation I just listed my day 1 test and go hotel
Hitachino ******
@Jared *********
how about the insurance u have provided, 60Days as yr visa, or 89 days as yr onward ticket? Thanks
Jared **********
@Hitachino *****
I bought insurance for my duration, if I have to visa run in 90 days it will be one less thing to do and the cost wasn’t so much
Bretton **********
thanks. nice you don't need accommodation for the length of your stay. As a Swiss citizen, I need an invitation letter as I'm staying at my friend.
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