Can I extend my Multiple Entry Tourist Visa in Thailand and how does the re-entry process work?

January 30, 2022
3 years ago
Leone ********
Anyone here on a Multiple Entry Tourist Visa? I am in Thailand already and about to finish my first 60-days stay. A couple of points are not exactly clear to me:

1) can I extend each of my my 60-days stays for 30 additional days or I can only do it once?

2) how long do I have to stay out of Thailand for? I understand land borders are closed, but is there a minimum stay?

3) which process shall I follow once we come back in Thailand - since I already have a Thai Pass from our first entry: do I have to ask for a new one? I would just be entering the same details as my first Thai Pass..

4) For those who have some experience already, which country is the best option for no or limited quarantine and easily receiving the TP once heading back? Travelling around is not super easy at the moment 🙂

Any info appreciated! Thanks!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa in Thailand, seeking clarity on extending their 60-day stays, the required duration outside of Thailand before re-entry, the necessary process for using the Thai Pass again for re-entry, and recommendations for low-quarantine countries for travel.
Bernhard ****
2. People entering the Kingdom on a tourist visa can extend their tourist visa for an additional 30 days and then submit a reason for stay for Covid-19.( 60 days )
Leone ********
Thank you
@Bernhard **********
! Shall I follow the procedure outlined in point 4 here
? Also, I don't have a specific reason I can prove to stay, so what additional documentation shall I present and what would my reason be?
Bernhard ****
@Leone *******
these were the requirements of immigration in Phuket town....Tick ​​the box on the covid 19 form...** other.../ write in covid-19 or no visa run possible.. they know what's going on anyway..!!
Leone ********
@Bernhard **********
but this is for the 60-days Covid extension, you mean for the 30 days detention you still present a document arguing that “there’s Covid” same as for the 60 days extension??
Bernhard ****
@Leone *******
No, the 30 day extension has nothing to do with covid and is much easier to get. You only need a few documents...copy, passport, original passport, copy tm6...passport photo...etc...just ask at immigration...👍👍
Bobby ********
The answers haven't changed in the last hour!

Leone ********
@Bobby *******
They actually have, it's called "getting second opinions", but thanks for making sure I don't get lost Bobby! 🙂
Mike *******
@Leone *******
second opinion. Bahaha. Is that what we call laziness now.
Bobby ********
Leone Hadavi. Well here you go. One thing you weren't told is that someone already posted a "success story" on Visa Advice. Lots of boxes to tick bit it's doable

Leone ********
@Bobby *******
thanks! I saw that one and it’s kind of old and risky, I’ll go for an extension now and hopefully in mid March things will be less complicated?
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