Yes, it is possible to register a car in your name in Thailand on a temporary DTV (Diplomatic Visa). To do so, you will need a residence certificate, which several commenters noted can be easily obtained, particularly in areas like Jomtien. Additionally, having copies of relevant passport pages is necessary. Some recommend using inspection stations for registration to avoid long lines and for convenience.
I did it in Jomtien. Need residence certificate and copies of relevant pages in passport. Also plan on having to go back a few times...
I would suggest going to one of the inspection stations to do it rather than the main office. No long lines, they handle everything, can get the insurance there also. For me it was 30 minutes closer drive ad well.
yes thought that was the case. That’s easy enough thank you.
Reply to
Joseph *********
Greg ********
Yes. My pal has cars and bikes registered on tourist and visa exempt. It is the Residence Certificate you need. He seems to get his easily in Jomtien as he just sold 2 bikes and needed a Residence Certificate to transfer ownership.
ah no worries sorry I don’t know any one there…. I’m sure you will sort it out I got a bike registered in Bangkok on a DTV . Like other said the hardest part will be the residence certificate. Bangkok immigration for my residence certificate they wouldn’t give me one on a DTV as they didn’t know about it so had to get it through Nonthanburi immigration. Other than that it was all easy….
Car prices Thai to Thai are generally lower than to foreigners. Last year she brought up the idea of selling to foreigners and adding all the services. I wnt through all the steps about setting up English language websites and marketing etc. She just thought too much hassle for so little extra.
Yeah he had a Thai license for both bikes and cars. Depending on your location TikTok Services in Pattaya are good for this. Nearly everyone I know uses them. They take you to Rayong which is one of the quieter Land Transport Officrs to get it done.