thai rental contracts

Showing 1 questions

This page displays all the results for the Thai Rental Contracts tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 1 questions that have been tagged with Thai Rental Contracts. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jun 27, 2023
2 years ago
Andreea ******
Hello! My husband and I recently moved to Thailand and rented a house. The oner lady is very nice and upon signing the contract she went and submitted the TM30 and provided us a copy if it. Two days after we signed the contract we realized that the address in the contract doesn't correspond with the address of the house we live in and signed for but it corresponds the house across our street which belongs also the the sam owner (she actually live in the house right across our street). We brought this up to the agent and to the owner right away and they say that's ia not a big problem and that we can just scratch it with the pen but we explained that maybe this will affect us when we will apply for retirement extensions or when we do our 90 day report so the owner say that she will look more ino this and see what she has to do.

Please advise if this situation can affect our visa/extensions in any way?

Thank you!!
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