travel from canada to thailand

Showing 3 questions

This page displays all the results for the travel from Canada to Thailand tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 3 questions that have been tagged with travel from Canada to Thailand. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Mar 17, 2024
10 months ago
Debbie ***********
Hello! We've been in Thailand now for 2 months. This group has been so helpful. We are going back to Canada in a month and we will apply for our visas and get ready to settle in Thailand permanently. I would like to fly from our home in Vancouver to London for a week or so before flying on to Bangkok. Will that be a problem? Thank you
Feb 15, 2023
2 years ago
Carrie ********
So I have a question for my son ( he’s not on Facebook) He is heading for Thailand to do some extended travelling leaving May 9 from Canada. His plans were to get a multi entrance visa. But now he has to fly back in September to Canada for a wedding. He will then stay home for about a month or so and then will return to Thailand. We realize now that the multiple entry only lasts 6 months. So would it work for him to do a single entry for the first trip and then when he is home then reapply for a multiple entry so he can spend the extended time there?? He would do the 60 days and then extend it each time for another 30 to maximize his time. Also going to go to Cambodia after his first entry and will fly back from there. Thanks for any insight into this!
Dec 6, 2020
4 years ago
Tara ******

Can someone help me, so me and my boyfriend are planning on going back to Thailand by the end of the year (He's from the UK) and I'm Thai/Canadian

We'll be traveling out of Toronto and just need some advice and a step by step. If anyone has gone through this experience already, what do you recommend is the best way? We were thinking of getting my boyfriend the STV (Special Tourist Visa)

All advice would be much appreciated!

(P.s What travel insurance do you recommend for travelling to Thailand?) *For my UK boyfriend, not for me as I'm a Thai Citizen*
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