What are the current travel requirements and experiences for returning to Canada from Thailand?

October 6, 2020
4 years ago
Jesse **********
I need to have surgery done, so I'm heading home (Toronto, Canada) in a few weeks. Thinking about going though Hong Kong, wondering if anyone has done a trip back to Canada recently or is going soon. Thanks
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original post discusses an individual's upcoming trip back to Canada for surgery and seeks information about current travel requirements and experiences. Comments provide insights into free healthcare options for Canadians, personal experiences with various airlines (e.g., KLM, Cathay Pacific), the absence of required COVID-related documentation, and practical tips for transiting through Hong Kong. Several respondents emphasize contacting embassies and airlines for the latest travel information.
Michael *********
@Jesse *********
I left BKK roughly two weeks ago on Cathay Pacific (CX), transitting in HKG.

Not the tiniest inconvenience whatsoever in both airports.

No COVID-related info was asked of me ... let alone any need for document proof.

If your transit period is long and overnight, you can ask the soul-warmingly professional FAs for extra meals. (One FA offered me two extra Chinese-styled chicken buns pro-actively.)

I had Thai instant noodles and powdered coffee in my carry-on and simply *borrowed* a bowl from a shop counter that had closed for the night at the food court.

Hot water is available from three-temperature fountain machines at several locations on an upper departure floor. (The two at Gate #26 are the most popular & offer paper cups as well!)

If you wish to buy things, keep in mind that Hong Kong is an expensive city. (I saw one HSBC ATM & one Citibank ATM across from the food court.)

You can ask to your (dim-sum) heart's content at the 24-hour Information Desk marked by a big I.

PS: In BKK, I showed my brand-new, stamp-less passport (issued by my destination country) at the check-in counter. This baffled the CX agent, so I pulled out my useful US passport for her to confirm my entry stamp. From start to finish, she was professional, courteous and classy -- effortlessly drawing a smirk from the face of an ultra-discriminating Richard Barrow (no less), had he been in my shoes, of course. What was there not to like ... when I had the entire CX bank of counters to myself two hours before departure time?!
Natasha *******
We have been helping people with flights back to Canada in exchange for taking rescued dogs with them <3 full support provided
@Action **********
Nina *****
KLM from Bangkok to Toronto, via Amsterdam. A friends dog successfully went that way a couple of weeks ago! Good luck with the surgery and best wishes for a super speedy recovery.
John ********
Would love to take your flight back
John ********
They are right
Alex *******
I did through Tokyo Narita at the end of July, no papers needed. Just the mandatory 14 days quarantine at home when you get back.
Michael ********
Contact embassy and airline. They should have all details on there website as well.
Kool *******
Contact your embassy. They do have all the details
Jesse **********
I've definitely looked into getting treatment here and was hoping I could stay. It's mostly family wanting me home because of the 2-3 month recovery process. Just wanted to see if flights were getting though and what I needed (fit for fly etc)
Dominic ****
Seems strange to leave one of the world's medical tourism destinations for that reason. Good luck.
Mario **********
Because he is Canadian. Good medical care and free if still technically resident, plus as he said he has several months of recovery period with family there to help him.
Steve **********
@Dominic ********
excellent hospital care here.
John ********
I hear Canada have a deal where you can get treatment for free and Thais in Canada get the same might be worth looking into.
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