Hello, assuming I apply for tourist visa multiple entry and I state I arrive on the 1st of May. I apply for it around 1st of April and it got approved within a couple of days.
Are the 6 months ticking right after it got approved or from the 1st May according to my application.
Thank you
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The validity of the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) starts from the date it is issued, not from the date of your first entry into Thailand. Therefore, if the visa is approved and issued in early April, it will expire six months later, in October, regardless of your arrival date in May.
And remember that you can do a maximum of 2 LAND BORDER BOUNCE VISA EXEMPT entries into Thailand EACH CALENDAR YEAR. Each one can be extended for 30 ADDED days at your local Thai Immigration office for 1900 Thai baht. Therefore the maximum amount of time one could use the METV multiple entry tourist visa Plus 2 LAND BORDER BOUNCE entries and ADDED 30 days extensions is 9 + 2 + 2 = 13 MONTHS. Be careful to ๐ซ NOT plan on using this combo Back to Back in your stays in Thailand.
Reply to
James ********
Tod *********
The visa is valid for 6 months from the date it's issued so it starts losing validity the day the issued it to you. ๐
When you arrive may 1st you'll get stamped in for 60 days
James ********
6 Month METV <- Multi-Entry Tourist Visa
I think we <-(as in you people applying for the METV) are confusing a few things.
First off NO thai consulate in S/E Asia will sell the METV to anyone who doesn't have legal residence in that country <- as in you live legally in that country where you're applying for the METV. This means most tourists cannot get an METV in Asia, period end of story. You get the 6 month METV from the thai consulate in your country BEFORE you wing your way here :)
Now as far as the onward travel recommendation;
There is APPLYING for the 6 month METV visa at a thai consulate in your country <- it's at this point where we recommend you show onward travel (out and back) within 60 days of your planned arrival.
This is ONLY to get the visa issued because of this warning they have on the eVisa website.
Then there is USING the visa once it's issued. Now once you get the visa issued there is NOTHING making you use that onward travel you showed to get the visa approved.
Once you have the PDF issued or the visa sticker stuck in you can show up here, get the 60 days, take the 30 day extension if you want and you are free to bounce out and back by any means you want to.
We tell people to show onward travel within the number of days you will stamp IN to thailand on that visa because in the consulate's eyes there is no guarantee you will get the 30 day extension,
to show you have a "genuine reason" for them to issue the visa.
Whether you do it or not, is up to you,
we are done letting posts on the group by people asking what to do, what worked for them, etc about the METV and onward travel. :( :/
MEET the requirements and you will get the visa, don't meet them, especially in the eVisa situation - don't show them you have a ๐ด๐ฒ๐ป๐๐ถ๐ป๐ฒ ๐ฟ๐ฒ๐ฎ๐๐ผ๐ป for the METV and you could end up with a single entry tourist visa. They clearly state you lose the difference in fee (200USD for METV and 40USD for a single entry so you'd lose 160USD)
One final thing to keep in mind is a 6 month METV starts running down the 6 months the date it's issued NOT the date you enter thailand on that visa :O SO get that visa as close to when you're coming here as you can or you lose time on it not being here
Good luck to each and every one of you applying for the METV
James ********
Here's a recent post with MANY helpful answers about the METV