What is the UMBRELLA work permit in Thailand and its associated costs?

Oct 6, 2024
10 days ago
Somchai ***
I just heard of UMBRELLA work permit what how much cost?

so then I'll fulfill the citizenship requirements for 3 years working and paying taxes, if done for next 3 years ?, im married to thai girl. As I'm a freelancer work remotely so can't fulfill this work permit rule
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The UMBRELLA work permit offers a pathway for freelancers and expats in Thailand seeking work authorization. However, many comments suggest skepticism regarding its efficacy and cost, with some indicating that the program is not worth the expense involved. The conversation also touched upon misconceptions around citizenship and permanent residency timelines, emphasizing the complexity of securing citizenship in Thailand, especially for those who cannot meet employment conditions. It's highlighted that being married to a Thai citizen can accelerate the citizenship process, but challenges remain. Ultimately, the consensus is that those looking for easier options might consider traditional employment or other avenues.
David **********
PR is what you can obtain after 3 years working not citizenship.... that's a whole different and much more difficult and lengthy process that you probably wouldn't want to do anyway.
John *********
Are you goofy, you’ll never get Thai citizenship.
Angelo ***********
There are plenty. And in the fee they take taxes and health insurance is included.

You wont get citizenship after 3 years, you are mixing that up with permanent residency.
Pond ************
The umbrella services is expensive AF. Thailand doesnt give citizenship as easy as the west. I have a friend who has been using their services for years in the hopes of getting a citizenship. They take a HUGE % of your pay check for their services and paying taxes. It is definately not worth it.
Jens *********
Hey look up visa for weed farmers..... Seams they have a special deal...!!!!
Jens *********
Kieran ********
I want some of what this guys taking
Stéfan ********
Why don't you simply get a job for 3 years and learn Thai? That's the simplest way. You make it seem like you're unemployable in Thailand. You can communicate in English? Just teach English.
Pete *******
Google Shelter Umbrella Partnership Program. All the information is there on how to achieve PR via this program.
Bob **********
Just get a job
Us *****
Is something mentally wrong with you? You keep on asking the same question hoping for a different answer. Also, who the heck wants to be a Thai citizen, we just want to live here because it is cheap. Stop asking the same question, you will never be a Thai. They don't want you.
Craig ********
@Us ****
Who the heck wants to be a Thai citizen? I do, for one. And "it's cheap" is not even in my top 20 reasons for being here. I'd live here even if it was one of the most expensive places on Earth.
Us *****
@Craig *******
you have issues. Also the Thais will never accept you as one of their own. They just want your money, and you will always be a "farang" to them.
Craig ********
@Us ****
what issues do you imagine I have? And who said anything about being "accepted as one of their own" or not being farang? I am, indeed, a westerner. Even as a Thai citizen I'm still a westerner. That's fine. Thai citizenship confers many benefits.

I think it might be you who has issues... Your profile claims you live in california, which probably explains your poor attitude. And you spend your time on a Thai website and obviously have a lot of problems with the Thai people, culture, and country.

Perhaps your experience has been different than mine... perhaps it's related to your attitude. I have experienced nothing but love and welcome living here for many years. I have a Thai wife and child, a giant Thai family, and no one at all just "wants my money". My wife's family has plenty of money, they all own businesses.

I think your experience has been very different than mine.
Us *****
@Craig *******
you have issues
Craig ********
@Us ****
Freudian projection is a psychological defense mechanism described by Sigmund Freud, where a person unconsciously attributes their own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or impulses to another person. This allows them to avoid confronting their own uncomfortable emotions by externalizing them onto others.

It's interesting that you consider my love of this country, my many years of happy life here, my family here, and all the joy this culture has brought to me as an "issue". Meanwhile your experience has been that they only want your money, they will never accept you, and you only live here cause it's cheap.

Seems pretty clear which one of us has an issue.
Us *****
@Craig *******
I am semi retired in my late 30s and not have to worry about money again. I have been here for 2 years and know how to play the game. This country is broken and you definitely "have issues" if you want to be a citizen of Thailand.
Craig ********
@Us ****
why are you here if it's broken? Right cause it's so cheap, but you don't have to worry about money. Right. You seem very immature for your late 30's. Perhaps in time the Thai culture will help you grow up.
Us *****
@Craig *******
it's easier to navigate a broken system than a righteous one. There is a reason why Thailand is the coup capital of the world. From the politicians down to the visa agents, the whole system is broken and corrupted by greed. I trust the devil I know and that is the reason why I love this country.
Craig ********
@Us ****
what i find most amusing is that a guy coming from California talking about a broken political system and corruption. Hysterical
Us *****
@Craig *******
Cali is not broken, it is just woke.
Craig ********
@Us ****
You are certainly the kind of person I hope i never meet here in Thailand.
Craig ********
@Us ****
your experience is completely different than mine. I'm really glad I don't live in your world.
Frank **********
Yo birdbrain Quit posting dumb shit.
Craig ********
3 years of taxes is the simplest part of citizenship. It's extremely unlikely you will become a Thai citizen unless you have something specific to contribute, special skills, a powerful resume full of important accomplishments. A deep understanding of the Thai language and culture.

In the very best case it takes 10 years, but most never make it.
Kool *******
@Craig *******
actually when married to a Thai citizen you can apply for citizenship without getting PR first, in just three years, if you meet the requirements.
Craig ********
@Kool ******
you can begin the application process after 3 years, yes
Kool *******
@Craig *******
and it averages about two years to complete.
Craig ********
Craig ********
@Kool ******
uh huh. Good luck with that
Neil ******
Has it occurred to you that just maybe not everyone gets what they want? Not everyone has qualifies for the visa they want?

You cannot create a company for your remote work just to get a work permit. And your work paid outside of Thailand won’t even get you PR because when you interview, you’ll be asked about it and nothing will line up.
Andy ************
You can start a company manufacturing umbrellas, but you won't get a work permit, because umbrella making is reserved for Thai people, not for foreigners giving themselves silly Thai names! 😂😂😂😂
David *******
@Andy ***********
better watch who you’re talking to — this guy has some stock or crypto charts as his profile picture. He’s the REAL DEAL
Andy ************
@David ******
Yes of course! Anyone with a locked fake profile and a stupid choice of name has to be watched 👀👀👀👁️👁️👁️
Pete *******
@Andy ***********
Shelter Umbrella Partnership Program gets you a business visa, work permit and Thai social security card. After holding for three years can apply for PR.
Andy ************
@Pete ******
But what kind of coverage does SUPP actually have?
Nigel **************
What planet are you on
Cris ******
Isn't this like your 4th time asking this?
Julian *******
@Cris *****
I’m waiting for the next ridiculous suggestion he makes
Cris ******
@Julian ******
I mean at what point are mods just going to ban him.
Julian *******
@Cris *****
I hope they don’t, it’s a bit of entertainment on a very wet day here in phang Nga 🙃
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