What Is My Probability of Getting an ED Visa in Thailand?

Feb 6, 2020
5 years ago
Daniel *******
Probability of me getting an ED visa?

My whole history in Thailand is as follows:

March 2018-March 2019 entirely on Visa exempts and extensions

June 2019-Present on Visa exempts and one 3 month tourist visa

I know there is no way to be sure unless I try, but I'm interested to hear y'alls opinions. Also appreciate any advice on which embassy would be best to go to. I'm from the US by the way. Cheers
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user inquires about their chances of obtaining an ED visa in Thailand based on their visa history, stating they have been in Thailand on visa exemptions and tourist visas since 2018. Comments suggest that approval largely depends on the school providing support for the visa and warn that the user's extensive stay on other types of visas might raise concerns at the embassy.
Tod *********
and on that note we're done

This is the thai VISA advice group, not the muay thai gym advice group.

Post on a f/b page that's related to where you stay in thialand

Good luck to the O/P
James ********
Bangkok Muay Thai ...


More schools here in this post

Tod *********
@Daniel ******
, it's totally gonna be up to what ever school you enroll in to provide the paperwork you need to go to a thai consulate in another country and apply for the ED visa.

I think no matter what thai consulate you pick in the area they're gonna see your entry history to thailand and think you're glomming onto an ED visa just to stay here longer (which is what you are doing).

Many MANY people have been denied ED visas when the consulate sees they've been living here for a while on other options.

I'd say talk to where you're going to enroll in, be honest with their assessment AND definitely use the consulate they recommend you to use.

Not a person on here can tell you whether you'll get the ED visa issued or not..
Jason ***********
To someone at the embassy or at immigration, it would be obvious to them that you are trying anything to live in Thailand. Be ready to have a Plan B if the visa is refused.
Daniel *******
@Jason **********
Yeah but I am not getting the visa to live in Thailand. I'm getting the visa to fight. That's why I live in Thailand
Ellie *******
Did you talk the school who provides the course and ED visa support already?
Ellie *******
what they say?
Daniel *******
Benjamin ******
An ED visa for what? Studying Thai?
James ********
Frankly speaking with your history I doubt you will be successful in getting an Ed Visa in SE Asia. And if you get one from your home country, be prepared to be questioned by Thai Immigration upon arrival.

Whatever you do, return to Thailand by land border crossings...less risk of denial. Airports are a No No IMHO.

Daniel *******
@Benjamin *****
Muay Thai. I'm a fighter
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