What can I do if I am having trouble applying for a Non-Immigrant O visa at the Thai Embassy in London?

September 14, 2019
5 years ago
Anthony *******
Non immigrant O visa application to Thai Embassy London. Many hours, no success uploading. Two fellows with sound knowledge of uploading fikes and no success. I give up. My flights 9 months. What visa can I obtain in Thailand?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is struggling with the online application process for a Non-Immigrant O visa at the Thai Embassy in London, experiencing technical difficulties with file uploads. Several commenters suggest troubleshooting tips, highlight issues with timelines (not applying more than 3 months in advance), and recommend considering alternative visa options upon arrival in Thailand. It's also pointed out that visa exemptions and extensions may be suitable for a stay of nine months, depending on the individual's circumstances.
James ********
We hope Anthony Perry has navigated the London on line visa application.

I close commenting.
Bertrand *******
Just my experience using the new evisa system about files upload : each file must be less than 500 kb and jpg extension must be in “lowercase”. Use any scan software to append pages in jpg format then an image resizer to to fit the 500 kb. That’s it
Robert *******
@Anthony ******
, If you like some help, there are people here willing to help you and get the application done. But than more information is needed. Departure date is 6 weeks ahead, return flight 9 months ahead, you like to stay 9 months. What kind of visa did you try to apply for?
Ron *******
For what reason? You dont choose a visa as I keep saying. You choose a reason to visit, The system chooses the correct visa.

He needs also to upload the bought travel ticket. He cant show a return and choose a date on the system online calendar in 9 months time for a 90 day visa. The system will throw it out
James ********
@Ron ******
he replied long time ago...James Miller The system only offered me one visa; Non immigrant O
Ron *******
@James *******
until he says exactly what visa he wants and for what reason he is applying, it's a bit of a waste of time.

I suspect by now, he's got around 500 pending applications that are jamming the account and need deleting to even start with.

The system may even already of locked him out thinking he's a spammer.

Once your locked out, I've no idea how you get back in. It doesn't say
James ********
I am not a computer whiz but could it be the browser he is using ??
@Ron ******
James ********
@Robert ******
yep...you are right. I just reread it all.
Robert *******
@James *******
These are his first words Non immigrant O visa application. That is the reason I now asked twice just because it does not make sense, that is why the system blocks.
James ********
@Robert ******
I am going to guess it's a METV.
Paul *******
I did mine yesterday it was frustrating but possible. I think the issue is the three month as above.

All the best
Anthony *******
@Paul ******
my return flight is 9 months after arrival. My departure date lies 6 weeks ahead.
Ron *******
Actually, if your telling the system your flight is 9 months ahead, i believe, that is what is blocking you.

They tell you not to apply more than 3 months ahead.
Ron *******
@Anthony ******
no problem.
Anthony *******
@Ron ******
Ron, thank you so much for your time.
Ron *******
@Anthony ******
ok good luck.
Anthony *******
@Ron ******
The London Thai Embassy website. Offered me one choice if visa only. Non immigrant O.
Ron *******
@Anthony ******
are you applying for a 1 year multiple entry O-A visa? That is a completely different visa than a single entry Non O visa. That visa requires 800,000 baht or around £21,000 in a UK or Thai account. Or an income of 65,000 Thai baht or around £1695 a month provable income.
Anthony *******
Retirement visa requires a whole host of things

Proof of 65.000 per month or one million on the bank. Police check, note from Dr.
Anthony *******
Their site asks arrival and departure date.
Anthony *******
@Ron ******
Their website offered me only one choice; non immigrant 0.
Ron *******
@Anthony ******
you need to show some sort of travel plan. Exactly what visa are you applying for and for what reason?

We need a starting point in order to advise and move forward.
Anthony *******
@Ron ******
arrive November and depart August. Suppose I wanted to begin and end in Thailand. I can't tell lies.
Ron *******
@Anthony ******
i don't know what your attempting to tell the system. It is a 'Smart' system in how it works.

If you attempt to input something outside of the system and visa parameters, it will reject your upload.

There is also no 9 month visa you can select the dates for
Anthony *******
@Ron ******
my departure 9 months after arrival.
James ********
What kind of O visa are you applying for?
Anthony *******
@James *******
The system only offered me one visa; Non immigrant O
Bell *******
Is it non O-A? If yes, you need to choose RETIRED not EMPLOYED etc.

Have you tried this method (see pic)? I struggled for a few hours as the system would jot accept my files despite them being under 0.5mb and JPEG or PDF. After I used this method, I had no problems.
Anthony *******
@Bell ******
no. I don't understand. I've worn out one friend already. I give up. Too stressful. I'm planning to stay nine months.
Robert *******
If you still hae 9 months to go, I would say relax at the moment, clear up all previous stored applications. Start from scratch and try again. You can get a Visa Exempt Entry for 30 days on arrival and after that it all depends on the reason why you like to apply for a visa. Non Immigrant O stand for others, many different reasons.
Anthony *******
@Benjamin *****
Consult as in consult with people regarding visa apps.
Robert *******
@Benjamin *****
multiple entry non O is not available in the London online application system
Benjamin ******
@Anthony ******
Here's my advice:

1. If you're going to be a consultant in Thailand, you'll need a work permit and a Non-B visa. I'm assuming you'll work "under the table".

2. There are no "9 month visa". The visas that will allow you to stay 9 months are a METV, or multiple entry Non-O. There may be some other types of visas as well.

3. If you arrive in Thailand on a visa exemption, you will (probably) be staying here on visa exempts, visa extensions, and tourist visas in Laos/ Malaysia. You *MAY* be able to get 9 months doing that here.
Robert *******
You can not get a visa on arrival, that is only for 21 countries and gives a maximum of 15 days of stay. What kind of visa did you try to apply for? As already mentioned a Single Entry Visa is only valid for 3 months from the day attached in your passport, if you apply 9 months in front you are to early to apply.
Anthony *******
@Robert ******
Robert, I'm stressed already with many hours attempting uploads. My friends very knowledgeable with files and no joy. I'm planning on a 30 day visa on arrival. I've booked a 9 month stay. I'm going to consult in bangkok. I've never had any problems before in ten years. It's come as a bit of a shock. I have a host of friends in BKK. I've been informed there are ways so I'll try to keep it simple and wait till I arrive. Thanks so much Robert.
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