What are the entry limits for UK passport holders using the visa exempt scheme in Thailand?

April 23, 2024
5 months ago
Noel *******

I have a UK passport and have entered Thailand via BKK 3 times in the last 5 months under the visa exempt scheme.

I’m planning to return very soon on 5 May via BKK for 14 days before going on to Vietnam for 10 days then returning to Thailand via BKK for a further 14 days.

Some research I’ve done states that only 3 visa exempt entries are allowed in a six month period.

Other research says unlimited visa exempt entries by air are allowed.

I’m confused?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The entry rules for UK passport holders into Thailand under the visa exempt scheme are often misinterpreted. While some resources suggest a maximum of three entries within a six-month period, community responses assert that there are generally no strict limits on the number of entries by air, although each entry is ultimately subject to the discretion of the immigration officer. Frequent border crossings without a clear tourist intent could raise questions from immigration. Many users have shared their experiences entering Thailand multiple times without issue, especially when traveling through different countries in between stays.
Ian *****
Rubbish. No fixed rule, as long as you come and go and stick to the rules and don't overstay you ok. They may ask why you keep coming back and have a plausible answer. I used to come every weekend from HKG, and never got refused and asked a few times why, explained and never an issue
Jiji ***********
We always get some people posting claiming to have found the kind of holy grail, the formula etc which imm officers use to determine if someone can come in or not.

Some even claim to have found *the* way to *always* get in every time. The proverbial keyboard shortcuts.

The reality is, after 1 or two entries, it basically is just dumb luck. There's no pattern or reason to why some people get questioned after their third or even second entry, while others get away with it for more than a year, ir even two years.
Doug *********
There are multiple references to no more than 180 days in country per year. But up to immigration officer to determine if it is enforced. I’ve read it. Never experienced it. Don’t send too much hate my way. 😎😎😎. And always smile at your immigration officer. 😜🥴🤙
Luc ************
My maximum was 7 times in 11 months via air and never had a problem.
Pete **********
I did 2 by air and 1 by ground entries to Thailand in 23' I didn't have any issues . Immigration was very quick and no hassle on all entries. All on visa exempt entries
Jim **********
You are playing with fire and should make sure you have contingency plans in the event of being turned away at the border.

Three times in 12 months is the supposed red line, though travelling by air does give you a bit of wiggle room more often than not. This is not universally applied, but you are now relying on being lucky enough to have a border check that is lenient.

Up to you sunshine …
Frances ********
We got chastised at Don Meung on our 3rd visa exempt arrival:

November 4 1st entry arrived by air from Vietnam

December. 9 2nd entry (arrived from Laos by air)

January 29 3rd entry (arrived from Cambodia by air)

I don’t think we did anything wrong but got chastised & written up. We stay 10-14 days in other countries then stay in Thailand 30 days. Is this wrong to do?
Todd **********
Why don’t you ask them when you’re going through??
Wayne *********
I do fifo and prior to getting my OX visa I came and went every 2 weeks and never got stopped for many years. Always had return flights booked though.
Simon ********
Unlimited by air as I've come back and forth countless times over the last 18 months 👍🏽
Nongnuch ********
@Simon *******
if there were 1 to 2 months between each entry, then yes. Many oil-riggers do that
Jan ******************
@Nongnuch *******
Several oil-riggers working offshore from Norway with homes in Thailand for several years have been denied recently as well. But in Norway you do two weeks on a rig and four weeks off…
Rob *******
@Simon *******
No no no. It’s not unlimited it’s discretionary🤚🏻
Simon ********
@Rob ******
luckily I've had no issues then......so far 🙏🏾
Bart **************
Unlimited by air is correct. Three per 6 months is not correct. Where did you read that?
Nongnuch ********
@Bart *************
"unlimited by air" is just on a piece of paper. Factually, a third visa-exempt entry, following close or consecutively upon the ones before, can result in denial of entry. That and the previous entry history put a lot of weight onto an officer's decision
Noel *******
Nongnuch ********
@Noel ******
this is BAD info, wrong info. "Visa genie"? Visa idiot !
Graham ******
@Noel ******
The way this is (badly) written it states that you can enter Thailand 3 times in 6 months by air AND 2 times by land. 555
Noel *******
@Graham *****
yes slightly ambiguous🤔
Bart **************
@Noel ******
entirely made up. No other source speaks of this.
Jan ******************
@Bart *************
There’s several different articles about this, but no officials and its correct as you said, - no formal restrictions.
Nongnuch ********
@Jan *****************
also, the text you posted is completely absurd and wrong info. Speaking of six visa-exempt entries within one calendar year? You MAY BE allowed to that at the discretion of a border official, , but then you need to prove that you are an oil-rigger or sorts like this, who likes to spend the days between the shifts on a Thai beachside.
Bart **************
@Jan *****************
weird that people write this on pages like that as it's not originating from any official source. It's also not commonly found on other pages. People just make this up.
Jan ******************
@Noel ******
This is no official statement from the Thai immigration authorities.
Jan ******************
@Bart *************
“unlimited is correct”… I would say there’s no official limit is more precise, and personally I would feel a bit unsafe trying to do 4 exemptions in six months.
Bart **************
@Jan *****************
depends how long you stay. But yeah, unless that's really short it's not a great plan.
Brandon ************
There's no rule about how many times you can enter by air.

But every entry is at the discretion of the immigration officer you're standing in front of. If you break some informal guideline that officer uses to determine if you're taking advantage of the visa exempt program, you're going to have a rough time.

Often it's less about how many times you enter, but how long you've been in Thailand. If those 3 entries over 5 months were border bounces to get a new 30 day entry stamp so you could spend most of that 5 months in Thailand, you're probably close to the point where you're going to get pulled out of line and asked what you think you're doing spending so much time in Thailand without a long term visa.

If you've just spent a couple weeks then went to another country for a month then came back for another week etc, you'll probably be fine as you look like a tourist enjoying all of southeast Asia.
Aaron ****************
Noel *******
@Brandon ***********
Yes usually spend one or two weeks in Thailand when I'm on route to Australia or other Asian countries.
Chris ******
@Brandon ***********
I think that if you're out of Thailand for a reasonable amount of time (14 days in your case). You will be fine. It's the 24 hour returns which raise eyebrows
Brandon ************
@Chris *****
all depends on the history
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