can anyone help me? what's the cost if i open my company with one visa in bangkok thailand. I am here in bangkok on tourist visa?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Opening a company in Bangkok can start at around 600 USD; however, the costs associated with obtaining a work permit can be significantly higher. To legally work, you need a work permit which requires at least 2 million baht in registered capital, hiring a minimum of four Thai employees, and Thai ownership for 51% of the company. The total costs to qualify for a work permit may reach approximately 60,000 USD, making it essential to plan financially if you are considering starting a business while on a tourist visa.
Contact the following they will assist and walk you through the process and fees and illegalities. It is not as expensive as you may think. This company also has full accountancy services.
Kool *******
The opening of the company isn't that expensive. What is expensive is qualifying for your work permit, which you must have no matter what kind of work you do, even volunteering. To qualify for a work permit your company must have bt2million in registered capital, hire at least 4 Thai employees, and you can only own 49% of your company. The other 51% must be owned by Thais, and you must have a licensed Thai accountant. It will cost almost US$60,000 total, just to get started, and qualify for the required work permit. Setting up the business is pretty easy. Qualifying for the work permit is expensive, and you can't work legally without it.
Charlas ******
how can i married. I don't know even any thai girl. is there any link where can i find someone for marriage?
Can you please highlight the differences between a 100% Thai company and a 49 / 51% Thai farang company please. We probably should be set up as a company and definitely will in the future but I don't personally want a part of it. Wife's own business concern 100%. Same deal?
not sure what you are asking? If your Thai wife owns the company she can hire you, and because you are her husband she needs just bt1million in registered capital, and hire two Thai employees to qualify to sponsor your work permit. How the business is set up is not the big concern. The concern is the requirements for your work permit, and you can do no work in the business at all without a work permit. You can't even sweep the floor, or anything else to help out without a work permit. If you weren't married then the requirements would be bt2million in registered capital, and her hiring 4 Thai employees. It doesn't matter who owns the business, the requirements are the same for a work permit.
Thanks Kool Breeze, my question relates to my Thai wife owning a company 100% herself in Thailand just like any other Thai instead ourselves jointly owning a company?. Money and trust are not issues, I just want to retire and let my wife work, I don't really want to work at all. I just want to choose the path of least resistance by not getting involved with companies and work permits etc, So basically the question is owning a Thai company easy for Thai's or is it just when a faring joins the mix that things become onerous?
for Thais, or pretty much anyone, the opening of the business itself is the same. The added requirements start when a work permit is required for a foreigner. Now, here's something to consider, even though you don't really want to work, being you are married to a Thai, if you work, making at least bt40,000 a month for three years, and paying Thai income tax on it, you meet an important part of getting permanent residency. Then no more visa requirements or 90 day reports. You'd basically be finished with immigration. You register your address with the police once a year and that's it. Just something to think about. If you weren't married to a Thai the monthly wage amount would be double at bt80,000 a month.
That's awesome information, what you're talking about is very doable, not something I really thought about before, I will do some research into this. Thanks.