What are the best practices for submitting QR codes on the Thailand Pass application?

November 11, 2021
3 years ago
Chau *******
Dont remember who recommend the tip to crop only the QR code part to submit but thank you so much, that's a god sent advice!!

I literally got accepted right away. The pass was sent to my email in the same minute with the registration receipt email lol!!

Highly recommend this tip!!! Especially for anyone who got two doses from two different locations. (got my first in Thailand and second in UK.)
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user shared that cropping only the QR code portion of their vaccination certificate significantly expedited their approval process for the Thailand Pass, receiving their pass almost immediately after submission. Other users discussed various aspects of the submission process, such as the sources of their QR codes, potential issues with the UK NHS app, and tips to ensure successful document uploads. A consensus emerged about the importance of providing all necessary documents and avoiding leaving any fields blank when submitting vaccine details.
Brad ***********
My vax certificate has both jabs with only 1 QR code. I cropped the QR to make two files. The cetificate plus the QR code itself and I uploaded the same two files for vax sections 1 and 2. Got approval in 4 days.
Gary *****************
I agree. Passport and QRC Covid must be cropped a certain way. Had my Thai Pass in 3 hours. Really like the new form
Liid *****
I have just one qr code for both doses.Should I upload that one in both places.And should I also upload the vaccine certificate or leave as empty on both?
Chau *******
@Lidio ******
yes, dont leave any box blank.
Jeffrey *********
@Lidio ******
If you have one QR code and one card for both doses, upload both of them in both places - the system seems to want to see something in the box for each dose.
Brad ***********
@Jeffrey ********
Exactly đŸ€Ÿ
Jim *********
I wish I could do that with the UK NHS app QR codes and have the confidence they could be read by Thailand Pass. When I scan them they just say 'no usable data found'. Probably why I've heard nothing from Thailand pass since applying a couple of days ago.
Steve *******
@Jim ********
Screenshot the pdf file from the NHS website and upload it for the Thailand Pass
Jim *********
@Steve ******
Thats exactly what I did
Steve *******
@Jim ********
Then you should get the TP. Mine took 48hrs.
Jim *********
- here's hoping:-)
Jim *********
The NHS app team have confirmed <<<<<The 2D barcode within the new COVID Pass is not like your conventional 2D barcodes that when scanned, pull up a page or a file. It is specifically designed to be scanned by unique devices that are, or will be, operational in places like airports. They are in machine readable form for this specific reason.

Rest assured that if the vaccination details around the 2D barcode are as they should then the 2D barcode is too>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So this would explain why we see the 'no usable data' message on our phones
Robert ******
@Jim ********
so are these useless for uploading to the thailand pass application then? Or is it just a case of waiting longer..
Jim *********
@Robert *****
they should be perfectly fine for uploading but the waiting is frustrating no doubt
Robert ******
@Jim ********
I just got approved!!! 7 days out.. with the 2d NHS QR codes.. proper buzzing.. stick with it guys
Jim *********
@Robert *****
Well done. You can look forward to Thailand now:-)
Robert ******
@Jim ********
honestly I'm absolutely buzzing.. im moving there full time.. such a special place
Jim *********
@Robert *****
Couldn't agree more and you'll love it. I"ll be heading to Koh Samui in a couple of weeks. Just waiting for that pass:-)
Jason *******
@Jim ********
probably because it is only valid for 30 days from the NHS app you need to download the government one I have sent to your home from the website
Jim *********
@Jason ******
you still get the same ‘no usable data found’ message even if you generate a new code by opening the app.
Jason *******
Yes the NHS for it is only a temporary Covid certificate for short time only used in the UK you need to download the government website one will be sent to your address which is for the international
Robert ******
@Jason ******
I got the letter they send to your home and it doesn't have qr codes on at all so that's wrong advice
Jason *******
@Robert *****
applying for the Thailand pass Mine didn’t have it as well but still went through
Robert ******
@Jason ******
I just got the 2 qr codes you download from the app.. have cropped them out perfectly but still no approval
Lewis ***********
@Jim ********
I get the “no usable data found” issue too with mine (U.K. NHS). Really frustrating.
@Chau ******
with your U.K. dose, which QR code did you use?
Chau *******
@Lewis **********
i only showed the photo of the card

As above
Jim *********
- I’ve messaged the NHS about this no data message to see what might be going on. As yes, very frustrating
Monti ********
If the system can scan the QR code they are doing automated approvals. If it works you get a response with Thailand Pass within a few minutes.
Michael ********
@Monti *******
yes they are doing automated, backlog comes from incorrect submissions or vaccination certs with no QR code that needs to be checked manually
Carolyn ******
Sounds good but I don’t understand where everyone is getting these QR codes from and where you’re uploading them on TP. I’d love to hear more. Are you getting the QR code from the Thailand vaccine app where you uploaded your vax card info? Or from another app? Thanks for any details!
Steve *******
@Carolyn ********
QR code from the NHS website in the UK. Screenshot of the pdf file and upload to the Thailand Pass application.
Dick *************
My QR Code was available in my electronic health records from my health provider (US). It only showed up recently..
Eddie ******
@Carolyn ********
Good to hear our recommendations worked well. Do it right and the system is fast.
Michael ********
@Carolyn ********
A lot of countries have electronic versions of the vaçcination certificate. These get approved almost immediatly. EU has a free one for all citizens
Carolyn ******
@Michael *******
- okay yes! We have one here in the US so I will try that thanks!
Pom ********
@Carolyn ********
Hi Carolyn. Where can we get the QR code you mentioned in the US?
Chris ******
@Carolyn ********
USA QR codes are unrecognizable by the TP system. Only EU. The Clear Pass QR code won't work. Just the CDC card.
Carolyn ******
@Chris *****
So upload QR code from my US system INSTEAD of the vax card, right? Thanks for all this!
Frédéric ******************
@Carolyn ********
not instead. There is a field for uploading the wax card/certificate and another field to upload the cropped QR code.
Jeffrey *********
@Carolyn ********
Upload both. As mentioned above, TP is currently only able to read codes from the EU and Singapore, but they are allegedly working on including more countries.
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