What Are the Bank Balance Requirements for a Non O Visa Renewal in Malaysia for Foreigners?

December 1, 2019
5 years ago
Question to my non O visa.

My husband has a non b visa and he is from Brazil. I am from Denmark. Our visa is for 90 days.

My first non O visa I got in Penang and the embassy required that my husband could show a bank statement with 200.000 bath. In a Thai bank.

This time we would like to go to Kuala Lampur to renew our visa. We was looking at the requirements for my non o and it’s says that if you are married to a Thai citizen you need 400.000 bath in a Thai bank. Does somebody knows if it the same for foreigners? Or is it still 200.000 bath?

Thanks 🙏☺️
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about the bank statement requirements for renewing a Non O visa in Kuala Lumpur, specifically questioning if the requirement differs for foreigners married to a Thai citizen compared to the specified 400,000 baht for Thai spouses.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
AF ********
You are overcomplicating things, the requirements that u read about are for foreigners like yourself unless stated otherwise like being married to a Thai person.
Robert *******
But if you both prefer the Single Entry Non Immigrant Visa for 90 days and then do a visa run somewhere again, you can go to KL and if you read the check list it is only the points 6.1,6.2 (twice) and 6.3 under this lince Additional documents required for dependant of applicant for non-immigrant visa (B) and non-immigrant visa (ED):6. Documents of the main visa applicant Applicant for non-immigrant visa (B)
Mette *****************
Thank you so much 🙏🙏

That make so much sense now☺️☺️
Robert *******
Yes, point 6 is separated in three parts, you depend on1 person, so it will be 1 out of these three

1. Main person holds Non Immigrant B visa

2. Main person holds Non Immigrant ED visa

3. You are married to a Thai National or have Thai Children.
Mette *****************
@Robert ******
thank you!! That make so much sense.

So just make sure I understand we only need the papers for additional for non immigrant B?
Robert *******
if your husband holds the Non Immigrant B visa and a work permit he can apply at the local Immigration office for a 1 year Extension of Stay based on working in Thailand and you can apply for the 1 year Extension of Stay based on being a dependent of a foreigner who is working inside Thailand.
Mette *****************
@Robert ******
thanks for the answer ☺️
James ********
Are you Thai ? If not read the listed requirements on the Thai Consulate for the visa you want.
Mette *****************
@James *******
no I am danish and my husband is from Brazil
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