Why was a member removed for recommending a visa service while others are sharing insurance recommendations in the group?

September 6, 2020
4 years ago
Ettore ********
To the group admin:

I know a guy who was kicked out of this group without warning because he recommended a legal and trustworthy visa service in Thailand to someone with visa issues.

Now I see that in a post someone asks about required health insurance, and quite a few recommendations were made for private insurers.

Double standards?

If you don't like my critic, kick me out as well.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A member criticized the group admin for removing someone who recommended a legitimate visa service while allowing others to suggest health insurance providers. Comments highlighted clear group rules against advertising and emphasized that the community focuses on providing advice without commercial interests.
Nina *****
Can I ask how long a โ€˜pendingโ€™ post takes to be approved? I have tried to share a link with this group 5 times now.
Nina *****
Resolved now, thanks.
Oliver ********
The fact that you or the "guy" care so much makes it pretty obvious you were trying to use this group to sell some shit.
Ettore ********
I criticized the double standards in this group, nothing else. I'm not dependent on selling any products.
Reiner *********
These Friends who try to HELP are doing a perfect informative Job... Unpaid... And don't need crazy people asking many times the same or even ask for commercial help.
Garrett ***********
Your friend was kicked because no one asked about a visa agent. They asked for advice and your "friend" tried to sell services.

There are only 2 rules in this group and they are very clear. Do not advertise. Don't post advertisements, don't PM members attempting to solicit services, and don't sneak solicitations into the comment section. That's it. This is a community based group where expats can come for advise and not be sold shit with every question they ask. That's it.
Bobby ********
Jolly smashing group. Let's have a party!
Thomas ********************
@Bobby *******
We really should ๐Ÿ˜…

I'd suggest Bangkok. But I'm flexible.
Erik *******
@Garrett **********
Thanks for this FB group . So dang usefull ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
Reiner *********
@Erik ******
well if you ask and not know the rules..... Crazy
Erik *******
@Reiner ********
You didnโ€™t get it: It was a tribute !!! Got it now !???
Thomas ********************
@Reiner ********
It was a tribute. This is a great group!
Garrett ***********
Ettore ********
@Garrett **********
By the way, this guy didn't want to sell anything, he is not an employee of the visa agent, nor does he receive any commissions. He wanted to help with his experience. That' s all. And I am aware that it's against the rules to mention a trustworthy and efficient visa agent. I only criticize the double standard, because what I see here is unlimited advertising for insurance companies.
Burnard ************
@Ettore *******
In my experience, anything that can get this FB page in trouble gets thrown out.

If it's a fake insurrer, that is between the customer and insurrer.

But if it's a cheating visa agent on this expat page, Immigration is going to come after the information source.

And Immigration does not care if the site Moderators had nothing to do with it.
Ettore ********
@Burnard ***********
Obviously you don't know the rules of this group. Any advertising is prohibited.
Garrett ***********
What insurance post are you going on about?
Ettore ********
@Garrett **********
If you would follow the posts in your group you will also find tel no. and addresses given to someone as a tip to get information. Is that within the rules?
Ettore ********
@Garrett **********
As an admin you should know. Or check again the posts in your group.
Roy ***********
@Ettore *******
Just post the link to the post that is against the rules if you want to show him the double standard. You can also report messages, nobody can read everything.
Ettore ********
@Roy **********
I am not denunciating anyone. I think that is the administrators' job to find what I mean. He should know.
Roy ***********
@Ettore *******
No proof, no case.๐Ÿ˜„
Ettore ********
@Roy **********
I leave it up to you for some more to find.
Garrett ***********
Those are most likely comments to the ONE post I allowed asking if anyone could recommend health insurance.

"Advertising is not permitted without admin approval" - I approved this post.
Ettore ********
@Roy **********
All advertising!
Erik *******
Burnard ************
@Ettore *******
Did I say it was not?

I am just saying that recommending a Visa Agent right now is going to get unwanted attention.
Garrett ***********
Great, I'm glad you're aware what the rules are then. If your "friend" is who I think it is, then it wasn't his first time. Just about every post his comment is "use an agent. I know a reliable one."
Ettore ********
@Garrett **********
I am curious about what you say about health insurance advertising in this group.
Ettore ********
@Garrett **********
It was his first post in this group.
Ettore ********
@Garrett **********
But advertising for insurers is okay? I know the rules in this group, but it seems there are double standards here. Advertisements for insurance companies okay, a hint who can help with visa issues is not okay.
Thomas ********************
And a damned fine group if I do say so my damned self. Thankee, Garrett!
Reiner *********
@Thomas *******************
you can leave if you Know all
James ******
@Garrett **********
isnt that 4 rules ?,
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