Is 1.75 million THB medical cover sufficient for my Thai Pass, and can I have multiple insurance policies?

December 24, 2021
3 years ago
Adam ********
Insurance advice!!

Iv already got Thai axa insurance and got my Thai pass using that. But looking into it 1.75 million Thai baht for medical cover doesn’t seem a lot when you compare to it others. I feel like Iv rushed into it just so I could get a Thai pass

Does everyone think this is enough cover if anything bad was to happen or I was wondering to take out another insurance with more money cover but not sure if I can have 2 insurance policies at the same time.

Any information would be great

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user expresses concern about their current health insurance with 1.75 million THB coverage being insufficient. Community members reassure that this may suffice for basic needs but suggest exploring other options. Users share their experiences with multiple insurance policies, confirming it is possible to hold more than one plan simultaneously. It's also noted that pre-existing conditions might not be covered and that users looking for better plans are encouraged to research upgrade options.
Sumai *****
Hi , I am a licensed insurance agent of Muang Thai life assurance , we have good health insurance plan to cover the medical expenses in Thailand, which would be covering much more then just covid 19 inbound insurance. Pls pm me if interested.
Brian ********
You can have 2 insurance policies but if you put a claim in both companies would be equally responsible 50% each good company to try if you live in UK is Sainsburys Travel insurance check them out online
ᘻᗅᖶᖶᗁᕦᙛ *******
Always keep you bank account good when traveling, you never know what might happen
Ian *********
Like Kool said find out if you can upgrade existing policy
Lenka ************
Can anyone help? Already got my thai pass, but I am considering cancellation of current insurance policy and use better one instead. May it affect my thai pass or cause any troubles?
Sumai *****
@Lenka ***********
Hi , I am a licensed insurance agent of Muang Thai life assurance , we have good health insurance plan to cover the medical expenses in Thailand, which would be covering much more then just covid 19 inbound insurance. Pls pm me if interested.
Hang ********
@Lenka ***********
if cancel u can not get refund. Refund only applicable if visa is rejected
Tony ************
$50,000 USD is the minimum requirement for Covid insurance cover to enter Thailand. $50,000 is more that enough to cover 10 days in quarantine in a Thai Covid Hospital. I stayed at a few International hospital and they are generally about $1000 USD per day without specialist treatment.
Kool *******
You can always upgrade the policy.
Keith ********
I actually have 3 policies running. Luma for Thailand Pass, AETNA 1 million/40,000 for my O-A, plus an international policy. I tried to increase my AETNA cover, but they refused. I've had PCI with AETNA, which was covered, but a major medical problem may not be. Looking at options for the 3 million cover for next year's renewal.
James ********
You are fine for now...

When you are already in Thailand then explore health insurance options. Preexisting conditions most likely will not be covered.
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