How does the Muay Thai visa work and is it legitimate if you don’t attend classes?

March 8, 2023
2 years ago
Matthieu **********
Hi lads,

Do you know how is the Muay Thai visa working ? I contacted a guy and he told me you just have to pay then you don’t have to follow Muay Thai class.

I Find it pretty weird, how is it that expensive if you don’t even have Muay Thai classes ?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the legitimacy and workings of the Muay Thai visa. A user expresses skepticism about being told they can obtain a visa by merely paying without attending classes. Several commenters warn that such claims might indicate fraudulent visa practices involving bribery or dubious agreements, highlighting that reputable gyms typically require attendance for visa issuance. They recommend finding accredited gyms that comply with immigration regulations to avoid legal risks.
Pablo ********
Anyone have any experience with a accredited and legit gym in BKK for visa?
Geoff ********
Hand to hand combat chiang mai. Ask for Pang. They do the classes 2 times a week for a year.
Geoff ********
Your payment is for them doing lots of paperwork...and setting you up and covrering you ass . Your choice not to doall the classes ? Up to u? You don't get visas unless it's a retirement visa for less than minimum 35k plus some additional costs.
Steve *******
You have to pay for the course/classes, it's up to you if you attend or not. If you dont attend and Immigration get wind of it then you'll most likely have you visa/extention of stay cancelled. A reputable gym probably wont even supply the paperwork for an extention of stay unless you attend classes.
Jonathan *******
Because the "guy" is greasing the wheels and getting you an illegal visa
Bob **********
That’s what your paying for a shoddy visa
Bob *******
Frank **********
Based on your description, it sounds like you may have been offered a fraudulently obtained visa. Call around to other gyms that are not potentially putting you at risk. Even if you do train there, if they get caught with other fraudulently obtained visas for their “students”, you could get flushed out with the others.
Frank **********
Side note… you probably shouldn’t name a gym and state that they are offering you fraudulently obtained visas on social media…
Matthieu **********
@Frank *********
you are right, that’s why I wanted to dm the guy who asked me

I deleted it, thanks for the advice 😁
Sascha **********
For a Muay Thai gym to be able to offer ED visas they need special accreditation from the Ministry of Education. Most gyms don’t have this as it’s difficult and expensive to obtain. Tiger used to offer ED visa services (you had to pre-pay for 6 months of training), but even they now say just get a tourist visa and extension and do visa runs to Penang, so I guess it’s not worth it/too much hassle even for them.

This ‘guy’ you mention sounds a bit shady, is he from a gym? Or a visa agency? In any case, if I were you I would look for an accredited gym that offers visa services plus training fees in one package. A quick Google search turned up this (in Chiang Mai, definitely more quiet than Phuket or Pattaya)
Matthieu **********
@Neil **********
I will have a look at it but I’m more looking for something around Pattaya as Phuket looks so busy at the moment
Tainui ********
If you know somewhere where training is cheaper than 1k a month let me know. Almost every gym is going to cost a fair bit more a month
Matthieu **********
@Tainui *******
1k a month would be great. But it’s looking way expensive where they offer visa
Matthieu **********
So what’s wrong here ?

It looks like I should pay 24k to the school then 15k for the visa then 3 times 5k ?
Tainui ********
@Matthieu *********
what sense does it make for gyms to do the groundwork of organizing a visa for you then let you train for pretty much free while everyone else pays 200-400 a class haha
Matthieu **********
@Tainui *******
I don’t mind paying 200AUD a month to train. I just don’t understand why the visa is as much expensive as a visa giving 4h of language class a week
Tainui ********
@Matthieu *********
the major gyms in Pattaya (Venum, fairtex) charge 12k baht a month vs the visa being 48k aka 4 a month kinda explains why it's separate to me 🤷‍♂️
Matthieu **********
@Tainui *******
they also offer 500 baht sessions which is 2000 a months (1 a week) which is 24 000 a year

No way 24k baht is the price of a student visa 150 hours of Thai language lessons

To resume you pay 15k (tourist to non ED) + 5k7 on renewal. 45 - 20,7 = 24k3 which mean you pay 25k for no lessons ?
Tainui ********
@Matthieu *********
1 a week doesn't satisfy immigrations requirements for a Muay Thai visa
Tainui ********
@Matthieu *********
there's nowhere that does that and they'd be insane too. Top level gyms are 12k a month.

Don't know why people think it would be included in a visa.
Matthieu **********
@Tainui *******
because if you apply for a student visa thai class are include with the price

And I don’t understand how it’s possible to justify a visa if you don’t need to have class

The one year visa cost 48k
Steve *******
@Matthieu *********
The visa is included in the price of the course/classes NOT the other way around!
Brandon ************
@Matthieu *********
you're completely wrong. You don't apply for a visa and classes are included in the price.

You enroll in a class and pay for it, and THEN some schools might help you apply for a visa.

Obviously Muay Thai classes are going to cost more than language classes. There are gym facilities and more instructors with likely smaller classes.

Stop thinking about the visa and think about the classes. That's what you're paying for.
Jamie *******
...oh yea, the "you just have to pay story"....
Brandon ************
I don't who "a guy" is but if they are telling you that, then they're trying to sell you a visa gained by bribing an immigration officer to issue you a visa on false pretenses. There have been many investigations about this and problems made for people who have done this recently, and it looks like more to come.
Matthieu **********
@Brandon ***********
thanks for the infos

That’s sad because I would have rather like to learn Muay Thai instead of English 😁
Michael ********
@Matthieu *********
well contact a muay thai school then, plenty about depending what area you want to do it
Matthieu **********
@Michael *******
that’s a Muay Thai school,with a lot of reviews on Google, who told me that

Can I send you an mp to show you ?
Mark **************
@Matthieu *********
very interesting questions that u are asking, I too want the muay thai visa , could u send me on the information that u have about the muay thai schools, much appreciated 🙏
Matthieu **********
Michael ********
@Matthieu *********
just tell me name here i know a few of them (not recently though bit know some owners)
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