How can dual citizens enter Vietnam with different visa requirements on their passports?

Oct 12, 2024
4 days ago
I am dual citizen. One passport allows me to enter Vietnam Visa Free and the other one requires a Visa. I will be applying for DTV visa using the passport that requires Visa to enter Vietnam. Question- is there anyone in a similar situation who entered Vietnam Visa free? How did you go about with the entry stamp requirement?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A dual citizen seeking a DTV visa for Thailand while holding one passport that allows visa-free entry to Vietnam and another requiring a visa is concerned about entry stamp requirements. Community responses suggest that for a DTV application, it's advisable to enter Vietnam using the passport required for the visa, despite the extra cost. This ensures compliance with proof of current location via an entry stamp for visa application purposes. There are conflicting opinions about the necessity of an entry stamp when applying for a Thai visa while in Vietnam, but many agree it's safer to use the relevant passport.
Paul *******
As long as you're flying into Vietnam and are thus able to switch passports, you can choose any of your passports to apply for the visa. Just make sure that it's the SAME passport used to enter Thailand. It doesn't matter if you used another passport to enter Thailand previously.
Tod *********
My two satang's worth of advice my Anonymous participant

You're stepping over dollars to pick up dimes... 😮

Let me see if I understand this? You're willing to jeapordize a FIVE YEAR visa to thailand that costs 340USD ? Just because you wanted to save the visa on arrival fee to Vietnam by using a passport you're not using to get the DTV to enter the country?

Suck it up, buy the visa to vietnam with the passport you're going to apply for the DTV on so that you can show you're legally IN the country whose thai consulate you're applying thru
Gautam *********
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@Andrew ***********
Biff *******
We recently entered Vietnam visa-free and still got an entry stamp. If I had been applying for a Thai visa there, that would’ve proven I was in the country at that time

Entry stamp, no exit stamp.
Anonymous *************
@Biff ******
Hi, where you in Vietnam to apply for DTV Visa? Was your entry stamp on your visa-free passport accepted as proof that you are in Vietnam?
Biff *******
Anonymous participant I wasn’t there to apply for a visa, but if I was, the fact that I had an entry stamp, and no exit stamp, proved I was in Vietnam.
Tod *********
@Biff ******
but would that have worked IF you were applying for a visa to thailand on a passport you DIDN'T enter vietnam with? Like what they're asking?
Biff *******
@Tod ********
I doubt it. But the options presented were, if I’m not mistaken, to use a passport to enter with a visa, or one that’s allowed visa free entry to Vietnam.

To use two passports (one for entry to Vietnam and one for the DTV use) would be too complex and open to refusal I would think.

I was just advising that the OP could still prove they were in Vietnam at the time of application with either passport.
Tod *********
@Biff ******
(y) as I said in my comment they're trying to step over dollars to pick up dimes 😛 and they should just get the visa on arrival for vietnam in the passport they're going to apply for the DTV at the consulate with
Dca *****
just think of the Vietnam Visa as part of the total cost of the Thailand DTV.....still cheaper than getting a Thailand DTV from the Thai Embassy in New Zealand!
Paul ********
@Dca ****
indeed. What is it with the embassy in Wellington??
Mike ********
I had the same situation. Ended up paying for a visa so i could enter Vietnam on the same passport I wanted to apply for DTV on. As the other comment says, you will need to provide proof of current location (ie visa stamp) and I figured it would just complicate matters if that was on another passport. Kind of annoying, but $40 for peace of mind.
Anonymous *************
@Mike *******
I agree. Will get a ViSa. Thank you.
Christopher *********
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but from what I have seen is that when you apply from your own country your country ID/passport is the only thing needed.

To prove location.

But when you apply from other countries besides your home country they want to see stamp.

Might be wrong, wait for other answers.
Andi ***********
@Christopher ********
From your own country you can also prove location with a bank statement, utility bill, tax payment slip etc. To prove location elsewhere aside from passport entry stamp, can use accommodation, hotel, Airbnb booking or proof of stay with family, friend.