How can an elderly Thai register to receive the Pfizer vaccine?

July 9, 2021
3 years ago
Tommi ********
Where can an elderly Thai register for Pfizer?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Elderly Thais can register for the Pfizer vaccine through the local government vaccination portals set up in their area. Currently, it is primarily administered to elderly individuals and pregnant women beyond 12 weeks gestation. The vaccine selection is not up to the individuals, as they will receive whatever vaccine is available at the time of their appointment. For up-to-date information, checking official sources like the Thai Government Facebook page may be helpful.
Bob ********
I have a Thai lady friend living in BKK. They started giving the vaccines since June (after the most vulnerable got theirs) to people who had registered, starting with the eldest and working downwards. She got her's in the local hospital the first week of this month. She will get her 2nd one after a wait of 11 weeks.
Tony *********
I thought Pfizer wasnt approved in Thailand yet
Michael ********
@Tony ********
Tony *********
@Michael *******
so it just approved recently
Michael ********
@Tony ********
They also ordered loads last month as well. Not sure when due to arrive though
Tony *********
@Michael *******
yeah I've received my doses of Pfizer here in Aus. My partner wanted Pfizer as well and I told her it wasnt available in Thailand yet . Now she can wait for it .lol
Michael ********
@Tony ********
Had mine in Singapore goverment issue no choice. My wifes company organised the Astra one for her so thats good
Monti ********
Pfizer is administered by the Thai government. For now it is only for elderly Thais and women pregnant over 12 weeks. But you do not select the vaccine. You register at whatever portal the Thai government has set up for you area and take whatever vaccine is/are offered at the time you are told to show up.
Tommi ********
Roll of the dice
Colin **********
Depends on where you live
Michael ********
Privately only at the moment.(although i know approved never seen advertised)

If you register with goverment you will get what you are given. But changes every day.
Tommi ********
J ******************
Try Pr Thai Government Facebook, there is much information to be found there
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