Can my school cancel my work permit in Thailand without my work permit book after I've left the country?

November 3, 2020
4 years ago
Akhona **********
Hi, I left Thailand a week ago because I got a job in Japan without cancelling my working permit. Is it possible for my old school to cancel my working permit without my work permit book ? Or can I cancel the work permit while am outside the country?

When visiting Thailand again will I be charged for not concelling my work permit and leaving on a re-entry ?

Thank you in advance.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster is inquiring whether their school in Thailand can cancel their work permit after they have left the country for a job in Japan and without having their work permit book (the blue book). They are also concerned about potential repercussions when visiting Thailand again without cancelling the work permit, especially related to re-entry permits and fines for non-compliance. The comments suggest that it is typically the employer's responsibility to cancel the work permit, and while it may be possible for the school to do so without the book, it is advisable to send the book back to avoid future complications with new work permit applications.
MJ ****
Your employer can cancel the work permit without the blue book. But you are going to get in trouble with the working visa stamp in your passport..
Chinems ************************
You need to send them the booklet(maybe by ems) , the school will cancel it... That will save you a lot of stress while applying next time..
Patrick ************
Normaly your workplace must cancel the workpermit not u
Paul ******
When i hadn't cancelled my work permit a few years ago, the next time i applied for a work permit, i had to pay a fine because it was on the system that my previous wp had not been cancelled. If i recall correctly, it was a 100 baht fine. Like most things here, much depends on the particular office and the particular person you deal with.
Kd *********
Once you leave thailand without a re entry permit, your non b visa and work permit get cancelled automatically. You might have issues while applying for a new work permit in the future though.
Andy **********
You probably got canceled if you didn't apply for a proper re-entry permit. Check your passport. If there's a bunch of writing across here last Visa then you're cancelled
Mark ********
Where is your work permit book? Can you send it to them? In my experience it is the school that cancels the work permit.
Akhona **********
@Mark *******
the world permit is with me and am still in quarantine. So I can only send it after.
Mark ********
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